Chapter 204

The fifth item, a lot of chain sounds, was pulled up by the strong man.

I saw eight women dressed in shabby clothes, all of them looked good, and the figures of young women in this world are not too bad.

All eight people were chained.

Carlo heard the garlic Celestial Dragons laughed and said, “I sell this. There are too many slaves in my basement, and I have a lot of specimens of the female Marine.”

“I have it too. It’s boring. These female Marine mouths are hard and smelly. I don’t like playing Marine.”

“I don’t like it either, so I sold it.”

Carlo looked over, these eight women in their thirties are actually Marine?

The master said: “These eight beautiful slaves, they have served in Marineford!”

That said, many people understand it.

Many rich people are interested.

“Speak in a low voice! It’s Marine.”

“It must have been secretly captured by Celestial Dragons, and then don’t want it anymore-used to sell it as a slave.”

“I’ve known it for a long time, Celestial Dragons wants-wants any woman.”

“A few days ago, I said I wanted the woman on the Four Emperors Carlo ship!”

“Haha, aren’t they afraid of death? Then Carlo can kill Celestial Dragons without blinking.”

The host continued: “Among these eight people, this beauty is the fifth class. The others are chefs, logistics, and navigators. Think about it, everyone. You can buy a boat of beauty and slaves to go to sea with you. , And they are not vases. They are well-trained women who can act as guards to protect your safety.”

Fifth class? Carlo also heard someone discuss that Seaman Recruit is third-class.

The fourth class is a lieutenant rank, and the fifth class is a school rank.

The host in the middle pointed that the short-haired girl was actually the Marine Officer. Others are at least Ensign according to the host’s meaning.

There is Bloodline on the white prison uniforms, all of which have been whipped. Celestial Dragons sell slaves because their dungeons are full, and they just sell them casually.

Diness looked at the faces of everyone below, and she gritted her teeth.

When Marine protected these people, now they all want to play with them.

Among them, the longest held for more than three years, the most recent half a month.

Now they are controlled slaves. They were all knocked out by World governmentCP and sent to Celestial Dragons. Now I hate World government, and even Marine.

Regardless of their disappearance, the Marine executives left it alone, but the World government just said it would be resolved after the transfer.

They all hate that they were ignorant when they were young, and they were happy to work for the World government.

“The starting price of the fifth product is 100 million Berry, and each increase must not be less than 5 million Berry.”

“120 million Berry!”

“150 million Berry!” When the price rises, the pirates who join in the fun are not interested.

After all, so much money can buy more slaves.

“200 million Berry!”

“220 million Berry!” The wealthy businessmen began to increase their prices.

“280 million Berry!” The price stopped.

Although there are eight good-looking female Marines, but the strength is just like that, the money can buy more slaves.

Three hundred million should be the highest, after all, there is no doubling of Celestial Dragons.

“300 million Berry!” The person who raised his hand to speak was Carlo.

“320 million Berry.” Just after Carlo’s voice, a man with a cigar dangling from a dozen seats called.

“340 million Berry.” Carlo continued.

“360 million Berry.” The man raised his collar. “Suddenly I wanted it very much.”

“400 million Berry!” Carlo was also very calm.

“420 million Berry.” The man deliberately raised the price again.

Kid laughed, Bege drank a cigar, Hawkins watched, this man may be related to the auction house, or deliberately.

Is deliberately raising the price.

Only Luo stared at Carlo. He was so close that he felt a touch of murderous aura.

Carlo continued: “450 million Berry.”

The Lord immediately looked at the man, and it was obvious that Carlo could still knock.

I don’t know, that man, open his mouth.


But his hands were tightly pressed on the chair, and then his neck, and the flesh began to sink, as if being pinched.

Can’t speak there!

The surrounding supernovae are silly seeing this scene, what’s the matter?

“That person seems to be controlled?”

“Hey, that person looks so strange.”

As soon as Luo saw, Carlo’s left hand was rubbing the faint purple light, but because it was blocked by his body, other people couldn’t see it at all.

0 ···Find flowers··········

“Why don’t you raise the price? It’s boring.” Carlo smiled, and his voice spread throughout the venue: “Host, what are you doing?”

Carlo reminded.

Only then did the Lord react and looked at the strange look of the people they catered to.

“450 million Berry once…twice…sold.”

The sixth product is a Devil Fruit, a Zoan Devil Fruit, and the starting price is 300 million Berry.

At this time, a staff member in uniform came up from the side.

“My lord, this is the product you bought. These are eight remote controls. The lights on them will turn on when you face them.”

Pay with one hand and deliver with one hand.

Carlo threw a box in his hand to the staff member, and 450 million Berry took it away.

…… …….. …

Looking at Dinisi.

“You go to area 13 now. There is a bar called “Shakky’s Rip-up BAR” waiting for me not far outside, understand? Don’t try to escape, or I will blow all eight of you to powder.”

“Yes, it’s the master.”

As long as Diness and the others wanted to live, they didn’t dare to resist, and immediately left the passage first.

Zoan Devil Fruit finally sold for 665 million Berry.

The seventh item is a Paramecia Devil Fruit, Carlo is not interested in these fruits.

The eighth is a treasure map that looks old.

Until the last thing on the finale was pushed up, a two-meter green egg emitting this light.

“Everyone, this is the last product of this auction house. It is this egg, which exudes vitality. It may be able to hatch something magical. According to our investigations, this egg will be born in at most half a month. .”

“The starting price of this egg is 500 million Berry, and each price increase shall not be less than 50 million Berry.”

Celestial Dragons are all interested.

Carlo also looked carefully. Unlike the egg on Roger’s boat, this egg is only two meters long, and Roger’s egg is at least ten meters long.

When he was observing, the egg had been photographed 1 billion Berry.

No matter how rich these wealthy businessmen are, they cannot match Celestial Dragons.

The huge vitality contained in this Dan Lizhen.

“It’s interesting, but I should do it too.” Carlo moved his neck and stood up. Death.

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