The mountain wind is howling and the snow is flying.

The muddy ground was mixed with sticky black blood, and corpses of strange beasts were lying everywhere.

The smell of corruption is everywhere in the air.

In the absence of Bai Chen, Ling Qianqian and others are already at the most dangerous edge.

Quan Shanshan gasped for air, her face turned pale, and the flames lingering around her body became dimmer.

She lowered her beautiful eyes, and there was no emotion in her long, narrow and charming eyes.

A red flame streaked across the void, and in the blink of an eye, a wall of fire rose from the ground, and the alien beast leaning in front was engulfed in raging fire.

Quan Shanshan's pretty face turned even paler, and she could no longer hold on any longer.

A strange bee-like beast flapped its wings and its plump body quickly shuttled through the air, like a black lightning.

The head is equipped with a pair of powerful pliers, and the shiny thin needles at the tail are embedded in the black spiny hair, giving people a very dangerous feeling.

It flies extremely fast, making it difficult to track its movements, as if a strange beast has traveled through space.

In an instant, Quan Shanshan was already flying to the top of her head when she was exhausted.

This is a half-step master's strange beast. It ignored Quan Shanshan's flames and passed through the wall of fire, revealing the sharp needle on its tail and falling hard.

The speed is so fast that it is difficult for people to notice.


Quan Shanshan's face changed with shock. She wanted to defend herself, but it was definitely too late.

Between the lightning and stone fire, a broken blade exuding the luster of colorful glass roared out, flashing with dazzling light, and cut through the void with a knife.


The half-step master beast was actually separated by its head, and black blood flowed down.

Ling Qianqian looked over from the corner of her eye, and the bloody spear swept out.

The Xuantian Wuya Eight Demonic Spears were used again.

The blood-colored spear's power was activated to its limit.

The cold and murderous aura envelops the powerful innate spiritual power, and the killing intent is overwhelming, making it difficult for the alien beasts to move forward.

Ling Qianqian stretched out a sapphire hand, fiercely pulled Quan Shanshan behind her, and shouted.

"Wang Shaonan, it's your time."

Ling Qianqian didn't need to say anything, Wang Shaonan's figure turned into a black shadow and shot out.

Taking over Quan Shanshan's position just now.

Qin Manyin's eyes flashed with colorful light, and he felt that there was inexhaustible power in his body, and he roared.

"Quan Shanshan seizes the time to recover."

With Bai Chen leaving the team, the four-man team was like a small boat in the storm in the tide of alien beasts. If you are not careful, the boat may capsize at any time.

The four of them also knew that without Bai Chen, they would never be able to break through the tide of alien beasts.

We can only fight and retreat.

During this period, Ling Qianqian, Qin Manyin and others had not thought about heading towards the direction where Bai Chen flew.

However, these alien beasts seemed to have been injected with chicken blood. Surrounded by the alien beasts, everyone gradually lost their sense of direction.

Fortunately, the four of them were lucky enough to find a small cave in the mountain wall.

So, the scene just happened.

One of the four people can seize the time to restore his spiritual power while the other three people help resist the strange beasts.

The hole isn't big, but it's not too small either, just enough for three people to completely block it.

If it weren't for this cave, the four of them would have been chewed to pieces by strange beasts.

Qin Manyin's strength was only 2 stars innate, but for some reason, the break of the colorful glazed sword stimulated her potential even more.

Her deep beautiful eyes were shining with mysterious and dazzling colorful glass light, giving people a cold and mysterious feeling.

The bodies of the four women were all covered in thick, pungent black blood after fighting for a long time.

At this point in the battle, they are worthy of the title of China's pride.

The innate spiritual power in Wang Shaonan's body became more and more intense, and there were even vague signs of breaking through to the realm of a master.

After this battle, Wang Shaonan will definitely become a master.

But this is the premise of everything.

Gotta survive.

Pfft, Wang Shaonan continued to kill a strange beast, but Ling Qianqian next to him changed.

The 3 minutes came quickly.

Quan Shanshan rotated out of Ling Qianqian's position again.

A burst of flame shot out of thin air, cutting off the alien beasts rushing in from the front row.

But soon, the alien beasts behind crushed the body of the 'partner' again and rushed forward.

"Hold on. After Ye Wu and others come down from the mountain, they will definitely inform the higher-ups about what is happening now."

Ling Qianqian's words rang in everyone's ears.

As the eldest daughter of the Ling family, the Ling family is one of the four families with the most outstanding military strength, and they understand the hearts of the people on the battlefield very well.

Facing the majestic sea of ​​beasts, faith is often what fights to the end.

This is also the only expectation of the four girls.

Ling Qianqian, who was recovering her spiritual power, moved her ears slightly, and immediately her expression changed drastically.

She turned to look in the other direction of the cave.


At some point, the aura of a strange beast emerged from the other side.

The alien beasts are not without brains.

As if they had received some kind of order, they cut through the mountain wall and opened up a path.

Ling Qianqian roared.

"Watch your back!"

Ling Qianqian knew that she couldn't control so much. She didn't have time to recover her spiritual power, so she picked up the blood-colored spear and swept away the strange beast behind her.

However, four half-step master beasts appeared behind them.

They are unattractive and ugly, and they exude a pungent and unpleasant smell.

The moment Qin Manyin heard Ling Qianqian's call and turned her head, her face turned pale and her heart sank to the bottom of her heart.

Without thinking too much or having time to think, Qin Manyin's body flashed and he galloped towards the rear.

Quan Shanshan and Wang Shaonan also understand their current situation.

They gritted their silver teeth, determination showing in their eyes.

A strange beast that looked like a cockroach had its eyes widened and made an unpleasant, sharp sound.

"sucker Punch."

Ling Qianqian and Qin Manyin stood side by side, not choosing to step forward, each mobilizing the last trace of spiritual power left in their bodies.

Ling Qianqian said with twinkling beautiful eyes.

"I didn't expect that I would die with you in the end."

Qin Manyin replied without showing any signs of weakness.

"That's what I want to say too."

They glanced at each other without much communication.

The half-step master's cockroach beast was already rushing towards the two of them.

The situation of Quan Shanshan and Wang Shaonan is also not good. With Qin Manyin's departure, more pressure is on them.

A feeling of powerless despair spread in my heart.

The waiting for death is the most terrifying.

And it's the kind that gets dismembered and eaten.

Suddenly, in this moment of despair.

The cave suddenly trembled violently, and the strange beasts seemed to feel something. Their whole bodies froze in place, and they all looked back, their pupils filled with horror.

One after another, the crisp sound of sword sounds could be heard.

The sword energy soared into the sky, and the cold light was sharp.

Not only the innate level beasts, but also the four half-step master beasts.

They all turned around and left, no longer caring about Ling Qianqian and others.

Wang Shaonan and Quan Shanshan's eyes widened.

I felt uneasy.

A fairy sword flashed with murderous intent, like a sudden rain, directly piercing the body of every alien beast.

They seemed to be alive. When they passed by Wang Shaonan and the others, they avoided them spiritually and flew in the direction of Ling Qianqian and the others.

Wang Shaonan and the two girls looked at each other in confusion.

It happened so suddenly that there was no time to think.

Although Ling Qianqian and Qin Manyin didn't know what was happening behind them, the deafening sound of swords reminded them of something.

A simple long sword pierced the cockroach beast directly.

The two women took a closer look.

It was that familiar long sword.

Green Spirit Sword.

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