Chapter 206

“Hahaha, Carlo, I just blame you for daring to act alone.” Kid grinned.

Hawkins took the card: “There is no better chance than now.”

“Whoever defeats you is the new Four Emperors.” Apu is also ambitious.

Kid, Hawkins, and Arp are all very familiar with each other, and their ambitions are bigger than the other. Originally, they were going to challenge the Four Emperors in New World.

Urouge is holding that huge pencil, and his thoughts are the same. Capone Bege is a brainy guy, so many people have joined, of course he has to come and try to sneak attack.

Seven on one, surrounded Carlo, all ready to go.

“You are very courageous, but you don’t seem to have any knowledge of your own strength. I haven’t figured out how many catties you have.”

Squinting his eyes, Carlo pulled his right hand, and a purple hole appeared next to him. His sight found Dinis’s position, and he threw the egg over: “Keep the egg for me.”

The purple hole disappeared, and the egg never came back.

“Where did he throw that egg?”

“Huh, just hide it 03.”

Only Luo felt the most clearly that Four Emperors Carlo could use the power of space.

When Luo saw him killing at the auction, he was using the power of space, silently.

He didn’t come close. Luo wanted to kill Doflamingo more than any king’s ambition. Bonney didn’t come close either. She wanted to find the former Shichibukai bear.

“Do it!”

Kid yelled, and Kira rushed forward at the same time as him.

There is also Urouge holding a huge pencil iron pillar behind!

Kid laughed wildly and punched, Kira leaped up behind him, holding the scythe of the Punisher in both hands, preparing to chop Carlo’s head.

Urouge is holding the pencil pole in both hands, ready to hit Carlo’s back.

“I’ll tell you what ignorance is!”

When he was close at hand, the corner of Carlo’s mouth rose slightly and moved.

The speed is not at one level, and there is a flash of skyfire in his hand.

Sky Fire-Fist!

The fist hit Kid’s fist, and instantly Kid flew out and directly hit the No. 1 mangrove tree a kilometer away.

[Eustass Kid, Comprehensive Evaluation: 6077]

Pinch the index finger and thumb of the left hand to the top.

Kira’s scythe of the Punisher was pinched lightly by his two fingers.

“Are you a baby?”


Carlo pulled down, with Feng Lan on his right foot, kicking on Kira’s belly, flying more than 500 meters high with a whirlwind.

[Kira, Comprehensive Combat Power Assessment: 4601]

“Look at it! Heavy hammer!”

The moment Urouge’s huge pencil fell.

Ka——The rock arm that broke half a meter on the ground, stretched out the rock’s palm to catch the pencil that Urouge smashed down.

Carlo drew his ears with his left hand: “The people are not very good, and the voice is not small.”

With a fist in his right hand, Tianhuo punched.

Puff-the evil monk Urouge spurted blood and flew hundreds of meters upside down.

[Urouge, Comprehensive Combat Power Evaluation: 5003]

“Master Seng Zheng!”

All the members of the Pirate Group of Brokers came to support them.

Carlo just snapped his left hand: “Elemental Earth Fang!”

The area with his right hand extended to that side, fan-shaped 500 meters, the underground rock spurs, and the spikes instantly kill these pirates and trash fish.

Instant blood fog, all spikes.

Hawkins was still on the way up and saw the three of them fly out instantly.

He just wanted to brake to stop.

You stopped, Carlo didn’t stop.

Copying his hands in Kabuto, in an instant, Carlo appeared in front of him with his right leg raised: “Have you been kicked by the speed of light?”

Among other things, Hawkins was kicked by the speed of light twenty days ago.

Carlo has a golden light on his feet, and one foot is on his or golden face.

咚咚咚——Smash five buildings.

Falling down, the sound of two guns pouched behind her back.

Capone Bege seized the opportunity to make a sneak attack, but the musket in his hand was modified and shot at the back of Carlo’s head wildly.

However, when the bullet was about to hit Carlo, it stopped in the air.

“Like sneak attacks?”

Carlo goes down with his left hand and presses down: “Concentrate on imprisonment!”

The purple lustre and the huge coercion, like a tens of thousands of catties, directly kneeled on the ground.

“Ah—” Bege screamed on his knees with bleeding from his knees.

[Capone Bege, Comprehensive Combat Power Evaluation: 4785]

Apu stood on the roof, pulled out his arm, turned into a flute and started playing battle music.

Luo and Bonney were stunned.

In just such a few moments, all the besieged people vomited blood and were injured.

“This…is this the Four Emperors?” Luo’s hat was covered with sweat.

“It feels scarier than Marine Admiral.” Bonney swallowed.

At Naval Headquarters, Sengoku suddenly received an emergency call.

“Hey, this is Sengoku.”

“Sengoku is us!” Five Elders: “Sabaody land! Immediately send Marine Admiral to Sabaody land. The Four Emperors Carlo has killed two Celestial Dragons in Sabaody Archipelago. They are located on Island 1, so go and catch him immediately!”

The roar of Five Elders.

“What? Is he in Sabaody?”

Sengoku hung up the phone and immediately looked at Kizaru: “Porusalino!”

Kizaru stood up: “I know, I know!”

Kizaru stood up and walked out with a swagger.

It will take a while for Kizaru to rush over, and I, Huang Sir, is not interested in spending a lot of hard work, using the fruit ability to reach Sabaody at high speed.

Then Carlo is a troublesome kid.

He also flew to his flagship, and then rushed to Sabaody, so it will take some time to pass.

Sengoku immediately called Green Bull. This guy just took the post today and happened to be in Sabaody Archipelago.

“Green Bull! Go to area one and catch Carlo. He has killed two Celestial Dragons and immediately sounded the alarm for me, and they all dispatched!”

“What? Killed two Celestial Dragons? It’s really miserable.” The Green Bull was not in a hurry.

“Don’t let me move faster! The above has already spoken to make you act, don’t let Carlo run away! He is alone, and I have asked Polusalino to support him.”

Lu Niu teased the beauties around him and stood up.

He yawned: “I can beat that Carlo alone without Polusalino.”

“Don’t be careless, you guy, he is a guy offering a reward of 2.318 billion.”

Green Bull hung up the phone, sounded the alarm first, and put on his justice coat: “Work, work, catch what Carlos, can you get a lot of beautiful women?”

“Green Bull Admiral!”

Marine all lined up.

“Sound the alarm for me, Four Emperors Carlo appeared at Sabaody, and Laozi went to catch him!”


In an instant, the alarm sounded for the entire Sabaody, and the broadcast Four Emperors Carlo appeared.

The tourists and pirates all over the island screamed and fled. This is the Four Emperors, the vicious Four Emperors. .

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