Hoo ho ho.

Bai Chen gasped for air, and the spiritual energy in his body was drained out in an instant.

Feng Qingxuan's silver bell-like sound floated in his mind.

"The power was too much. The kind of attack just now will only happen again."

Bai Chen held Qin Manyin in his arms, his face pale and his figure slowly descended.

After landing firmly, Bai Chen almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, but fortunately he swallowed it.

He couldn't let these strange beasts see his exhausted state.

Seeing such a terrifying blow, the alien beast immediately became alert and crawled around Bai Chen, letting out low roars.

Bai Chen didn't even look at these strange beasts.

Their strength is at most half a master.

After activating the power of his bloodline and adding the Thousand-faced Fox Fairy Mask, he finally used Feng Qingxuan's secret technique to increase his strength to an incredible level.

Haha, he looked so handsome just now, but now he looks so embarrassed.

Qin Manyin noticed something was wrong with Bai Chen, a trace of worry flashed in his beautiful eyes, and said firmly.

"Put me down."

Hearing this, Bai Chen let go of his hand and looked at her without speaking.

The latter stood silently beside Bai Chen, holding the colorful broken blade tightly in her hand, but there was no trace of fear in her eyes.

Most of the strange beasts were densely moving towards Bai Chen, and they had already cut off the path of Bai Chen and the two of them.

A cold light flashed in Bai Chen's eyes.

At this moment, a frightening evil aura came from the corpse that had turned into charcoal.

Xiao Feng, who was already dying, began to tremble.

Dense cracks spread across the charred body.

Eventually, the coke turns into fine sand and gravel and floats away in the wind.

A figure of normal human height slowly walked out.

The nine-nether light of Bai Chen's eyes reappeared, and the moment he saw Xiao Feng, he was shocked and lost his mind.

"What the hell is this."

The humanoid creature, Xiao Feng's eyes slowly closed, and he lost consciousness.

And located on Xiao Feng's abdomen, there was a strange woman's face.

The eyes, nose, mouth, and ears can all be clearly seen. This is a human face.

At this time, Xiao Feng's abdomen seemed to open a huge mouth, and one long scarlet tongue was stretched out one after another, swallowing one strange beast after another into his belly.

These strange beasts seemed to have no fear, they just lined up and let Xiao Feng eat him one by one.

The scene was extremely strange.

Even Bai Chen, the cheating person, felt his scalp numb when he saw this scene.

Qin Manyin's pretty face turned pale just by seeing this scene.

Not dead yet?

How could he not die?

At this moment, three figures rose into the sky and finally landed steadily around Bai Chen.

The visitors were none other than Ling Qianqian, Wang Shaonan, and Quan Shanshan.

As soon as Ling Qianqian landed on the ground, she saw Bai Chen's current injury and said worriedly.

"Brother Bai Chen, are you okay?"

"Xiao Nizi, why are you here?" Then he glanced around and looked at everyone, feeling warm in his heart.

"What about the rest?"

Wang Shaonan said.

"Everyone has gone down the mountain. There are only a few of us on the top of Changbai Mountain."

"Oh, by the way, Fatty Wang refused to leave, so I knocked him out and took him away.

You can't use this incident to challenge me again at the Wang family afterwards. "

Bai Chen's mouth twitched. How long has it been since you could still think of this? I was convinced.

Now is obviously not the time to discuss this matter.

Seeing that everyone was obviously injured, they clearly had a chance to escape, but they turned around and came back. Bai Chen took all of this into consideration.

They all saw Xiao Feng's strange scene, and for a moment, they didn't know what to do.

All eyes fell on Bai Chen.

Vaguely, Bai Chen has become their leader.

Bai Chen's eyes flashed with suspicion, and finally he looked at Quan Shanshan and said.

"What do you think we should do now?"

Quan Shanshan was surprised, blinked her bright eyes, and smiled slightly.

"It all depends on Brother Bai's arrangement."

Bai Chen didn't say anything. Quan Shanshan could support him at this time, which he never expected.

Regardless of the previous group battle with Xiao Feng.

Whether it was against Bicang, she had perfect reasons to avoid the battle.

Not even the nine-tailed demon fox bloodline noticed her problem.

Did you really think too much?

Bai Chen shook his head and stopped thinking about it, just keeping an eye on Quan Shanshan.

Beautiful women cannot believe this. This is a rule summarized from reading novels for many years.

Bai Chen finally set his sights on Qin Manyin.

Currently, her strength is at its lowest. Even the colorful glazed sword with the power of the vessel broke, and her strength was greatly reduced.

Qin Manyin said firmly.

"I can keep up."

“If I die, don’t stop.

I am not a burden. "

Ling Qianqian's beautiful eyes seemed to be thinking about something, but she didn't speak.

Obviously, the purpose of staying is to carry out beheading operations.

Xiao Feng's current state can be said to be at its worst, and his breath is obviously very unstable.

If he could kill Xiao Feng, he would also be taking revenge on those dead classmates.

Some people live not just to escape.

Bai Chen nodded and said.

"Follow me."

"Everyone, target Xiao Feng, Quan Shanshan is the least injured, you open the way in front.

Ling Qianqian and Wang Shaonan were on both sides of Quan Shanshan, and they kept an eye on Qin Manyin.

Qin Manyin was in the middle, and I cut off the rear. "

No one has any objection to Bai Chen's formation. So far, this is the best method.

Quan Shanshan's injury itself was the least serious, so it was most appropriate for her to open the way.

The bloodline of the Flame Queen is even better at group battles.

As for the most dangerous person, he is naturally himself.

Feng Qingxuan's secret blessing must be used on the blade.

The final blow also faced strange changes.

After saying that, the five people turned into an arrow and rushed directly towards Xiao Feng.

The moment the five-man team was activated, the group of alien beasts let out a shocking roar, and they rushed towards the five people like crazy as if they had taken medicine.

For a moment, the dark beasts surged in like a tidal wave.

Quan Shanshan's firepower was fully activated, and streaks of red flames swept across her body, making the top of the arrow tinged with ruthless fire.

A long-nosed alien beast was about to step forward, but was directly burned by Quan Shanshan's flames.

Alien beasts came one after another in a steady stream, attacking overwhelmingly.

Quan Shanshan transformed into the Queen of Fire and burned any beast that came close to him.

However, as the arrows of the five-person team continued to penetrate deeper, Quan Shanshan's flames could not deal with all the strange beasts.

Ling Qianqian on the left was the first to take action. A wisp of cold light arrived first, and then the spear came out like a dragon. On top of the blood-colored spear, a cold and murderous aura swept across the audience.

An inch long, an inch strong.

Long guns are more suitable for fighting on the battlefield.

The gun swept a large area, and soon the gap was out.

Although the gap was short, it was enough to give Ling Qianqian a chance to breathe.

Wang Shaonan on the right is not having it so easy. Her strength is more suitable for fighting alone, but there is no better way at the moment.

Fortunately, Qin Manyin was able to give her enough support.

What Bai Chen didn't expect was that the strength of Qin Manyin's colorful glazed sword was not reduced after it was broken.

The aura on her body is rising steadily, like a hidden knife, making people unpredictable.

There are the most strange beasts around Bai Chen.

Going deep into the tide of alien beasts, as a person at the rear, the alien beasts we face are no less than those at the front.

The Nine Heavens Mysterious Thunder was at full fire, and with the blessing of the Nine Tails and the Fox Fairy Mask, the pressure around him was minimal.

From time to time, I can spare my time and help others.

Everyone's eyes lit up, it seemed like it could be done.

At this moment, Xiao Feng, who had devoured countless strange beasts, slowly opened his eyes.

The eyes referred to here refer to Xiao Feng on the head of the main body.

When Xiao Feng's eyes became clear, a twisted and hoarse voice came.

"You can eat anything. You can eat the Qinglian. If it weren't for me this time, I'd like to see how you die."

Xiao Feng did not speak directly, but looked coldly in a certain direction.

"Hey, Fox Fairy, I'll be waiting here for you to come."

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