The overwhelming alien beasts were like waves, sweeping in and covering the entire world.

As the five-man team continued to deepen, more powerful alien beasts emerged. Judging from the auras emanating from them, they were at least innate 8 stars.

A strange beast like a mantis seized the moment when Wang Shaonan was stiff, and suddenly waved his arms, tearing the air with a sharp blade, and stabbed Wang Shaonan in the throat.


Wang Shaonan secretly thought something was wrong.

Bai Chen's eyes narrowed, and a bolt of Nine Heavens Mysterious Thunder was blasted out.

The dull sound of thunder sounded in the sky above everyone.


The mantis beast, which was comparable to a 9-star innate mantis, suddenly turned into a charred corpse.

Wang Shaonan didn't have time to turn around and thank him.

Five innate 8-star alien beasts immediately rushed towards her.

Wang Shaonan lowered his arms, using two extreme energies, a blend of ice and fire, to kill the incoming alien beasts.


Black blood was flying in the air.

On the other side, Ling Qianqian's condition wasn't very good either.

The blood-colored spear in his hand seemed particularly heavy. If he hadn't taken the holy water, he would have been exhausted of his spiritual energy.

The terrifying and cold chilling air stirred up streams of innate spiritual power, and a wisp of red light drew a beautiful arc in the sky.

Poof! Poof!

[Two strange beasts similar in shape to owls, their heads separated instantly.

Before she could catch her breath, several more 9-star alien beasts attacked her.

"It's endless."

Ling Qianqian also became angry, her eyes reflected countless strange beasts, and she showed no intention of retreating.

Bai Chen spoke quickly.

"Don't be obsessed with fighting, Qianqian."

When Ling Qianqian heard Bai Chen's words, she instantly turned into a cute little white rabbit and nodded repeatedly.

Quan Shanshan transformed into the Flame Queen in front, but she was not harmed.

She was surrounded by extremely high-temperature flames, and any beast that came close to her was directly burned to ashes by the high temperature.

Bai Chen was not to be outdone, and the Qingling Sword continued to harvest the lives of the alien beasts.

The Nine Heavens Xuan Lei gathers above the head. If someone needs support, the Xuan Lei containing destruction will fall.

The five people in the team were not very fast, but they were moving steadily in the direction of Xiao Feng.

At this time, Xiao Feng squinted his eyes, looked in Bai Chen's direction, and murmured.

"No matter who you are, you can't escape my grasp. Fox Fairy, I'm just standing here, waiting for you to come and kill me."

There was no end to the time, and everyone was fighting in a bloody battle. Suddenly, a fat and swollen humanoid beast rushed towards Wang Shaonan.

It is more than 3 meters tall, and its whole body is covered with sharp spikes. It just looks creepy.

A powerful breath hit his face.

The aura exuding from his body is comparable to that of a half-step master.

This strange beast observed from behind for a long time, and finally targeted Wang Shaonan, who was easiest to break through.

This strange beast was chubby and seemed not very agile, but it was very fast and rushed towards Wang Shaonan in an instant.

When Wang Shaonan saw this, his heart trembled, but he was unwilling to dodge.

If the team formation is broken up and five people are left alone, death is the only thing waiting for them.

Suddenly, a bright and colorful light flashed away.

Qin Manyin saw the right moment and took out the sword decisively.

Although the colorful glazed knife was only a broken blade, it was so sharp that it directly cut open the chest of the alien beast.

Black blood splattered.

The fat man's figure suddenly froze.

It was this knife that brought Wang Shaonan back from the edge of death.

She didn't have time to think, so she took action with all her strength.

The coercion of the golden lion's blood roared out and turned into a black light. It rushed towards the enemy at extremely fast speed.

Above Bai Chen's head, the Nine Heavens Mysterious Thunder had just gathered and formed and shot at Fatty's strange beast.

Wang Shaonan seized the opportunity, and two extreme energy flashed in the air with cold murderous intent.

In the end, the strange beast that was comparable to a half-step master collapsed.

Bai Chen regretted in his heart that the half-step master's strange beast must have a crystal core, but he didn't have time to pick it up right now.

Crisis like this keeps happening, and the tacit understanding of the five-person team is also rising.

From being young at the beginning, he has become more mature and stable when faced with all kinds of sudden and strange beasts.

The five people didn't know how long they had been killing in the tide of alien beasts, facing possible death at any time.

Everyone was extremely vigilant.

Fortunately, everyone is China's top genius. With the blessing of the power of blood, as long as they don't meet a top powerhouse like Bicang.

Resilience can also be barely maintained.

Apart from Bai Chen, the nine-tailed demon fox's bloodline recovery ability is amazing.

Even if Bai Chen faced the most alien beasts, his injuries were much better.

Bai Chen narrowed his eyes slightly and silently calculated the distance.

"Need a little more."

Suddenly, a strong uneasiness came from the Nine-Tails bloodline.

Bai Chen no longer held back, 499 strands of innate spiritual power instantly opened up, and his body turned into a gust of wind, quickly coming to Quan Shanshan's side.

Quan Shanshan was surprised. Just when she was about to speak, a strong gust of wind rose under her feet.

Her position was directly exchanged with Bai Chen's.

Bai Chen came to the front of the team.

Everyone looked heavy.

Although he didn't know what happened, Bai Chen certainly had his reasons for doing this.

The alien beast, which was surging like a wave, strangely stopped attacking at this moment.

It's like receiving some kind of order.

The next moment, a black shadow shot out of the sky so fast that no one could react, except Bai Chen.

The black shadow raised his left hand, and his spiritual power and evil energy gathered on his fist. A terrifying punch directly hit Bai Chen.

The lightning of the Qingling Sword suddenly appeared, flickering in the void, and a sword beam of tens of feet roared out, slashing hard at the black figure.

The black shadow actually ignored the Nine Heavens Xuan Lei and allowed the thunder sword light to hit him. His fist penetrated the thunder light and blasted towards Bai Chen.

Bai Chen's eyes narrowed, and he had no time to dodge. The three tails on his back gathered and intertwined on his chest, barely forming a defense.

There was a hint of sarcasm in the shadow's mouth.



Bai Chen's body and mind were like cannonballs, soaring into the sky and directly leaving the team.

The eyes of the besieging alien beasts flashed with bloodthirsty excitement.

That black shadow is not Xiao Feng, or someone else.

Xiao Feng showed excitement and joy.

Two hoarse voices sounded at the same time.

“We don’t want to wait any longer.

I want to eat you right now. "

The two voices, one male and one female, spoke at a surprisingly consistent pace, which made Ling Qianqian and others' scalps tingle.

Xiao Feng's cold eyes glanced at Ling Qianqian and others, and finally his eyes fell on Quan Shanshan.

After a moment of silence, he rushed towards Bai Chen without saying anything.

The strange beast that had calmed down suddenly turned into a sea of ​​joy as Xiao Feng disappeared.

They were excited, happy, and their eyes were scarlet, as if they were welcoming their new king.

Immediately, their eyes looked greedily at Ling Qianqian and others.

The next moment, alien beasts swarmed up, and the darkness directly covered the team that had lost Bai Chen.

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