Bicang's words were like a bomb dropped into a calm lake, causing waves to rise.

Suddenly, time seemed to stop running.

This space fell into a gray world. Everyone's body froze in place, but their consciousness did not stop.

Everyone's faces were full of various expressions, including confusion, fear, anger...

However, all this has nothing to do with Bicang.

Bicang stretched out his left hand, and his body turned into nothingness. When he reappeared, he was already in front of a young man.

The young man is very powerful and has an innate 8-star existence.

Bicang grabbed the young man's head with one hand and exerted force with his fingers.

With a bang, a headless corpse fell limply.

The blood dyed the entire Tianchi red.

The next moment time returns to normal.

The surface of the pool suddenly stirred wildly, and the blood-stained Tianchi bottom seemed to have a strange beast that could eat people. It only took a moment.

The young man's headless body followed the agitation of the water and sank into the bottom of the pool.

Tianchi has returned to a smooth mirror surface again. If you don't see it with your own eyes, who can believe it.

Everyone had a clear view of the scene just now, and a sense of helpless despair surged into their hearts.

Ling Qianqian's spiritual power surged instantly, her meridians were fully activated, her hair was flying, and she was dressed in red and making a hunting sound.

The blood-colored spear exuded a strong killing intent.

As she became a half-step master, her innate spiritual power increased to 130 strands, and with the power of opening the meridians, it rose to 180 strands.

Among the younger generation, he can be said to be the real leader.

Although Long Feibai still couldn't figure out the situation, Bicang was rebelling against humanity and shouted violently.

"Canglong bloodline, open."

The violent innate spiritual power rolled inside his body, and the invisible innate spiritual power around him climbed to 200 strands.

Long Feibai's bright eyes were full of determination, and soon a series of blue scales covered his body, and something like a dragon's horn grew on his forehead.

The whole person's aura has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Now it looks more like a humanoid tyrannosaurus.

In the shadows somewhere, a dark shadow passed quickly, like a real shadow hidden in the darkness.

The changes in the shadow are difficult for ordinary warriors to detect.

It approached Bicang silently, and suddenly, a girl with long hair and firm eyes appeared behind him.

The fusion of two extreme energies is hidden in the darkness, waiting to kill the opponent with one blow.

Who else could this person be if he wasn't Wang Shaonan?

Now, her aura has undergone earth-shaking changes. Without glasses, she is less lazy and more determined.

The bloodline power belonging to their royal family, the golden lion bloodline was fully activated.

On the forehead, the word 'king' vaguely appeared, and a murderous aura belonging to the king of beasts filled the air instantly.

Wang Shaonan didn't dare to be careless because this time he was facing the rat-headed Bicang.

Just when Wang Shaonan was about to succeed, the whole world once again fell into a gray world.

The scope of the gray world is very large, covering the entire range of the mountain top.

Wang Shaonan's eyes were a little dull. She was very confident after opening up the power of her bloodline.

She had already planned to use the shadow technique again and escape immediately if she was defeated.

It's obviously such a good opportunity.

Bi Cang was attracted to Ling Qianqian and Long Feibai.

At this time, in the gray world, Bicang slowly turned back, showed a kind smile, and said.

"Xiao Nan, has your master never told you why Su Wanxiu became your master?

Did your master say that it is best not to activate the power of blood? The power of the Wang family's blood is not in line with your fighting talent. "

Wang Shaonan felt depressed after hearing this, and Su Wanxiu's teachings seemed to be in his ears, ringing again.

"Xiao Nan, the golden lion bloodline is not suitable for the assassin you are working on now. Once the power of the bloodline is activated, the breath cannot be hidden..."

When Bicang saw Wang Shaonan's eyes, the corner of his mouth curved and he spoke lightly.

"I told you before that if you come to our team, I will definitely be able to bring your assassin skills to the fullest.

Hey, who told you not to listen?

Therefore, there is no need to keep the disobedient children. "

After saying that, Bicang raised his hand and spread his fingers directly to cover Wang Shaonan's cheek.

You can clearly see the confusion and fear in Wang Shaonan's eyes through the gaps between his fingers.

Bicang said softly, "Just die, there won't be any pain."

When Wang Shaonan was in despair, a terrifying purple thunder flashed in the air.

Bicang's eyes narrowed, and an invisible force of time quickly outlined in front of him.

The purple thunder suddenly dissipated in the air, as if it had never appeared before.

A sneer appeared on Bicang's lips, "You are really surprising."

Above the sky, thunderclouds rolled, and another huge thunder crashed down, and the loud and powerful thunder resounded.

Without even looking, Bicang waved his hand, and the invisible power of time appeared around him.

The thunder filled with destructive energy disappeared instantly, the gathering dark clouds dispersed, and a cloudless blue sky appeared before everyone's eyes.

At this time, a dagger with the meaning of the red sun flew past silently and quickly.

The angle is tricky and the speed is extremely fast.

Bicang snorted coldly, "Annoying fly, your attack won't..."

In the next second, the red short blade directly broke through Bicang's time power and stabbed into his chest.

Bicang's eyes were dull and he quickly retreated.

At this time, this part of the world once again returned to its previous colors, and time stopped flowing again.

Bicang slowly stabilized his figure and narrowed his eyes.

"Is this the power of the fairy spirit?"

Feeling the pain coming from his chest, Bicang was about to use time to rewind when two figures had already arrived in front of Bicang.

A young man covered with dragon scales raised a bronze spear with dragon patterns. A sharp cold light flashed from the tip of the spear. 200 strands of innate spiritual power converged on the tip of the spear. This spear contained terrifying penetrating power.

Another beautiful figure is also holding a gun. 180 strands of spiritual power are transformed into dark red and blood-colored spears, and a cold and murderous aura sweeps over.

Like an icy winter.

"Dragon horns!"

"Xuantian Wuya Eight Demonic Spears!"

The people coming were none other than Ling Qianqian and Long Feibai. They attacked with two attacks, one from the left and one from the right. The attacks were fierce and the timing was well grasped.

A trace of disdain rose at the corner of Bicang's mouth, and his legs suddenly stomped towards the ground.

Suddenly, the ground cracked and gravel flew.

The terrifying fairy power rolled out like a wave.

The dragon-patterned bronze spear and the blood-colored spear were unable to advance even half an inch under the wave of fairy power.

The two were frozen in place.

The rapidly enlarging wave of spiritual power was reflected in their pupils.

A flash of despair flashed through my heart.

The opportunity is obviously so good. Although I don't know how Bai Chen broke the time barrier, it was already the best time just now.

If you miss this time, there will inevitably be a second time.

Is the gap really that big?

When Ling Qianqian and Long Feibai were about to die, the short flaming knife inserted into Zi Bicang's chest exploded.

The raging dagger contained the power of the fairy spirit from the Phaseless Sword Box. In an instant, the power of the fairy spirit penetrated Bi Cang's meridians.

The self-destruction of the grandmaster's weapon sent Bicang flying backwards.

On the other side, Bai Chen leaned against the mountain wall with difficulty, his handsome face was pale, and a sneer flashed at the corner of his mouth.

"This bitch's life is really cheap."

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