Chapter 207

“Run, run! The Four Emperors are here!”

“Run, Four Emperors are here to eat people!” The tourist merchants on the island ran away frantically.

After all, the Four Emperors of the pirate world are the ceilings among the pirates. They are spread by the World government as super demons who kill everybody.

The indifferent butchers who have no emotions often slaughter entire villages and islands, and even the existence of terror in the country.

This is the usual routine of World government.

The pirates on the island ran away frantically.

The whole Sabaody Island has sounded the alarm, Marine Admiral is here!

“Celestial Dragons was killed! Then Carlo killed Celestial Dragons!”

“Carlo killed Celestial Dragons again?”

“As expected of Four Emperors! Celestial Dragons dare to kill!”

“A large number of green bulls have arrived at Marine, and there are rumors of super powerful monsters.”

“Run, run.”

Crowds fleeing everywhere.

Shakky was sitting by his own bar, looking out the window, there were eight slave women standing 100 meters away, holding an egg.

Listen to the alarm.

“Little Carlo is really rough when he did it. Killing Celestial Dragons again. Now Sabaody Archipelago will be destroyed in several places.”

Hearing the radio, Carlo is not in a hurry, Green Bull Admiral?

It happened that Carlo completed the additional task, and–

Fight music played by Arp.

In the distance, Kid roared and ran back, his whole body covered with blood, he was not lightly hit by the giant tree.

Kira flew down, coughing and spitting out blood.

Hawkins also walked out among the gravel. One of his scarecrows had already died. This was the same technique as the Body Replacement Technique, otherwise he would have died just now with Carlo’s kick.

Capone Bege slowly got up, and his little brother appeared beside him to lift him up, and looked angrily to this side.

Urouge tore his upper body clothes and walked over.

Drake had been hiding far, and only now approached: “We can’t win without a trick.”

“Needless to say, Laozi knows that too, huh!”

Capone Bege took the lead in transforming: “Come out! Castle·Full size big boss!”

Kaka Kaka, he activated the fruit ability and turned into a huge 80-meter castle with a defensive power like a copper wall and an iron wall.

The feet are turned into crawlers, which can assist both feet when standing upright and walking. The whole body is full of cannons. All the men and soldiers are watching inside but they can attack at any time.

“It’s worthy of being Four Emperors, it’s really not easy.” Kid wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth: “Come on, giant robotic arm!”

All the surrounding metal was sucked by Kid, condensed on his arm, and began to form a fifty-meter huge mechanical arm.

Ji stretched out his hands, and the scythe of the Punisher began to spin at high speed in his hands, ready to use his secret moves.

“In that case, the appearance of demons!”

With a loud roar, Hawkins turned into a giant scarecrow with five-inch nails to attack his opponent, looking at the hideous giant scarecrow, but compared to his more fragile body and the shape of the fruit, his melee strength doubled.

Apu has turned his arm into a musical instrument, ready to start a sneak attack, and straightened his stomach into a drum.

Drake was also embarrassed, so he made soy sauce next to him.

Transformed into a green twenty-meter special dragon.

He is Zoan·Dragon Fruit·Ancient Species·Allosaurus Form.

“Karma!” Urouge roared and mobilized the power of Paramecia·Karma to temporarily transform his body damage into his strength, physique, which was originally a tall body, now turned into a five-meter giant.

The seven regained their strength and used their strongest moves to prepare to besiege Carlo.

Carlo moves his shoulders: “Since you are all so sincere to die, I will play with you in a different state.”

Elemental unicorn conversion.

Click——The ground is cracked ten meters below Carlo.

Click——The ground is cracked a hundred meters below Carlo’s feet!

Ka-the ground trembles and cracks within five hundred meters.

“Hey hey hey-what’s the situation.”

Everyone trembled involuntarily, and their hairs stood up when they all looked up and saw Carlo.

Bah Bah Bah Bah-the silver-white starlight emanating from Carlo’s whole body.

The powerful aura rushed from bottom to top, and Carlo’s muscles in his whole body doubled, and silver scales appeared on his arms, waist, and cheeks.

A white ray of tail appeared behind the look of some special handsomeness.

The form of Shenyuan Qilin·Beast God is also the half-beast form of Shenyuan Qilin.

Just this terrifying aura makes these supernovae tremble.

The Green Bull, several kilometers away, also felt this powerful wave of air: “Is that powerful feeling the Four Emperors Carlo? The first day he took office was very interesting.”

Carlo here.

He floated ten centimeters on the ground with a smile, and left floating, beckoning to these supernovae: “Come on!”

“Roar—I’m going to kill you!” Urouge rushed forward first.

The members of his band of broken monks and pirates were killed by Carlo. Now he is the only captain left, and an angry Urouge rushes up.

“Do it!” Kira followed closely.

“Go together!” Hawkins took a step forward.

Drake nodded, he only needs to rush once, Marine Admiral Green Bull should be able to arrive.

He rushed forward fourth.

Kid is still trying to collect more metal.

“Go to hell! Good and evil are rewarded!” Urouge’s whole body strength, his arm became red and Carlo’s huge iron pencil slammed down.

Carlo’s right fist is red light, the evolution of Yanxin.

An unstoppable punch of the pencil on the bow, with no power to stop it, hit Urouge’s body.

A red fire exploded behind him, and all his internal organs were shattered.

The huge body flew thousands of meters.

One punch, Urouge, the supernova.

Kira had jumped behind Carlo.

“Giant sickle rotation·sonic cutting!”

This move is very fast.


The scythe of the Punisher in Kira’s hand was a sharp knife. The moment it slashed on Carlo’s back, the two knives shattered directly.

The strength of the red unicorn, the defense of the golden aura.

“Are you tickling me?”

The speed of the green unicorn.

Carlo’s hand is already pinched on his mask.

Facing the left one-dong dong dong dong dong-smashed from area 1 to area 10, passing through houses, trees, pavilions, huge stone road signs, etc., 30 objects.

When he stopped, he was already bloody and bloody, and he couldn’t see that he was in human form.

“Kira!” Kid shouted.

Hawkins was on the other floor, waving his hand full of five-inch nails when he was about to attack Carlo.

Carlo has moved in front of him in a flash.

Hawkins was too slow in front of him.

The corners of his mouth rose slightly: “I will see how many lives you have!”

Carlo raised his leg, facing Hawkins, slam slam slam slam slam slam slam-shoulder-foot of the shadowless storm.

There seemed to be a hundred feet simultaneously to Hawkins.

Wow! Hawkins’ crew suddenly killed fifty people, and then a hundred people.

A large number of scarecrows fell on the ground.

He is like a sandbag, with no resistance at all.

Two seconds, scarecrows all over the floor.

Hawkins’ fruit limit is two hundred scarecrow substitutes, and there is no more instant.

“Isn’t there anymore? Then you go to die.”

Carlo crossed his arms and kicked.

Hawkins’ upper body and lower body flew to two different distances. .

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