Chapter 239 Miss and Nami’s Amazing Performance

“Mera-mera Fruit? Damn, it was eaten by the Carlo Pirates.”

Maynard stood firmly on the ground, staring at Nakiri Erina, whose half body was burning with flames.

I have already seen Ace’s fighting style, as well as everyone’s guidance and their own ideas, the eldest lady is already very skilled in elementalizing the master.

“Fire Fist!” With a coquettish roar, the fifty-meter Fire Fist blasted out again.

It knocked dozens of silver armored soldiers around, and the weak were melted directly.

The Bone Chopping Fire Knife shreds the soldiers in the distance.

Clap clap clap, gunshots attacked from the side, at least 200 Marines surrounded Nakiri Erina and Nami, and there were more Shining Armor soldiers.

The bullet penetrated her body and had no effect at all. Elementalization is not afraid of bullets without armed colors.

“Flame · Sharpening Fire!”

The waves of fire swept away, and Marine screamed in agony.

And Nami is holding a six-soul soul stick, and now he is “four-seven-zero” with strong hands, and his long legs kick eight soldiers away, dodging the spear thrusts: “Fengling Tornado.

Spinning the stick in his hand, it turned into a green storm that swept away the enemy in front of him, accompanied by the flames of Nakiri Erina.

Form a flame tornado, a large-scale destruction move.

There were countless screams.

The two women stood back to back, helping each other.

Maynard stood up angrily, and a powerful aura covered him.


The two women glanced at each other and knew what the other meant without saying much.

“You must be careful.”

Nakiri Erina dashed towards Maynard, she came to deal with the Vice Admiral, and Nami dealt with more soldiers.

“fire punch!”

Maynard Vice Admiral Armament Haki wraps his broadsword: “Chaser – Greatblade!”

The heavy knife slashed on the Fire Fist, the two forces stalemate for three seconds, Maynard roared and slashed the Fire Fist.

But at this moment, Nakiri Erina kicked the flames towards his head.

“What?” Maynard was the weakest existence in Vice Admiral, but he was also Vice Admiral, at a time of crisis, turning over to avoid it.

Get up and fight back.

Nakiri Eri’s right hand flame spun, and a large fiery kitchen knife appeared in his hand, when the two knives collided.

The flames hit Maynard’s face, but Erina Nakiri was blown away by Maynard’s power.

Turn over several times and stop.

In terms of strength, Maynard still has an absolute advantage, but the eldest miss will not be inferior to him.

The difference in combat power is less than three hundred.

The two were separated by 100 meters and started the second shock again.

Nakiri Erina relies on the elemental body, can attack and dodge many attacks, fly at low altitude, and the flames rotate.

Maynard does not have any special moves, and his swordsmanship is only a half-legged swordsman.

Naihe has rough skin and thick flesh, is very durable, and has great strength.

The eldest lady turned into a swirling flame, using the power of the fruit of her own research to distance herself from her to deal with it.

And Nami was chased by hordes of Marines and Shining Armor soldiers, but Nami, the little thief cat, was a master escapist.

Compared to when she first met Carlo, Nami’s strength is now 20 times stronger, and now she jumps more than 30 meters.

Like Ling Xu, these elite Marines simply can’t catch up.

“Where to run!

The three majors outflanked.

Nami kicked the bald major and turned around in the air: “Fire Spirit · Explosive Flame!”

Covered by fire, there was a scream.

Seeing that there were too many people chasing after him, Nami Fengjian pulled out the last flame bomb and threw it out.


Nami cut three hundred people.

Standing tall and sticking out his tongue: “Keep chasing me.

The six soul bars in her hand are still charged four times, and the wind and fire are charging again. The destructive power of Nami, this little thief cat, is far from the evaluation of combat power, because she also holds various weapons.


Sneak attack on Nami’s 100 pike from the side.

Nami’s left hand unfolded, and the super-alloy deformation shield completely protected her within it.

“Light, Flash Cannon!”

In an instant explosion, Nami completed 400 kills.

The Marine and Shining Armor soldiers nearby were frightened and dared not approach.

“Isn’t this Carlo Pirate’s navigator? Why is he so strong.

The key is that Nami’s physical skills are stronger than Colonel Marine, and his fighting ability is not good, and his escape experience is first-rate.

The entire island was scuffled and chaotic.

The camera turns to the uninhabited island next door.

The battle between Akainu and Carlo continues.

Half of the island is almost all magma, but it doesn’t spread halfway, because Carlo’s powerful breath resists the magma.

There were fist marks on Akainu’s chest and face, and Carlo’s left shoulder shirt was also shattered.

I just hit five hundred punches, each hit the other,

Akainu’s jaw was numb with pain, and he was punched on the left side of the face.

Akainu let out a low roar, and the hot magma covered his body.

Carlo stretched out his hands, the black and blue Armament Haki wrapped his limbs, and — woo woo woo Conqueror’s unfolded.

Akainu took two steps back: “You Carlo!”

This tyrannical Conqueror’s made Akainu a little surprised. Except for the red hair of the Four Emperors, Carlo’s Conqueror’s Haki was more tyrannical than Sengoku’s.

Conqueror’s light swirled around his hands.

The fourth level of Conqueror’s Haki, Conqueror’s entanglement, makes it more destructive.

Plus Carlo’s beast god unicorn form is fully open.

Carlo tilted his head and made a voice: “Akainu warm-up time is over.”

Akainu stared at him and laughed suddenly: “Hahahaha, boy, are you bragging about your fruit ability? Hahahaha, the warm-up time is over, hahahaha.

Akainu was doing his best, and Carlo and him were also hurt just now.

Knowing that Carlo is indeed strong, but Akainu thinks he is stronger because of physical endurance and combat experience.

However, Carlo only used nine layers of strength and.

The blood of the berserker is burning, and his fighting power is flowing with time, and Carlo is getting stronger and stronger.

Conqueror’s and Armored Arms are spread out, and feet are drawn forward and backward!

The power fully bloomed, the silver light shining like ten thousand needles around the body, and the body was suspended for twenty centimeters.

Yesterday – 100 meters of ground shattered, and the gravel was suspended.


Yesterday – 300 meters!

Taste – five hundred meters!

The powerful air waves and the sea area began to tremble.

“What?” Akainu looked at Carlo, gritted his teeth, and immediately started: “Rockburst Flame Fist!”

With both fists facing Carlo, he blasted out ten 100-meter magma punches.

The moment Carlo landed, he stepped on the ground, and the air was rubbing at lightning speed.

Shuttle past, all the lava fists behind Akainu smashed.

“Damn!” Akainu was angry: “Great Eruption!

Akainu blasted several thousand-degree high-temperature golden light magma fists.

Carlo’s fist slammed on it, three colors of light: “Profound Truth: The Wrath of the Kirin King!”

The Super Great Eruption split, and Carlo broke through in front of Akainu.

Right fist, straight punch on Akainu’s face!.


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