Chapter 208

The Pirates of the Ringbreakers were all destroyed, and the Pirates of Hawkins were all destroyed.

The running green dragon, Drake, saw that Carlo killed the three in an instant, and immediately wanted to stop.

But it was over, so he dived against the ground and kicked him.


There are more than a dozen bloody teeth floating in the air. These are the dragon teeth of Drake.

He was kicked by Carlo, and his mouth full of teeth was kicked to pieces. As for the human dinosaur body, it smashed through the No. 2 mangrove tree-still flying towards the distance.

“Fire!” Capone Bege-walked around behind Carlo.

After transforming into a big boss, thirty cannons all over his body fired frantically at Carlo.

And at the location of his castle window, his pirate group members are inside his body, and they are attacking Carlo with muskets.

Boom boom boom boom – a crazy explosion, all the surrounding land shattered.

The ground sank five hundred meters, and the metal and bluestone on the ground were exploded into powder.

“Hahahaha, how about it, Carlo, how powerful is the shell of our pirate group?” Capone Bege also lit a huge cigar.

“Tell you, our shells have special characteristics, they have stronger penetrating power and crushing power, and! Hahaha, I also have seastone mixed in it, specifically to face you.”

Capone Bege is indeed an old conspirator.

Kid did not expect to deal with the super nemesis of Demon fruit power.

Seastone is very rare and is basically monopolized by the World government.

But among the many supernovas, who has the most money?

One hundred percent is Capone Bege, the boss of the black stick, and his hands are full of gemstone rings.

You can always get a lot of seastone for ten times the price.

“Seastone!” Kid was stunned for a moment.

“Bege, this guy.” Luo squinted, this man is really scheming.

Bonney also didn’t expect that the originally seemingly one-sided situation might be reversed in an instant.

“I paid a lot of money to get this seastone, but it’s okay to play Four Emperors again.” Capone Bege was still very proud.

But–amidst the gravel dust, a dark shadow slowly walked out.

Carlo, who emits the silver light current, plays with the seastone in his hand.

“I thought you had a secret weapon, that’s it?”

Carlo smiled wickedly.

“How is it possible! How is it possible that seastone has no effect on you.” Bege’s eyes widened.

“Bege, isn’t your seastone fake?” Arp just finished.

The seastone held in Carlo’s hand hits Bege.

Through his body.

And Capone Bege, like a leaking ball, turned into a human form, covering his stomach and shaking on the ground.


“Protect the Godfather!” All the members of the Flame Tank Pirate Group rushed up.

Carlo pulled his hands together, and the earth revolved in a storm.

The form of the beast god is huge and tyrannical that is biased towards the flesh, but the elemental power is still there. It may be a little short of playing Four Emperors Admiral.


吭——Thousands of wind knives have passed.

The land was all dead, and the flame tank pirates had many people, and it was also the end of annihilation.

Capone Bege sat on the ground, covered in blood, watching Carlo come over.

“Do you know why seastone is useless?”

This sentence can be heard.

Capone Bege can be branded as a prototype, it proves that seastone is real.

Why is it useless?

Others couldn’t hear it, Carlo used Capone Bege’s desperate voice: “Because, the devil in Devil Fruit was killed by me, not to mention seastone, I can still swim in the sea now.”

After talking, kick it out thousands of meters like a ball and smash it into the sea.

Let it die in despair.

It’s too scary, it’s too scary.

But Kid is a madman, and now he has assembled a hundred-meter huge robotic arm, running towards Carlo.

“Go to hell, Carlo!”

The oversized metal fist looks very huge, and Kid is a blow of absolute confidence. He wants to avenge Kira.

The breaking wind smashed down.


The wave of air waved spread, and the 100-meter metal giant fist stopped at the three-meter position.

“Na…Nani!” Kid was silly.

Carlo took his left hand with one hand and easily stopped Kid’s moves.

0 ···Find flowers··········

“Just increasing the strength, what’s the use?” Kid’s move can increase the bombardment power by three or four times, but in front of Carlo, the difference in strength is too big.


The DJ player Apu turned his head and ran away. He was not rigid enough to escape but ran fast.

Bonney saw that the situation was wrong, and immediately ran first.

I saw Carlo’s left palm.

Wow! Kid is desperate, completely desperate, and his mechanical giant arm becomes scum in the sky.

Carlo took a huge metal rod next to him: “A bunch of arrogant guys, I said, since you want to die, I will give you a ride.”

It is possible that these supernovas will be able to double their strength and reach close to Shichibukai’s level after two years of training. However, the highest individual combat power is also the lowest Bonney of 6000, which is estimated to be less than 3000 combat power.

…… …….. …….

Kid saw Carlo who appeared in front of him instantly.

“Laozi won’t lose…”

Carlo holds the stick with one hand, mimicking·Four Emperors Kaido·Thunder Eight Trigrams!


With super long-distance golf hits, Kid became a meteor in the sky, flying out 10,000 meters without fail.

Just as Carlo turned to look, he saw Arp and Bonney running away.

Luo Kan was dumbfounded, and looking around, the two guys ran away.

“That and that, Carlo’s head, there is no malice in the game, I don’t want to challenge the Four Emperors! I didn’t make a move.”

Carlo looked at Arp and was about to take a shot.

A giant tree root came through the air, and it shot down at his position extremely fast.

Carlo Shunpo half a meter, and stretched out his left hand.

Wow, the left palm is touching the bark, let it fly away.

Dodge the attack is not over, the moment the root of the tree hit the ground.

There was a big explosion in the range of 500 meters.


Carlo leaped in the air to escape, and landed on the shattered roof: “This move, is it really fast? Marine Admiral!”

With the falling figure, the green bull of Admiral of Headquarters arrived on the scene, and Marine appeared in the distance, enclosing the No. 1 area at a distance.

“Oh, did you escape easily? How do you feel about my meeting ceremony? The youngest pirate Four Emperors, Carlo!” died.

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