Chapter 240 Super Carlo, beat Akainu

“It’s impossible!” Akainu didn’t believe Carlo could smash his Super Great Eruption.

During Summit War, the 500-meter ice cube that Diamond George was holding was smashed by his Great Eruption.

And this move is the super Great Eruption that he recently tripled the power of Great Eruption.

Akainu is very satisfied with this move.

He doesn’t believe it!

Believe it or not, because Carlo’s fist hit him firmly in the face.

“Ah—” Akainu’s nose was broken, and the sound of the entire face was made.

He flew out backwards, his nose bleeds wildly, and his entire face was almost dented.

Flying upside down in the air, while Akainu was in pain, he grabbed the ground with his left hand and drew a ravine hundreds of meters with one hand, forcing himself to slow down in the air.

Running sound.

In the blink of an eye, Akainu saw that Carlo had appeared on them.

“Damn it!”

In the moment of the right hand, close at hand – Canine Red Lotus!

At such a close distance, the speed of Canine-toothed Red Lotus is basically impossible to dodge.

However, Akainu’s eyes widened, Canine-toothed red lotus flew into the sky, and Carlo got out of the way at such close range at 23.

“This is impossible!”

Carlo kicked Akainu in the stomach.

The red cannonball refracts ninety degrees.

Akainu spews blood and sees Carlo rushing up again.

“Magma Net!

The lava network behind him forced him to stop, and Carlo appeared in front of him again.

What speed is this?

Akainu Elemental Transformation: “Magma Substitute!”

His new move, a mass of magma dropped within a kilometer distance, instantly replaced his body with the mass of magma, and Carlo’s fist was about to be emptied.

In response, Carlo’s fist stopped and he looked up to see Akainu, who was a thousand meters away.

Step by step – faster!

“Volcanic rain!” Akainu used a dense rain of fire to stop Carlo’s speed first.

But — faster, faster, faster.

Carlo clasped his hands together, and the two unicorns roared behind him.

The roar of the element unicorn and the beast god unicorn merged into Carlo’s body at the same time.

Kirin King Super Carlo!

The blood in the whole body boils, the cells die and divide a hundred times, and the pores of the whole body bloom with silver light.

[Carlo, Super, Comprehensive Combat Strength Assessment: 18600]

The golden world–!

Akainu tilted his head: “It’s impossible that three words are still in the throat.

Carlo had appeared on the right side of him, punching Akainu in the side face.

Fly out like a cannonball.

Golden World–Five!

A silver light appeared at the position where Akainu flew out, raised his legs high, and smashed with an angry kick.

Akainu splattered blood on the island.

The golden world–four!

Blooming, as if there are countless fists, the unicorn beats violently!

The fist slammed into the face, slammed the leg, slammed the hand, and in half a second, Carlo threw 655 punches at Akainu,

The entire uninhabited island was cracked, and the thunder was harsh, as if to tear this area apart.

Golden World–Three!

It was suspended upside down in the form of a half-beast and spewed out of its mouth.

“The flames of the sky!”


“Ice Blast!”


Both hands are ice and fire, and they are thrown away.

Boom, a thousand-meter crater exploded in the middle of the island.

The golden world–two!

Carlo’s hand pressed on the ground, the earth searched, found the target, and shook.

Akainu, whose body was covered in blood, was thrown into the air.

The silver light hit Akainu’s body in the air with a hundred punches, his teeth shattered, his shoulders and knees all shattered.

“It’s impossible!” Akainu

The golden world – the last second.

Carlo’s arm, the storm, the golden fire, the dark matter, the earth, and the sea, are the five forces in the palm of his hand.

Against Akainu’s, the final blow.

The screen returns to the main battlefield island.

Five minutes ago, near the Wing of Lingfeng.

The greedy Yuka couldn’t contain the blood in his mouth, but spit it out.

Pulling out the long knife stuck in his abdomen: “Ah—you damn woman!” Yuka scolded Altaïr in the air.

Yuka originally wanted to pinch the soft persimmon to find the unicorn, and then destroy the Wings of the Wind, but the Carlo Pirates put an “Admiral” here.

One of the three D forces, Altaïr.

“Give it to me!” Yuka was angry, he commanded angrily, and there were already thousands of people around him.

He hid behind himself, with a ferocious expression, a purple dagger in his right hand condensed behind his back,

“Kill that female pirate!”

The CP guy Moonwalk went up to die.

“Ahahaha, are you in a hurry to go to hell? Then I will fulfill you.”

The scar of the sky in Altaïr’s hand.

The long knives that revolved around the body immediately lined up in a row, clustered in clusters, piercing the sky, piercing through the hundreds of CP people, and all their hearts were pierced.

Extremely precise, no knife needed!

Blood was pouring down, and there were too many people attacking Altaïr, and the people below fired wildly at her, rocket launchers, laser weapons, and various attacks.

But Altair is like a silver-haired twin-tail beauty turret.

Even a laser gun comparable to Kiabou Admiral.

Shots on Altaïr’s rotating shield were easily blocked.

“Is this the attack method?” Altaïr was suspended in the air, like a queen.

With a swipe of the right hand, five hundred rotating long knives descend.

Serving this, each handle pierces a person’s body.

“Devil, this woman is a devil!”

“Silver-haired female demon!”

“It’s terrifying, it’s out of space, why are the people who joined the Carlo Pirates so terrifying!”


Altair has easily killed more than 800 people, and the remaining 500 people are all helpless Marines and silver armored soldiers.

In her left hand, she held the Supreme Sword of Heaven, and in her right hand was a small submachine gun.

Shoot another long knife.

There was mourning and screaming below, and Altai 473’s hideous smile made the killing very happy.

But the long sword that protected her was the shield in front of her.

At this moment, Yuka smiled, he used these cannon fodder to attract Altaïr’s attention, and a purple dagger was condensed behind him, condensing the power for several minutes.

“Go to hell! Profound Truth: Tooth of the Poison Dragon!”

Sneak Attack – This move is Yuka’s strongest move, and its speed is as fast as lightning.

Altaïr reacted in the air and immediately used two long knives to defend.

However, the Tooth of the Poison Dragon should be more like a purple flying snake, and its moves can directly pass through space.

Passed through the defensive long sword that Altaïr had temporarily pulled out.

“Pfft–seven songs stuck in her belly.

“Hahahaha.” Yuka laughed wildly: “Killing will make people even more crazy, greedy people want to kill more people, but they don’t know that they have given up their defenses.”

“My poisonous dragon tooth ignores physical defense! It can’t be resisted at all, and it will be numb and unable to move, even Marine Admiral!”

After he finished speaking, two more poisonous dragon fangs were condensed on his hands.

“Killing one of the three fighting forces of the Carlo Pirates is really wonderful!” Yuka stuck out his tongue and laughed wildly.

Altair floated in the air, his expression even more ghostly: “Are you sure? Idiots are all self-righteous beings.”

She pulled the submachine gun, and a movement: “The Fourteenth Movement · Profound Truth · Cause and Effect Conversion!”

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