Chapter 209

Carlo stood on top of the broken building, and the green bull Admiral stood on a giant tree stump that appeared inexplicably.

Look at each other.

Green Bull has seen Carlo in the newspaper, so young, so weird?

At the top of the war, Green Bull just heard the radio and saw the newspaper without witnessing it with his own eyes.

And Carlo looked at it first.

“So it wasn’t Ah Jin.”

[The author’s strong desire to survive: All the information of Green Bull has not been made public, the following is purely personal guess, if there is any similarity, it is not an honor]

First discharge Ah Jin, who may appear and suspect everywhere.

Secondly, Carlo also noticed that his somewhat messy but handsome face of a mature uncle does indeed look a lot like the star of that island nation, Harada.

Green Bull, Paramecia·Tree Fruit Ability.

It can photosynthesize like a tree during the day, so there is no problem without eating.

At least one auxiliary Vice Admiral next to each Admiral.

Carlo knows that, in fact, the World government does not fully trust Fujitora and Green Bull.

After all, they were recruited out of order, not Marine’s home.

So I will talk to two people in a few days.

It is Chaju and Momousagi.

Let the tea dolphin stare at Fujitora, the two have the same personality. And let Momousagi stare at Green Bull, because Green Bull likes beautiful women.

World government’s abacus is very good, but unfortunately, the current Momousagi has changed a lot.

“You dare to kill Celestial Dragons, you have the courage.” Green Bull tilted his head and looked at Carlo.

“I just dealt with two beasts by the way, why? You have a big opinion?” Carlo wanted to take a minute, but now there are additional options.

“I don’t want to be active either, but I am eating this bowl of rice. Boy, I can only let you keep your head.”

Carlo beckoned: “Let me see what fancy moves you have.”

The green bull burst out trees with both hands.

And on the surrounding ground, big trees from the sky rose from the ground, and these trees seemed to be alive.

The sturdy tree pole turned into an arm and surrounded Carlo and shot at him.

“It’s somewhat similar to Tsunade’s Wooden Golem of Ninjutsu.”

Attack on all sides at the same time, and the speed is as fast as a gust of wind.


Carlo is standing on a high place, with the fists of eight giant trees rotating and facing each other, colliding like thunder.

The Green Bull stood still proud, his fruit power controlled.

Puff-the silver tail swept across, smashed the two big trees, with red fists, jumped up and smashed them one by one.

The last one, kicked the broken tree.

Carlo jumped out.

“that’s all?”

The moment Carlo fell on the stone, Carlo blinked his eyes, and the surrounding area of ​​kilometers has turned into a sea of ​​trees.

“Look at the trick, tree sea cow dragon!”

The Green Bull is worthy of being Admiral, and the surrounding area has become a forest of trees, making the surrounding Marine look silly.

I saw that the huge wood turned into a 30-meter wild wooden ox, and seven or eight heads rushed towards Carlo savagely.

The high tree poles turned into wooden dragons, roaring and opening their mouths from top to bottom.

Want to suppress Carlo in all respects.

Carlo sneered, rushing into the shock, fists and kicks, hitting the bull in the air, and grabbing the dragon.

I heard the sound of all the trees shattering.

Carlo was in the air, facing the green bull, shaking the air.

The space is compressed, and the power is so great that it forms a white palm in the air.

Green Bull flew away.

At the location where they stood just now, the trees exploded and their scope spread, and their Thousand Wood Domain was opened with such a palm to an empty surface of 300 meters.

“Hey, hey, what destructive power are you.”

It is also the first time that Green Bull has encountered such a powerful person.

But when he pulled his hand, more trees appeared to seal the intersection again.

“However, I am not afraid of hard ideas at all.”

He jumped to a high place, and saw that the countless vines below were as soft as tentacles: “You know, the trees are very soft, against me, like you, a tyrannical guy who is not my opponent at all. …”

Green Bull roared: “Thousand Tree Cage!”

At Carlo’s feet, the huge tree formed a huge wall and cage and sealed him inside.

The cage of the trees is airtight.

Feel Carlo hitting the tree with his fist.

The whole cage bounced back.

Take another layer to wrap this wooden prison.

Rise again, rise again, rise again… Surrounding the tenth floor, Uncle Thousand Trees’s dead package, there will be no air in it immediately.

“Die in there.” Green Bull yawned, “You guys are nothing but…”

Whoosh-the sound of breaking through the air, kicked the green bull in the face.

The teeth that flew out also brought the blood that he sprayed out.

Like a cannonball, it hit ten trees before stopping and hitting the roots of the trees.

Carlo stood there: “It’s pretty defensive. It hurts me so hard that it hurts me.”

The Green Bull’s face was deformed by Carlo, but he could turn into a tree-like appearance by himself. Ka Ka Ka classified the face as the teeth. As for the teeth, they cannot grow out temporarily and need photosynthesis.

“You… how did you come out?”

Green Bull’s eyes widened.

“This kind of rubbish trick can’t stop me, it seems that your strength is very restrained from close combat.”

Carlo touched his stomach: “You can photosynthesize, but I’m hungry.”

Green Bull stood up and said, “Huh, I can treat you to a prison meal.”

Carlo dissipated the silver light from his whole body, and the horribly swollen muscles were temporarily reduced by a half circle.

“Then I will take care of you in a different way.”

Elemental unicorn, Carlo snapped his fingers, the surrounding trees began to tremble, and he spread his left hand, and the flames began to spin in his hand. .

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