Sign In The Bloodline Of The Nine-Tailed Demon Fox At The Beginning

Chapter 172 The Fairy Sword Flies And Shows Its Power

The cold wind howled, cold lights shone in the sky, and thousands of flying swords flew in the sky like eagles.

The sword is covered with a thin layer of frost, and the sword is so cold that it seems to freeze all life.

It makes people feel a chill in their hearts, as if winter has arrived.

The face of the woman in the abdomen was full of fear, her lips were trembling, and her breathing began to become rapid.

Bai Chen's face was as pale as paper, as if his body had been hollowed out at once, he staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Just activating these fairy swords has used up all the strength and concentration in the body.

The sound of Feng Qingxuan's weak breathing emerged in his mind.

"My princess, I've almost drained you all this time. How are you going to repay me?"

Bai Chen didn't answer, closed his eyes, and controlled the ten thousand swords in the sky with his mind.

Obviously these fairy swords are only the weakest layer in the world of the Phaseless Sword Box, but they are enough to reverse the current situation.

If I could mobilize the top nine fairy swords, how powerful would I be?

Bai Chen suppressed the excitement in his heart, licked his lips, and looked at Xiao Feng's body with a trace of pity.

Lips parted slightly.



Great changes.

Thousands of flying swords dance together, like a gorgeous picture, showing a unique beauty. The sword light flashed like stars, illuminating the entire sky brightly and energetically.

A strong and chilling atmosphere filled the air, making it difficult to breathe.

Thousands of flying swords, extremely powerful and sharp, capable of splitting anything in front of it in half.

Xiao Feng stood there, and he didn't know when he had put back the head lying on the ground.

In the sky, thousands of fairy swords poured down like a scroll on the Tianhe River.

The faces of Xiao Feng and the woman in the abdomen calmed down at this moment.

Their eyes reflected this devastating scene.

"It seems that Lord God has already seen that the fox fairy is different. Is it any wonder?" Xiao Feng's dry palm gently touched the girl's cheek.

Just like how he gently caressed the girl's body.

"I'm sorry, but if it wasn't for me, we wouldn't be in this situation."

Last time, it was you who protected me. This time, it’s my turn. "

"Tch, stop pretending to be cool." The girl with a belly smiled and said softly. "It's just a pity that I didn't go to see the sea with you."

The last words were spoken in a low voice.

It had long been covered up by the sound of sword whistling.

The fairy swords all over the sky seemed to have spirituality, forming a "cone" shape, heading towards Xiao Fengpeng in a mighty manner.

Wherever it passed, everything was destroyed, leaving only destructive death and decay.

Xiao Feng suddenly stepped towards the ground with his legs, causing gravel to fly, and his figure rushed towards Bai Chen like a human bomb.

He clenched his fists suddenly and blasted into the void, violent black evil energy surged crazily around him.

Terrifying ripples shook out around the void, and space cracks streaked towards the Ten Thousand Immortal Swords.

The aura of destruction of heaven and earth surged like a tidal wave.

"Fox Fairy, I haven't lost yet.

We don't need your pity. "

"1000% muscle, turned on."

His arms, chest, abdominal muscles, and legs all became extremely large and powerful.

The muscles bulge like steel, and each muscle has obvious muscle lines and veins, as if it is about to explode.

Xiao Feng's blood pulsed in his body, like raging ocean waves, full of infinite power. His momentum was astonishing, as if he could shake the whole world.

He is like a mountain, mighty and unshakable, and no one can stop him from marching towards victory.

"Fox Fairy!

Why do you think you will win!

I am Xiao Feng.

Not convinced! "

Xiao Feng's eyes were scarlet and he roared hysterically, revealing his unwillingness.

It seems like the last struggle before death.

Thousands of flying swords flew past rapidly, emitting a sharp and crisp sonic boom, like the roar of a tiger, deafening and heart-stopping.

The moment when Xiao Feng's terrifying blow that could shake mountains and rivers collided with ten thousand swords.

The former was like an ark in the sea, annihilated in an instant without making any waves.

The body, which was like a thick mountain peak, was suddenly penetrated directly by ten thousand swords.

Pieces of flesh and blood were cut into several pieces.

Bones are ablated.

A black Nascent Soul, covered in blood, emerged from the broken body.

What awaits it is the washing of ten thousand swords.

Nascent Soul's sight was obscured, and his body was annihilated by the wave of swords.

The light of the sword is like a rainbow, destroying the sky and the earth.

Bai Chen waved his big hand, and the ten thousand swords flew back to his head, hovering.

Bai Chen walked slowly to Xiao Feng, lowered his head and looked at it, picked up the crystal core on the ground and put it into the space ring.

This is a skill point, so you must keep it well.

That ordinary-looking boy always likes boys in suits and leather shoes.

The beggar, one of the top 12 You Ye, is dead.

The dead could no longer die, leaving pieces of flesh and dark blood on the ground.

He didn't even say his last words.

Everything in heaven and earth was dead silent.

Bai Chen didn't even look back and went straight towards Ling Qianqian and others.

At this moment, with a whoosh, the Qingling Sword crossed the sky and floated in front of Bai Chen.

A black bracelet hangs from the sword.

Bai Chen's eyes lit up.

It is Xiao Feng's space storage props.

When I looked at it, I saw that there were hundreds of high-grade spiritual stones inside.

The long-lost system sound sounded in my mind again.

“High-grade spiritual stone detected.

Whether to absorb. "

A vague spiritual power floated out, shielding Feng Qingxuan, and then slowly spoke.


Bai Chen did not hesitate and absorbed it silently.

The phaseless sword box appeared above the head, even now with the blessing of Feng Qingxuan's secret technique.

However, controlling the Phaseless Sword Box to operate the Ten Thousand-Handed Sword Immortal consumes a lot of spiritual power.

If it weren't for the powerful restorative power of the nine-tailed demon fox bloodline itself.

He has long been squeezed out.

One hundred high-grade spiritual stones can be said to be a timely help for the current situation.

He who maintains thousands of immortal swords, after killing Xiao Feng, relied entirely on his own will to move forward.

Suddenly, Bai Chen paused, his eyes glowed with faint purple light, he raised his head to look in a certain direction in the sky, and then waved his hand.

The ten thousand swords instantly turned into two torrents, galloping in two directions.

In the pink space.

The girl and the swordsman had nothing to do when faced with Sun Dasheng's body that was a hundred meters high.

Fortunately, in this world of girl's paintings.

It would be difficult for Sun Dasheng to win them over.

At this moment, the three people's eyes were fixed.

It can be clearly felt that a certain huge aura disappears in this world.

The girl's face was shocked and full of disbelief.

A strong hatred surged into the girl's heart.

She lowered her eyes and spoke foolishly.

"Brother Xiao Feng's aura is gone."

The swordsman seemed to feel it too, and still comforted him.

"Maybe he just left temporarily, or he was trapped in some kind of space like us."

The girl's eyes lit up, and she felt that what the swordsman said made sense, that was brother Xiao Feng.

Brother Xiao Feng always protects himself behind him.

That gentle and considerate brother Xiao Feng.


There was a burst of pitiful ridicule from Sun Dasheng.

His eyes flashed with golden light, as if he could see through the falseness of everything in the world, and said sarcastically.

"The Xiao Feng you said is dead. Hahaha!"

The girl said angrily.

"You're talking nonsense!"

Sun Dasheng grinned, "Just because you can't see the outside world doesn't mean I can't do it. If I say I'm going to die, I'm going to die."

"Don't worry, I'll reunite you soon.

Bring your poker and let 3 people play Landlord. "

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