In Bai Chen's vague memory, the corners of Sun Dasheng's mouth twitched, and he couldn't laugh or cry.

After confirming that Sun Dasheng agreed, Bai Chen's eyes darkened, and he fell directly on Sun Dasheng's shoulder and fell asleep.

Bai Chen went to the local hospital without hesitation and received emergency treatment.

Of course, Bai Chen was not the only one receiving treatment this time.

Ling Qianqian and others were also asked to stay in the hospital for observation.

There are also some injured students.

Su Wanxiu specially arranged a separate room for him.

As for her own injuries, in the world of Huangpi Tianshu, the arm that was severed by Bicang could no longer be restored.

At the cost of spontaneously burning half a yellow-covered heavenly book, his strength can be said to have dropped significantly.

And a broken arm.

Three days later, Bai Chen slowly opened his eyes. Fortunately, the injuries on his body had recovered a lot.

During this period, Feng Qingxuan told him that Fatty Wang came 4 times, Qin Manyin came 3 times, and Ling Qianqian came 5 times.

"Tsk tsk, you are really pretty."

Bai Chen smiled bitterly and ignored it. He felt that with his body's current recovery level, it wouldn't take long for him to be discharged from the hospital.

Suddenly the door was pushed open, and two beautiful figures appeared in front of Bai Chen.

Among them is the sheep-headed one, Su Wanxiu.

Her dress is simple yet dignified.

Wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses with sparkling stones, she looked more elegant and intellectual.

Only the cuff of her right arm was empty, but there was a smile on her face.

Another one really surprised Bai Chen.

Tang Yayun came here again.

This young woman is gifted with spatial abilities that make her stand out among her peers.

Tang Yayun is confident, proud and arrogant, thinking that no one can match her. She always maintained a detached attitude and disdained to interact with ordinary people.

A pair of bright eyes, blazing with light, seeming to be able to see through everything. Her eyes are extremely perceptive and she can easily grasp the weaknesses of others.

There was always a disdainful smile on her face, as if everything was in her hands.

Tang Yayun's eyes fell on Bai Chen and she spoke leisurely.

"That's right, I'm impressed this time!"

Bai Chen was disdainful in his heart. He still knew a little bit about this crazy sister-guarding maniac, so he smiled politely.


Tang Yayun looked calm and relaxed, and smiled faintly.

"This time, it's a shame for our Captain Rabbit."

Bai Chenpi smiles but doesn't smile, but for Tang Yayun? He was still thinking about digging out his heart.

No matter what the reason is, this matter is definitely irreversible.

With Feng Qingxuan's secret skills, she is no longer afraid of the latter, and even has enough confidence to speak.

Tang Yayun saw Bai Chen's attitude in her eyes, but she was not angry. She patted her shoulder and said encouragement.

"Good job."

Bai Chen sneered unabashedly.

"Your cake painting skills are pretty good, who did you learn this from?"

He didn't even say the captain's honorific.

The scene was a bit quiet.

It seems that Bai Chen decided to jump out this time.

After being a grandson for so long, if he doesn't jump out again, the author will be scolded.

Su Wanxiu frowned slightly, and she did not expect that the relationship between the two was not very good.

Su Wanxiu quite admired Bai Chen.

Not only is he good-looking, his talent is beyond words.

Just a bit mean.

If you think about it carefully, Tang Yayun is also a genius of the younger generation.

The two obviously have a story.

Su Wanxiu suddenly felt that the atmosphere of Team Rabbit was not as good as expected.

There must be a battle between the two.

One is the long-famous Rabbit Head, truly the number one genius of China.

It's just that her age can be considered a senior or senior compared to Bai Chen, but she is definitely not older.

The other is a rising evil figure of the new generation. Compared with Tang Yayun, it can be said that his talent is even worse.

If Bai Chen could be given enough time, maybe Tang Yayun wouldn't be Bai Chen's opponent.

But Bai Chen is eager to jump out now, which may not be too abrupt.

Although Bai Chen has an extremely powerful trump card.

This matter has been taken seriously by the top management of 12 Stars.

Not only was it a forcible increase in strength, but it was also the terrifying Phaseless Sword Box.

The appearance of these things out of thin air was unheard of in the world, causing Bai Chen to fall into an unknown whirlpool again.

No matter how strong your trump card is, your own strength has not yet reached that level.

If the premise is arranged, it is still easy to be targeted.

A trace of anger flashed across Tang Yayun's beautiful face, and her tone of voice rose a bit.

"You think you are very powerful? Do you want to start your own business?"

Bai Chen spread his hands and said, "If Team Rabbit doesn't keep me, I have my own place to stay.

How do I remember that Sun Dasheng wanted to pull me over? "

Moreover, Sun Dasheng's character was very suitable for Bai Chen's taste. Not so vain and conciliatory.

Tang Yayun's face was completely ashen.

He wanted to keep Bai Chen by his side because he really took a fancy to his talent.

Another point is that Wan Ling, as the deputy captain of the Rabbit Team, actually has a big shortcoming in his bloodline power.

It is a waste of life, which is too serious.

She doesn't have much life left. At the end of December this year, she will withdraw from the front line and go to the rear.

According to the premise of the deputy captain, Bai Chen must follow his own arrangements.

Players jumping to another Stars team are historically rare.

If there is, it will only be a promotion to replace the captain or deputy director.

How can any team member directly attack the captain?

You must know that the captain is a symbol of status and the belief of each team.

"What's your dissatisfaction with Team Rabbits?


What's wrong with me? "

Tang Yayun said word by word, her voice cold.

Bai Chen smiled and then said seriously.

"I heard that the position of captain is not fixed. At the end of December every year, players have the right to challenge the captain.

Let’s summarize the past year and set further goals for the new year.

Of course, the winner gets the outlook for setting goals for the new year. "

After saying that, Bai Chen stared at Tang Yayun sharply like a hawk.

Tang Yayun said coldly.

"You want to challenge me?

Or do you want to make a rabbit head? "

Bai Chen: "Both."

Tang Yayun's eyes flashed with silver light, as if they contained thousands of stars. The powerful and mysterious pressure suddenly fell, and the space made an overwhelming clicking sound.

"If you kill a few strange beasts, you will think you are invincible."

The deep purple light in Bai Chen's eyes was mysterious, cold, and suffocating.

But when she met Tang Yayun's eyes, she was not timid at all.

At this time, Su Wanxiu made peace, waved her hand and said.

"Okay Bai Chen, the reward from the upper leadership has come. Are you sure you don't want to listen? Sun Dasheng worked hard to get this for you."

"The marrow cleansing in Tianchi will continue this time. The Holy Spirit Spring is on my body. When everyone recovers from their injuries, we will go there again."

Bai Chen was startled, then withdrew his purple light, and his eyes fell on her.

I have to say that Su Wanxiu's graceful figure is really eye-catching.

Ever since Su Wanxiu was beaten in the illusion space, she looked much more pleasing to the eye.

Immediately, Bai Chen stared at Tang Yayun with burning eyes and said coldly.

"At the end of December this year, before the end of the year, I will challenge the rabbit leader."

"Wait for me, don't die early."

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