The violent spiritual power of heaven and earth filled the air, and this place between heaven and earth has become a holy place for cultivation.

If Fatty Wang and the others were not in a coma, just the richness of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth would have attracted many warriors to come here.

At this time, in the entire Tianchi, a pretty girl appeared, her face flushed, and her body swelled like a balloon.

Huge and surging spiritual energy poured into the body, and it seemed that the body had reached the limit of endurance.

A thud echoed.

The girl with a pretty face exploded directly, blood and flesh flying everywhere, and falling onto the surface of the pool.

The surface of the water, which was originally as clean as a mirror, was instantly dyed red, and the smell of blood filled the air.

boom! boom! boom!

There were several more explosions, each sound representing the death of a certain young life.

Bai Chen's eyes narrowed and he looked in the direction of Fatty Wang and the others, feeling secretly relieved.

Qin Manyin and Fatty Wang originally had relatively low star strength, but they were surrounded by strange weapons for protection.

Floating in front of Qin Manyin was a Tang sword that exuded a faint light of colorful glaze.

A warhammer with ancient Taoist charms appeared next to Fatty Wang.

The two weapons were obviously unusual. With the two of them as the center, no one in the Jingzhou team was in danger for the time being.

However, some geniuses who are far away from the Jingzhou team cannot be avoided.

Tianchi seems to have life, and there is something terrifying under the lake bottom. The minced meat and blood were drained out in an instant, and finally gathered on the huge green lotus.

The moment Qinglian absorbed it, it seemed as if she had taken some great tonic. The trunk became thicker and the white petals turned slightly red.

Xiao Feng stood on the edge of the petals, overlooking the crowd, and laughed.

"No one of you can leave today, you all stay here."

After finishing his words, Xiao Feng spread his fingers and slapped heavily on the green lotus. Dense black runes spread on the white petals.

The green lotus seemed to be transformed into a demon, and a bloody eyeball suddenly opened at the stamen. The eyeballs were scurrying around, which was extremely weird.

Demonized Qinglian looked at the people below Tianchi, as if seeing a big tonic. Suddenly, countless thick vines stretched out from the branches.

Like a cage, Tianchi is surrounded.

Wang Shaonan's eyes were a little dull. They were like slaughtered lambs. The strange green lotus above their heads stared at a blood-colored eyeball, and the desire to kill could not be concealed in his eyes.

Everyone was horrified to see it.

At this moment, Su Wanxiu's face became paler, but a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. With a slender finger, she quickly turned the pages of the ancient book.

Swish swish swish.

Finally, the book stopped at a certain page, and the golden fairy power shot out 4 lasers. The lasers quickly passed through the sky and flew towards the 4 hidden directions.

In an instant, golden light shone, and an extremely huge golden formation slowly rose from the ground.

The four-phase seal formation.

Xiao Feng's eyes flashed with surprise, when did it happen.

It is clear that the entire Changbai Mountain is filled with black evil spirits, and the evil spirits are so hidden that they cannot be detected.

Even if the sheep head is aware of it, it is impossible to successfully arrange it under his own eyes if he wants to activate it silently.

Not to mention that he left an imperceptible evil spirit on Su Wanxiu.


Could it be that?

Looking at Bai Chen's discovery, Xiao Feng's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

It was exactly the formation that Bai Chen had deployed when he flew over Changbai Mountain.

But at what point, the two of them reached an agreement.

Bicang has been following Su Wanxiu, and there is absolutely no chance.

Suddenly, Xiao Feng seemed to understand something. A sneer on his lips.

"As expected of you, what a powerful illusion."

At this point, the entire Changbai Mountain appeared as a translucent golden cube in the sky.

In the center of the golden cube is Xiao Feng.

Xiao Feng's expression was indifferent, and the surrounding scene changed rapidly, including the strange green lotus, which entered Su Wanxiu's illusion formation.

Su Wanxiu flashed and entered the formation.

However, Bai Chen and others looked very sober.

Fatty Wang and others have also regained their consciousness, but now their heads are a little dizzy.

Fatty Wang was stunned, as if he had missed something important. He turned to look at Bai Chen and asked.

"Grandson, what happened?"

Bai Chen did not answer, but his eyes fell on Bicang.

The strange Qinglian and Xiao Feng have been pulled into the illusion by Su Wanxiu.

This was something they had discussed before.

But now Bai Chen can't help but still be a little suspicious of Bicang.

Is Rat Head an undercover agent?

Bicang stood with his hands behind his back, raised his head and looked in the direction of the golden formation, and said slowly.

"The power of the illusion arranged by Lord Sheephead is far beyond what you can imagine. If used well, it is not impossible to kill 12 Youye.

Besides, don’t I still have the bottom line here?

What are you young guys so worried about? "

Hearing this, Quan Shanshan and others felt relieved.

To be honest, with a time-traveling warrior here to take care of everything, there is really no need to worry about too big a problem.

A sneer flashed across the corner of Shushou's mouth and he quickly hid it, but this scene was discovered by Bai Chen.

Bai Chen seemed to have thought of something, raised his hands and asked.

"Lord Rat Head, a lot of students died in Tianchi just now. Could you please help me trace back.

There is strong spiritual power here now, and now is the best time to perform marrow cleansing in Tianchi. "

As soon as these words came out, Bi Cang's heart sank. What Bai Chen said was indeed reasonable.

After a while, most of the geniuses present had regained consciousness. They felt frightened and frightened, but when they thought of the rat-headed Bicang, they were here.

Death will no longer be afraid.

At this moment, the rat-headed Bicang's eyes flashed with a hint of haze, and he immediately smiled.

"Little friend Bai Chen, you are really thoughtful. It seems that I was negligent."

There was a smile on Bicang's lips, like a kind elder.

Suddenly, a rapid burst of fairy power shot out from Bicang's fingers.

The target is Bai Chen.

Bai Chen narrowed his eyes slightly and turned on it decisively. The power of the nine-tailed demon fox's bloodline exploded instantly.

Bai Chen's aura changed instantly, and a surge of violence and killing surged into his heart.

Black evil energy circulated crazily in the body, and two fox tails slowly rose.


Bai Chen's figure was suddenly blown far away, and he didn't stabilize until he hit the mountain wall on the far side.

Things happened so suddenly, everyone stared at it with wide eyes and disbelief.

Long Feibai just felt that his brain was a little insufficient.

What is going on now.

Bicang said coldly, "I have long been unhappy with you, a brat. Do you really think that we are good brothers after having a meal together?"

After Bicang glanced at everyone, he sneered.

"You still hope that I can resurrect you. Now that you are dead, no one will ask anything, you know?"

Bicang's words were like towering mountain peaks, completely pressing on everyone's heart.

Everyone looked solemn.

A sense of death crisis spread.

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