Wang Shaonan's body turned into a black light and appeared beside Duan Fei.

The talented champion from Hunan Province was bleeding all over his body. He lowered his eyes and felt a joy in his heart when he saw Wang Shaonan's arrival.

A violent aura filled with wild beasts suddenly fell.

She looked around and found that most of the team she led was dead.

This also includes Meng Wenbo.

"Sister, Wenbo died at the feet of that strange beast.

It's me who's useless, I don't even have the courage to take revenge. "

Duan Fei said frustrated.

Wang Shaonan's heart sank, and he had no time to feel sad. He held the ice sword and the flaming dagger tightly with both hands, tapped the ground with his feet, and appeared in front of a centipede beast.

"Half-step master?"

"You, the most cunning person, actually have such a passionate and fighting side. "

"You really didn't disappoint me... Lao Meng."

Wang Shaonan murmured softly, as if talking to a good friend.

The centipede beast felt the huge killing intent and let out a shrill roar. It was very afraid of this sudden appearance of a human being.

With the addition of Ling Qianqian, Long Feibai, and Wang Shaonan, the scene has at least stabilized. From the original hard support, it is now evenly matched.

The pressure on Tianjiao students suddenly decreased. Seeing the return of Long Fei, Bai Ling Qianqian and others, did the battle on the other side mean that they had succeeded?

Thinking of this, everyone seemed to see the hope of life.


If you can live, who wants to die?

Quan Shanshan's beautiful eyes kept flashing. The young man covered with dragon scales was extremely powerful. The dragon's mighty bronze spear directly penetrated a half-step master's strange beast.

Long Feibai's eyes were cold, and he didn't seem to be tired after activating the power of his bloodline.

Like a real humanoid tyrannosaurus.

The so-called next heir to the Dragon Head is rare among the younger generation in terms of strength and character.

In the future, Immortal will definitely be one of the top masters in China.

The corners of Quan Shanshan's mouth raised slightly, revealing a hint of cunning.

Immediately, a flickering flame came out of his mouth.

The flames quickly disappeared and fell on Long Feibai silently, without the latter noticing at all.

No one on the battlefield noticed her actions.

Long Feibai fired a shot, and a strange beast covered in fleshy balls exploded in front of him.

Black, sticky blood splashed on Long Feibai's dragon scales.

The dragon scales are very magical, shining with a faint light and quickly evaporating the black blood.

At this point, Long Feibai's aura became even stronger.

The more he kills, the more courageous he becomes, like a tireless God of War.

He roared loudly, like a dragon roaring.

"Hang in there, we can win."

Long Feibai's voice spread from the battlefield, as if everyone was full of power.

Victory is right in front of you, you just have to persevere.

Quan Shanshan was hiding in a hidden corner, looking at Long Feibai with a smile.

His lips were full of sarcasm.

Suddenly, the situation suddenly changed, and a biting chill swept across the entire place.

The hearts of all the Tianjiao students suddenly trembled, and a touch of fear arose in their hearts.

Long Feibai froze on the spot, his eyes filled with confusion.

A strong sense of crisis surged into my heart.

Long Feibai had only seen such a sense of crisis from his master.

And his master is Long Shou.

"One day in the future, you will be lucky enough to see such murderous intent. Don't think too much and mobilize all your defenses. Don't even think about running away.

That's death locking you in. "

Dragon Head's teachings suddenly came to mind.

Long Feibai immediately mobilized all his spiritual power. At this moment, the power of Canglong's blood surged in his body.

The lifelike dragon scales exude bright light.

The spiritual energy surrounding him seemed to be frozen.

Long Feibai's five senses were fully activated, but the surroundings were extremely quiet.

The battlefield was obviously full of blood, but in Long Feibai's five senses, it was terrifyingly quiet.

Suddenly, from the sky, there was an extremely sharp sword intent of a hundred feet.

That was not a sword light driven by spiritual power.

But the intention of the sword.

The sword intention disappeared without a trace, and wherever it passed, there was deathly silence.

Long Feibai's heart tightened, his eyelids twitched wildly, the dragon blood on his body even trembled uneasily, and the feeling of weakness and helplessness surged into his heart.

"Oops, what is this, is it coming?"

Long Feibai couldn't feel the location of the sword's intention and directly guarded his mind.

In an instant, blood flowed from Long Feibai's ears, then his eyes, nose, and mouth.

The dragon scales on his body were torn off piece by piece.

The violent sword intention fell from the sky, sharp and invincible.

I don’t know when, a vicissitudes of life figure appeared in the center of the battlefield.

No one can see his appearance clearly.

He merges with the void.

Ling Qianqian, Wang Shaonan, and all Tianjiao students suddenly felt a huge aura.

A feeling like a towering and heavy mountain suddenly pressed on everyone's heart.

At this time, Long Feibai was closest to the man's position.

His eyes suddenly shrank, and a figure in tattered clothes slowly walked from the void.

He had a sparse beard and three-dimensional facial features, and his cold eyes stared at Long Feibai.

He looked like a passer-by in the vicissitudes of the world, standing on the void and ignoring everyone below.

There was no mercy in his eyes.

Long Feibai's eyes widened and he spoke in disbelief.

"It's him?"

"How could it be him?"

However, the next second, all the dragon scales on his body were torn apart, and blood burst out from Long Feibai's body.

Like a small fountain.

Out of nowhere, there were terrible knife marks on his body.

At this moment, Long Feibai seemed not to feel the pain in his body, his bright eyes staring at the man above the void.

He opened his mouth, wanting to speak.

His throat seemed to be blocked, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

Fall slowly.

The middle-aged man above the void slowly spoke.

"Son of an old friend, I will spare your life, and with one blow, life or death will be decided by your fate.

If you die, you can't blame others. "

The middle-aged man's hand slowly clasped the long knife at his waist.

At this moment, the strong wind swept by, and the spiritual power between heaven and earth was mobilized for him.


A loud sound of swords resounded through the sky and echoed in everyone's heart.

The boys, girls, and beasts who were fighting bloody battles on the ground all stopped.

Their eyes looked at the middle-aged man in the sky.

Ling Qianqian's hands kept shaking, and she couldn't hold the blood-colored spear tightly.

"who is he?"

Wang Shaonan's face was full of despair. If he faced the rat-headed Bicang, he could still give it a try.

But this inexplicable man in front of him made him have no desire to fight.

The middle-aged man spoke softly.

"Death is like the wind, always accompanying me in my life."

"Wail, this world."

The knife's intention tore through the sky, leaving a big hole.

The hundred-foot-long sword intent of this sword was even more terrifying.

It seemed that with just one knife, a hole could be made in the world.

Long Feibai fell to the ground, his eyes filled with blood, and he no longer had the desire to fight in his heart.

This is not a one-dimensional strength at all.

Everyone felt a terrible sense of tearing all over their bodies.

Long Feibai smiled bitterly, thinking of Bai Chen.

"If Mr. Bai were here, he would probably be about the same size as me. He would also fall to the ground."

I don't know why, but thinking of this, Long Feibai was no longer afraid.

Isn't it just death in the end?

With this hundred-foot-long sword, everyone on the battlefield would probably have no way to survive.

Many people closed their eyes, waiting for a desperate death.

Long Feibai stared at it without closing his eyes.

Even in his world, it was already red.

However, he wanted to see clearly.

The edge of this knife.

However, the cold feeling of death never came.

In his red eyes, two figures slowly appeared.

There was one of them that he didn't recognize.

The young man wearing a strange fox mask, holding a simple long sword, faced the huge and fierce sword intent.

Still standing steadily in front of him.

Never take a step back.

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