Bai Chen collapsed in a safe area.

If I hadn’t just heard Su Wanxiu’s message.

Maybe he will use his last trump card.

His strongest trump card.

Feng Qingxuan’s secret technique.

Fortunately, Su Wanxiu did not let herself down and caught up in time at the most critical moment.

Thinking of this, Bai Chen rushed towards the Jingzhou team without much waiting.

The current battle is no longer one that I can participate in.

Su Wanxiu seemed to have used a lot of spiritual power, and the aura on her body was very unstable.

When he was about to speak, he was interrupted by Sun Dasheng waving his hand.

“You go help those brats first.

A disobedient little mouse doesn't need to join forces. "

Su Wanxiu's beautiful eyes narrowed, but surprisingly she didn't speak.

Her figure flashed and she appeared beside Bai Chen, speaking softly.

"You did well this time."

Bai Chen smiled bitterly, "If you wait a little longer, you might be ready to collect my body."

Su Wanxiu clicked her tongue and said.

"Tsk, tsk, where's the courage to challenge Bicang alone just now?"

Bai Chen didn't speak, and tried his best to recover from his injuries.

At this time, Bai Chen felt a cold touch on his back.

Su Wanxiu's slender palm fell on Bai Chen.

A soft spiritual power nourished Bai Chen's injuries.

Bai Chen was stunned. He didn't show any pretense and took the time to repair the injury quickly.

Immediately, something seemed to occur to him. asked.

"Sun Dasheng, can you do it?"

Su Wanxiu gave Bai Chen a big eye roll.

"Monkey Head, Sun Dasheng, is the strongest person besides Dragon Head.

It is even said that in some aspects, Lian Long Capital cannot compare with him. "

Bai Chen suddenly realized, no wonder Su Wanxiu, who had always been willful, now became a good girl.

On the other side, Sun Dasheng's ears twitched slightly.

He actually shouted directly in the direction of Bai Chen.

"Am I afraid of him? Little dragon cub."

"That Sabilong never dares to confront me head-on. He only engages in some sneak attacks with spells, which is boring."

Bai Chen was surprised, could he hear our conversation from so far away?

Then he saw Su Wanxiu shaking her head, looking very helpless.

Bai Chen smiled lightly, this Sun Dasheng was really a temperamental person.

Extremely generous.

Bai Chen stood up and expressed gratitude to Su Wanxiu.

"Okay, it's time for me to leave."

In an instant, the two disappeared from this area.

Sun Dasheng looked at Bi Cang with interest. The latter's face was solemn, as if facing a formidable enemy.

"I didn't like you at the beginning, do you know why?"

Bicang looked tense, but still answered.


"Haha, no matter what he does, he always likes to calculate and has no masculinity at all.

How could you make our Wanxiu fall in love with you? "

Bicang didn't speak.

Sun Dasheng continued.

"Fortunately, you chose to stand on the opposite side of humanity. To be honest, I really want to thank you."

Bicang was confused: "What's wrong?"

Sun Dasheng grinned, showing his white teeth, and pointed the black stick directly at Bicang.

"In this way, I can justifiably beat you to death with a stick.

I have been waiting for this day for a long time. "

Bi Cang's expression darkened slightly and he remained silent. In a flash, he was already at Sun Dasheng's side.

The straight knife in his hand was filled with blazing fire, and he slashed directly towards Sun Dasheng.

Sun Dasheng narrowed his eyes slightly, raised his arm quickly, and the black stick stirred in the void, and soon came to Bicang's eyes.

Bicang didn't even see clearly when Sun Dasheng made his move.

Only a bang was heard.

The extremely solid black rod had already landed on Bicang's front door.

Bicang's body flew backwards rapidly and hit the mountain wall hard. The next second, the mountain wall collapsed instantly, covering Bicang with countless gravel and white snow.

Sun Dasheng clasped his ears and said in surprise.

"Little dragon cubs don't dare to fight me head-on. Are you, a little mouse, out of your mind?"

After speaking, Sun Dasheng tapped his toes, and there were no ripples on the mirror-like pool.

The next second, Sun Dasheng was already standing in the sky, standing above where Bicang was buried.

He held the black stick high in both hands, and the power of the immortal spirit poured into it crazily from his arms. The length and width of the black stick were growing larger and thicker at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon, the black stick was hundreds of meters high.

"You'd better lie down inside and be beaten to death by me.

Don't try to resist, this is your last act of decency. "

Sun Dasheng grinned.

"Hey hey hey, smash it for me!"


The black stick hundreds of meters long hit the abandoned area of ​​​​Bicang fiercely.

If Bicang survives this blow, he will definitely not be able to fight.

Bi Cang, who was buried in the rubble, suddenly rose into the sky.

At this time, his hair was messy, his face was pale, blood was spilling from the corners of his mouth, and his eyes were full of unwillingness.

He looked at the black stick that was about to fall, and felt a sense of despair in his heart.

Sun Dasheng's strength is indeed much greater than his own.

"If I hadn't been blocked by the power of blood, would you have won so easily?"

Sun Dasheng ignored Bi Cang's words and directly smashed Bi Cang into the mountain of Changbai Mountain with a stick.

It's like swatting a fly.

Sun Dasheng clicked his tongue and said.

"Tsk, tsk, it's not like I sealed the power of your bloodline, it has nothing to do with me.

They are all dying people, there is so much nonsense.

Damn it. "

On the other side, with the addition of Ling Qianqian and others, Quan Shanshan's pressure was greatly reduced.

If things don't turn around, all the Tianjiao students here will probably die.

A terrifying current roared down, rolling up waves that were dozens of feet high, sweeping away all the strange beasts around Quan Shanshan.

A young man who looked like a humanoid explosive dragon appeared beside Quan Shanshan.

"Haha, the Phoenix Team is nothing more than that. In just a short time, you have exhausted all your strength."

Quan Shanshan ignored Long Feibai, looked at the dim flames on her body, and said dissatisfiedly.

"The beautiful clothes are burned out again. With the power of my blood, can't the scientific research department develop a combat uniform suitable for me?"

Long Feibai didn't pay attention. He looked at the two half-step master beasts and spoke in a deep voice.

"One per person, we can solve it quickly."

Quan Shanshan nodded.

Su Mu's whole body was covered in blood, and Su Fang swung away the alien beast that wanted to get closer with a sword.

It was obvious that Su Mu had no strength to fight anymore. Her face was pale and she could not speak.

"Brother, I'll cover you. You should carry Wei Feng on your back and escape first. If this continues, we will all die."

Su Fang looked anxious and ignored it. With a puff, he quickly killed an innate-level alien beast in front of him.

He said a word without looking back.


Wei Feng opened his eyes with difficulty at this time, "Brother Su, you can run away. The two of us will open the way for you later."

Su Mu looked at Wei Feng on his back and said nothing.

Because at this time, Wei Feng's legs were already gone.

From his wound, blood kept flowing out.

With a pale face, he made some kind of decision in his heart.

Silently mobilize the few spiritual powers in your body.

"If it weren't for Bai Chen's holy water, I really wouldn't be able to survive until now.

Alas, he is weak after all. "

Then, he looked at Su Mo and then focused on Su Fang.

"Okay, I want to be a hero again."

"Su Fang, put me down..."

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from above his head.

"None of us in Balance 1 are cowards."

The three of them looked into the sky.

A beautiful silhouette slowly fell down. She was holding a bloody spear, and the innate power spread from her side, giving people an incomparable sense of security.

The blood-colored spear swept past, and a large number of strange beasts around were cleared instantly.

Ling Qianqian left a resolute figure for the three of them.

A voice floated down.

"You are not allowed to die."

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