The gray world has lost its color.

Everyone came to the top of Changbai Mountain again.

A bloody head fell straight to the ground.

Even though only one head is left, the two personalities are still bickering.

"It's all your fault, you licking dog." Bicang, who only had his head left, said viciously.

Suddenly, the twisted cheek changed again.

"You still have the nerve to accuse me, that fox fairy obviously has a big problem.

Just because you still believe it, is there shit in your head? "

"If it weren't for your impulse, would we be in this situation?"

Bai Chen watched all this with interest.

Suddenly, from the wound on the neck, a pink Nascent Soul poked out a small head, looking around nervously.

If you look carefully, doesn't the pink Nascent Soul look like Bicang?

Bicang Yuanying's feet slipped away and flew directly in a certain direction.

At this time, a fairy sword roared out, blocking Yuanying's escape path.

A fairy sword rose into the sky, and the crisp sound of the sword could be heard. Soon, Bicang's retreat was surrounded.

Bai Chen smiled lightly and said.

"Do you think that after making a double act, I will stop looking at the real you?

Do you think I am as stupid as you? "

The pink Nascent Soul's face showed a bitter gray color.

"How about letting me live?"

"I can reverse time. You will definitely be able to use me in the future."

Bai Chen smiled and pointed in a certain direction.

From the gray space, a tall and slender figure walked out, and she took off her white cheongsam.

The black combat uniform perfectly illustrates her figure.

The cut of the combat uniform is very form-fitting, showing off her perfect curves and slender waist, and setting off her slender figure.

It's just that one of her arms is missing.

Looks in gray space.

Su Wanxiu also experienced a hard battle.

Su Wanxiu held a crescent scimitar tightly with one hand and stared at Bicang Yuanying.

The pink Yuanying was about to speak.

"Xiuxiu, I was wrong..."


Su Wanxiu didn't prepare to say anything, and cut Bicang's Nascent Soul in half with one knife.

A stream of sweet blood sprinkled on Su Wanxiu's delicate face.

There was no expression on the latter's face.

Two lines of clear tears fell down the corners of his eyes, the great revenge would eventually be avenged.

"Brother, I finally avenged you."

Bai Chen put the Ten Thousand Immortal Swords into the Phaseless Sword Box, and then, with a thought, exited the five-tailed state.

He looked at Su Wanxiu silently and said.

"I've done what I promised you, and it's time to fulfill your promise..."

"Okay, I will remember your request."

Su Wanxiu calmed down and looked in Bai Chen's direction, but her tone was much better.

"Thanks to you this time.

Don’t worry, Monkey Head will definitely be trustworthy.

Your identity must be hidden for you. "

Without Bai Chen's help, I really don't know how many years and months I would have to wait for revenge.

This is also something that the two of them agreed on in the illusion space.

Use illusion to stay in one spot on each of them.

If one party is in trouble, the other party can also provide support.

As for Su Wanxiu's conditions, they are very simple. Just be a favor, why not?

Bai Chen promised Su Wanxiu that if she had the chance, she would take revenge herself.

Su Wanxiu also agreed to Bai Chen's conditions.

I will definitely not tell anyone about him afterwards.

Thinking of this, Bai Chen laughed.

Looking at the corpses of strange beasts all over the ground, a greedy desire appeared in his eyes.

Su Wanxiu raised her eyebrows, "Did you kill them all?"

Bai Chen nodded.

"All right. "

Looking at the crystal cores all over the ground, Bai Chen felt like an expert.

Su Wanxiu didn't stop him.

After all, everyone knows the rules of a warrior.

Just wait for Sun Dasheng's return.

At this moment, Sun Dasheng poked his head out of the void.

The body that was a hundred meters high immediately startled Bai Chen.

"Damn it, is this still a person?"

As if hearing Bai Chen's voice, Sun Dasheng's appearance instantly changed into a human one.

After Sun Dasheng nodded slightly to Su Wanxiu, he turned his eyes to Bai Chen.

There was a hint of praise in his eyes.

"At such a young age, he already has such abilities."

Bai Chen was nervous and was about to explain but was interrupted by Sun Dasheng waving his hand.

"Okay. I know that everyone has secrets. If you want to say it, you will tell it naturally. If you don't want to say it, China will not force you."

"What's more, you also conveyed very important information to us.

That alone deserves a medal. "

Bai Chen asked quickly.

"What's the use of a medal?"

Su Wanxiu smiled lightly and said, "To be honest, this meritorious service is of great use."

"Oh?" Bai Chen said softly.

Su Wanxiu continued to explain.

"No matter when and where, as long as you provide the merits of the 12 Stars Team, any regular army, even senior leaders, must give you some face.

Even if necessary, he has the right to kill first and then play later. "

Bai Chen finally understood. To put it simply, it was similar to the life and death rights of each captain.

This is understandable.

Being able to mobilize some officials is also a good ability.

After all the calculations, this thing is quite suitable for me now.

Maybe, with such an arrogant attitude, I would offend the awesome playboy.

Then this happened to me. I hit them in the face with the speed of light and felt so happy.

Speaking of which.

Su Wanxiu asked about Brother Monkey's situation.

A black line seemed to flash across Sun Dasheng's forehead.

At the last moment, the two top executives of 12 You Ye ran away.

The method of escape was very strange.

The powerful and piercing eyes are unable to sense the disappearing route on the other side.

Very strange.

When Su Wanxiu and Bai Chen saw Sun Dasheng who had been fighting, they already knew that the result was very bad.

Hearing this, Bai Chen's heart sank, but fortunately Sun Dasheng's words woke him up later.

"Don't worry, they will never know what just happened. Our battle is above 10,000 meters."

Bai Chen nodded, his brain working rapidly, and for some reason, a trace of hesitation flashed in his heart.

It seems that I forgot something trivial.

I couldn't remember it for a while.

After learning that the crisis was over, he immediately withdrew from the power of blood.

The masks of the Thousand-Faced Fox Fairy were taken off together, and a sickly pale face appeared in front of everyone.

Sun Dasheng said quickly.

"So vain?"

Su Wanxiu was also frightened by this scene. Is the young man in front of her really Bai Chen?

Bai Chen seemed to have reached an extremely weak state at this moment.

The only thing that sustained him was his strong will. His body looked very fragile, and he might fall over with just a slight breeze.

His eyes were a little sluggish.

His face was pale and covered with beads of sweat, and his body was shaking slightly, as if every breath he took was already an unbearable pain.

Bai Chen seemed to have already thought that this would be the result.

There is no such thing as a cheap lunch in the world. Gaining unequal power naturally comes at a high price.

Fortunately, I didn't go blind this time.

At most, my eyesight is slightly reduced.

The body feels a little sluggish.

Bai Chen raised his eyes with difficulty, his lips trembled slightly, and he spoke slowly.

"The above just awards a medal, isn't there any other substantial reward?"

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