Chapter 228 Unexpected results, Tsunade wins

“What kind of power is this? Hahaha, this kid is only twenty-one! Roger was thirty-seven or eighty years old when he had this power!”

Rayleigh was excited to see Carlo, this surging power, too pure.

He had no idea that Carlo was so strong, and that feeling was the strength of Roger’s peak.

“Does Carlo have the same strength as One Piece Roger?” Kuina respects Rayleigh, the guide. She is a lot.

Carlo’s whole body shone with silver light, and Gujing’s calm eyes floated on the ground for half a meter.

“Yeah, it feels like Roger on the same level as the pinnacle, too strong, what this kid has changed this time.” Rayleigh marveled.

Metheus as Carlo’s fanboy: “This is the captain, the one whom Metheus will always believe in.

Nami, Conis, Nuoqigao, Robin, and Erina Nakiri who brought the juice, the beautiful cheerleaders of the Carlo Pirates.

“Come on Tsunade! Blast Carlo!” Nami shouted loudest.

“Sister R kicks him, kicks him!” Nuoqi shouted, waving her arms high.

“Come on Altaïr!” Conis and Altaïr have a good relationship and often talk about music.

“Sneak attack on Carlo’s weakness, pleated under, underlay!” Robin, a black-bellied man, grinned.

Carlo turned his head from a distance: “My Robin sauce, I heard it.”

Robin dragged his chin, not at all afraid of Carlo.

Horrible sense of oppression, the element unicorn state is very strong, but it is friendly and natural, and people feel gentle and harmonious.

But the form of the beast god unicorn is the majestic release of the king, giving people a strong oppression.

“Baihao Technique!” Tsunade roared coquettishly, his whole body burning with Chakra.

“Movement, all kinds of things!” Altair also summoned thousands of long knives, which were densely covered in the sky.

Demon God “Power!” Medusa’s low voice, she burst into lavender light.

Rayleigh smiled: “These three girls are also terrible.”

Kuina saw — three rays of light.

Purple, blue, silver-gray, three streamers rushed towards Carlo at the same time.

“Good come!

The three women melee at the same time, and Carlo turns into a white-gold light.

Altaïr attacked from the sky, Tsunade and Medusa slammed back and forth, like four lightning bolts colliding.

Fist and foot attack, densely packed with afterimages.

It was too fast, Nami and the others could only see afterimages.

“I feel too big.” Kuina watched the siege of the three, and she felt the huge gap.

“Hahaha.” Rayleigh patted Kuina’s shoulder: “Your talent is already great, you will catch up with them quickly, there is a limit to your talent, after reaching the limit, the improvement is very slow, you have already been seen in Wanzhong. There is no talent.”

With Rayleigh’s affirmation, Carlo also paid special attention to her.

Kuina is still full of confidence: “I will catch up.”

Kuina’s current strength is also a tyrannical existence in the supernova.

Right from her current 339 million Berry bounty.

The uninhabited island is about to crack again, the island is cracked, and the shock wave of the fist and foot is too strong.

Against a thousand strokes, Carlo was completely unbeatable.

“I don’t believe it!” Altair rushed up.

“Don’t mess up the formation! Medusa reminded it was too late.

Tsunade kept punching and kicking, Altaïr flew and kicked from above, and Medusa was in charge of all the notch attacks. It can be said that the three women’s siege was perfect, even Marine Admiral couldn’t resist for a few seconds.

But Carlo is too strong in melee combat in this form.

But in most cases it’s a parry.

However, Altair changed his tactics and chose surprise attack.

This sudden change not only surprised Carlo, but also surprised the two “teammates”.

Altair kicked Carlo to the body, but the tyrannical Carlo only stepped back for half a second.

With a smile on his lips, he grabbed Altaïr’s feet.


Knowing that it was too late, Carlo grabbed a pull and hugged Altair.

Medusa’s attack Carlo directly chose to resist.

Altair was hugged by Carlo, and the struggle was completely useless.

Like a giant pincer, Tsunade attacked from the left.

Carlo had already gone out with Altaïr in his arms, killed his sister in his arms, leaped into the sky, and then a meteor fell.

The storm was spinning so fast that Medusa couldn’t keep up, let alone Tsunade.

I heard Altair’s screams spinning thousands of times in mid-air.

At the moment of landing, Carlo let go.


Altaïr was stuck on the ground, with the stars spinning all over his head.

Carlo’s storm was spinning too fast, thousands of revolutions per second.


 …for flowers  …

Shouting was useless, and Altaïr temporarily disconnected.

Jump to avoid Medusa’s attack.

“Tsunade, be careful.

Carlo’s target is Tsunade.

“I know!

In Tsunade’s eyes, Carlo was an afterimage, and she couldn’t deal with Carlo who was running at full speed without the entanglement of the other two.

Knot Printing, Shadow Clone Technique!

Five of the same Tsunade appear.

But in Tsunade’s ear, Carlo’s voice appeared: “My sister Tsunade, good reaction and judgment, but… the trick has no effect on me.”

Four people fake avatars in seconds, Carlo’s knowledge and color are all-powerful!

Foresight, transparency, and perception Carlo are all very strong, and the Clone Technique’s fake body will be seen through by the transparent type in an instant.

Carlo has appeared in front of Tsunade.


However, at this moment, Tsunade suddenly raised the corner of his mouth.

How could Tsunade, who has been through a lot of battles, not know, the top see-through type.

She suddenly opened her arms and lunged forward.

Changed to Tsunade this time, and clamped Carlo tightly.

And also used the human escape · sphere crushing technique!

Not shy at all, he suppressed Carlo’s eyes and breath.

“A thousand pounds!

Carlo is tall and tall, Tsunade jumped up lightly, dropped a thousand pounds and landed on his feet, and then he fell backwards in an n-shape.

“watch out!

But in midair: “Sister Tsunade, you’ve used all your beauty tricks!”

“You’re my brother Carlo, I don’t care.”

Only Tsunade was so brave, Marine Admiral couldn’t break free under her strange strength, and Carlo didn’t want to hurt Tsunade.

But — the moment to drop Carlo.


Tsunade then reacted: “Carlo, you bastard.”

The action is put out, and Carlo uses the universal space to flicker away.

Appeared next to him, ready to punch his hand.

“Carlo, you lost.

Lightning flashes, comparable to the speed of teleportation, Medusa appeared behind him and kicked Carlo on the head!

In a flash, Carlo also kicked, and the two hit each other at the same time.

They all flew out of the kilometer, rolled dozens of laps, and almost fell into the sea.

Tsunade turned over and looked at Altaïr who was still on the star, Carlo and Medusa who fell to the ground, she laughed: “I won, I won!”

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