Chapter 205

Carlo is still a little interested in this egg, but the task of signing in is now the first priority.

Just when the garlic Celestial Dragons proudly won the egg with 1.5 billion Berry.

Shattering-Conqueror’s Haki unfolds.

Cover the entire auction in an instant.

Except for those two Celestial Dragons, everyone else will be swept by Carlo’s Conqueror’s.

Thousands of people instantly foamed at their mouths and fell to the ground.

“What happened?”

“what happened!”

When the two celestial beings saw the people around, the host and staff on the stage all fell to the ground, convulsed and foamed.

The two Celestial Dragons looked back and saw that in the entire big auction venue, only a dozen people did not fall to the ground.

And the man in black casual clothes and sunglasses was walking towards them.

“Good Conqueror’s!” Kid and Kira covered their faces with their hands.

“Can’t hold on!” Hawkins said.

“Who is this person? Oh my god!” Apu’s mouth grew wide.

Luo, Pawnee, Drake, Bege, and Urouge, these supernovae can resist Carlo’s Conqueror’s.

“As expected, they are all supernovas. My simple Conqueror’s didn’t faint.” Carlo smiled.

“It’s still simple?” Luo felt his scalp numb.

“Who are you!”

Seeing Carlo walking past, the garlic head Celestial Dragons shouted: “You don’t come here, you guy is suspicious. If you come back, this saint will call people to be polite to you.”

Carlo sucked in his left hand and held it in his hand ten meters apart.

“Ah-you let go of this saint, let go of me, I am the Celestial Dragons of the world’s nobleman.”

Carlo crushed his glass cover and pinched his garlic head.

“Celestial Dragons? In front of Laozi, things that are inferior to pigs and dogs, you rubbish, you should not die!”

Carlo snapped his fingers and puffed-the wind blade cut off the two arms of the garlic head first, and the garlic head screamed like a pig.

“It’s too cheap to kill you directly.”

Throw the garlic head in the direction of the big bathtub, in the air, and then cut off his leg.

Let him float on the bathtub and screamed in pain.

The Celestial Dragons with the pockmarked face looked silly, and the yellow water came out from Kabuto pants.

The surrounding supernovae also looked stupid. This is Celestial Dragons. They are wanted by the World government and Marine endlessly. To be honest, they dare not yet.

But who is this man in front of him?

“Hey, this man is crazier than Laozi.”

“This is troublesome, Marine Admiral is coming to the rhythm again.”

Carlo looked at the pocked face Celestial Dragons.

“Don’t come here, guard! Guard!”

It’s useless to yell out of your throat.

“You guy, if you dare to touch my hair, you will be wanted, wanted by Marine!”

Mazilian Celestial Dragons retreats with a strong desire to survive.

“Wanted? I was wanted long ago.”

Carlo smiled: “I still think my reward is low, just add a little price this time, only to offer a reward of 2.318 billion Berry.”

After speaking, he grabbed the opponent, Feng Jian cut off his limbs, and threw it into the big water tank along with the garlic head Celestial Dragons.

The screams of death and slaughter.

Because Carlo’s wind blade is too fast, they can ache for longer.

Luo Nian said the number of rewards: “2.318 billion Berry! Four Emperors Carlo!”

“Four Emperors Carlo!” Apu’s voice in astonishment.

“Is he Carlo?” Kid came interested.

“Otaldi Carlo!” Bonney looked at Carlo.

Carlo yawned, a little hungry, and it was time for lunch.

Dealing with the two Celestial Dragons, Carlo is completing the last check-in.

“Ding-Trigger additional task [Admiral of Headquarters Green Bull].”

[1: Kill Admiral of Headquarters Green Bull][2: Injured Admiral of Headquarters Green Bull][3: Leaving from Marine’s pursuit]

Triggered an additional task? Green Bull who knows where he is? But Marine will definitely come in a while, 0…

Carlo also learned from Momousagi that Celestial Dragons’ clothes are a product of Vegapunk’s technology.

As long as their vitality disappears, they will be known to Five Elders immediately, and there will be signals to locate them.

The two screaming Celestial Dragons should not survive for three minutes.

Carlo first turned around and slapped the guy who was raising the price with a slap in the air.

Ask you to pretend to Laozi.

Leap down and grab the egg. Carlo is also interested in this thing. It would be nice to see what creatures are inside.

Just picked up the egg and walked to the door.

Flying down, two people blocked Carlo’s path.

The red-haired hedgehog, wearing a dagger and a pistol, wearing goggles and a dark red coat, is Eustass Kid, and of course Kira is standing next to him.

“It seems that someone is going to influence me to eat lunch?”

Kid laughed: “Hahaha, Four Emperors Carlo, being outside alone, this is really the best chance to beat you!”

“Do you want to be Four Emperors even with your strength?” Carlo stood still.

Urouge fell behind him: “Hahaha, challenge the Four Emperors and count me, and the poor monks want to challenge the Four Emperors.”

“It’s interesting.” Apu landed on the tree next to him, naturally wanting to get in.

“They are all weird.” Drake said back, holding a sword: “A few more, it’s still possible.”

This Drake is deliberate. He is Marine’s undercover agent. Naturally, he wants to encourage these people to hold Carlo, because once Celestial Dragons die, they will be spotted by the World government and Marine will be surrounded immediately.

“My men fainted. You, the Four Emperors, must pay a price.” Capone Bege said.

Hawkins also looked over, Luo and Bonney in the distance.

Carlo stood in the middle and put the egg on the ground.

“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, seven supernovae.” Carlo’s mouth smiled evilly: “Since you die, I, Carlo, will do you well.”.

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