Chapter 227

“Carlo, you have a good gun.” Tsunade took it and played with it: “Why can’t I get out of the water when I play?”

“Poseidon’s spear, Poseidon’s weapon, is the same as my treasure. People who are unfamiliar with spirituality can’t use it.” Medusa was once a goddess, and she recognized it at a glance.

“Really?” Tsunade smiled and threw it away.

Whoosh Poseidon’s spear rotates in the air, draws an arc, and automatically rotates and flies back behind Carlo.

Carlo flew back to the boat and took a look: “Have the Black Rabbit Pirates come here?”

“I’ve been to the captain, and that strange egg is placed in a constant temperature room, a constant temperature space specially made by the unicorn, which is convenient for incubation.”

Michels sat on the deck, his legs trembling under Rayleigh’s training.

Everyone was curious when the eggs were sent back. Tsunade and Robin had black belly and were about to sharpen their knives, but there was already a sense of life inside, and everyone was expecting something small to hatch.

At dinner time, the Nami trio, with the help of Tsunade and the unicorn, finished all the gold coins and protection.

“Carlo gold coins are filled with six boxes, three boxes of various diamonds, three pieces of pure gold armor, five pieces of ancient objects, and these two.”

Robin took out the box and opened the two Devil Fruits inside.

Three days later, Carlo also followed the old man Rayleigh to practice.

But being kicked away by Rayleigh means that his current Haki doesn’t have much effect, so he explores more by himself.

In the special field, everyone’s Haki is slightly different. Rayleigh told him the fourth paragraph of Conqueror’s entanglement. In fact, Carlo knew it himself, so Rayleigh didn’t have any good guidance.

For the three bottles of high-grade culture fluid left in the Carlo system space, one was rewarded for Misius, one for Nuoqigo, and one for Kuina.

Kuina practiced hard, and her strength increased every day during this period.

[Kuina, Comprehensive Combat Power Evaluation: 5380]

So Carlo’s practice, in addition to self-cultivation, is…

The weather was very cool this afternoon, and four people were standing on the uninhabited island.

Carlo is standing right in the middle.

“Sister Tsunade, Medusa, and Altaïr go together.”

Carlo’s devil practice, one person challenges the current three main combat power of his own ship.

Both Rayleigh and Kuina stopped and looked from a distance.

The wind shook Tsunade’s green coat and squeezed his fists: “It just so happens, sister, I want to blow you up today, let you know how powerful it is.”

Tsunade drank too much, was carried back several times by Carlo, and spanked her ass severely, which made Tsunade embarrassed and angry, and wanted to hit her a long time ago.

“Since Master Carlo has requested, I won’t release the water.”

Altaïr floated into the air, took out an ordinary long knife, struck the submachine gun, and countless long knives rotating at high speed appeared around his body.

Medusa didn’t say much, she had already started her posture.

The three girls look serious.

But Altaïr didn’t use the Scar of the Sky. Medusa just held the chain and didn’t summon the treasure.


The arms of Tsunade are wrapped in armed color, Altaïr is the armed color of all long swords, and Medusa is the partial armed color of the forearm and leg.

“Do it!”

Tsunade instantly seals: “Wood Style·Silent Killing Binding Technique!”

Burst out of giant wood vines and leave.

Carlo flicked with his left hand, and the ten-meter spiral wind blade shot.

Block the giant wood vines of Tsunade.

Behind-Medusa has arrived.

Two lock knives passed, and Carlo moved away in a flash.

Close up, Medusa’s lightning kicked thirty consecutive times, her long legs were merciless, and Carlo could only dodge her when she was so fast.

“So fast!”

On the head, the densely packed long knives have aimed at Carlo.

“Look at it, Lord Carlo.” Hundred blades fell like a stream of light, and still locked Carlo’s retreat angle.

Foreseeable Observation Haki, Altaïr foresees where Carlo will evade half a second later.

Even though Altaïr and Medusa were dissatisfied, the combination is also fierce.

The moment Carlo backflips away from Medusa’s chains.

Put your hand on the earth: “The earth·the earth waves the sky!”

Throat – like the roar of the waves rock the earth, out toward the sky covering five hundred meters, completely blocking the sky overhead Carlo.

All Altaïr’s attacks hit the rocks and waves.

“Through the air!” Carlo pushed his right palm towards the sky.

Shattered, shattered rocks shot into the air.

The rotating long knife turns in a disc shape, and these boulders are all cut and shattered.

“Master Carlo, this can’t hurt me.”

On the ground, Carlo kept fighting Medusa in close quarters.

The two shot out to a hundred afterimages, so fast, Rayleigh covered his face: “When I was young, I might not have been so fast.”

Carlo is more powerful, and Rayleigh sees it clearly, it’s less than a month compared to the top war.

Carlo got stronger again, and it was a step forward.

Touch your legs.

Medusa’s long leg and Carlo’s right leg kicked together, forming a white shock wave.

At the level of strength, Medusa was still a lot worse, flying upside down for a hundred meters, spinning in the air, standing on the ground.

And Carlo has not stopped for ten meters on his hind legs.

“Wood Style· Thrusting Spear!”

Tsunade’s moves came from behind.

Carlo turned around: “The fire is coming! The fire dragon!”

There are not many fire elements, just forming a small fire dragon, but the attribute restraint is more than enough to deal with Tsunade’s Wood Style.

The wood fire exploded, and suddenly from the middle, Tsunade rushed out.

Don’t forget, she is a bold and unrestrained woman in close combat.

“Look at the punch, weird power!”

The power that can smash the entire mountain range, Carlo stood still, squeezing his fist and directly confronted him.

Boom—the two fists touched each other, and the whole deserted island trembled.

There was a stalemate, Tsunade smiled boldly.

On the left, a purple shadow, Medusa struck.

Carlo’s right fist clenched Tsunade’s fist, and his left hand grabbed Medusa’s kick.

But at this moment: “Master Carlo, the one who really attacked is me.”

Altaïr swooped down on the right and kicked Carlo a few hundred meters away.

“The three girls join forces, Carlo can’t stop it.” Rayleigh smiled.

Seeing that Carlo was kicked and flew out, he rolled 100 meters on the beach.

Tsunade folded his arms boldly: “How is it, how is your sister’s fist?”

Carlo stood up, his right arm was a little numb, Tsunade’s strange power was really terrifying, it’s no wonder that he was able to fight Sengoku for so long, and his scalp was numb.

And Altaïr is also able to fight in close combat, Carlo can’t make a move anymore.

When the most threatening Medusa is assisting the attack, it is difficult for him to defend against Altaïr’s attack.

“Very interesting, change the action to continue!”

Altaïr continued to float: “I am willing to accompany you.”

“The next time I hit you, it will be my sister in my fist. Don’t worry, I can heal you if I hit you.”

“You have to be careful.” Medusa was also full of fighting spirit.

Carlo stepped forward, his muscles swelled, and he groaned with a low unicorn, switching form to beast god melee form. .

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