Chapter 242 Marine and World ZF are defeated, only Tashigi is left

Conis “Nuoqigao, I’m out of strength.” Conis’ limbs were weak in the arms of the puppy beast, and he lost the strength to stand up.

“You are already very powerful. We can see from a distance that you killed Aldimon of the Sinister Seven, and killed a lot of people at the end.

The entire home field was covered with blood, mainly Altaïr, who was slaughtering frantically, with more than 1,500 corpses lying down at the core.

In addition, at the remote location, Darius also killed thousands of people.

In the state of blood rage, the spinning giant axe slashes wildly, and the blood rage is so invulnerable that ordinary Marines and soldiers can’t do anything about it.

Look at Tsunade again.

Big fat Beamon’s hands and feet were weak, and he was slammed by Tsunade’s chain of strange forces, which few people of the same level could bear.

Pampas roared even more angrily, he had just defeated the Wooden Golem summoned by Tsunade, and now another dragon came.

Although they haven’t beheaded yet, they strongly suppressed the two.

The one who fought the most was Nakiri Erina.

Miss Tsundere went to the battlefield herself, and she fought Marine Vice Admiral in the first battle.

Maynard’s strength is not strong, but he is a tough guy. Even if he is hit by a flaming cannonball, his tyrannical body will slash to Nakiri Erina.

However, Erina is more agile the more she fights.

Only in the actual combat 473, can you comprehend more combat skills.

She kept thinking, the harder Maynard roared, the faster Erina would dodge.

“Caught you!” Maynard was about to slash with a big knife.

Nakiri Erina smiled at the corner of her mouth: “What you’re waiting for is you rushing in, Fire Fist!”

A fifty-meter fire fist slammed into his face, sending Maynard flying three hundred meters away.

“Damn it!” Maynard was indeed rough-skinned and thick-skinned, with a hard steel fire fist on the front that could stand up.

Of course, the power of Nakiri Erina’s fire fist is not tyrannical enough.

At this moment, a roaring explosion sounded.

Maynard looked into the distance, on the opposite uninhabited island, where Carlo and Akainu met.

“Sakazuki Admiral!”

Maynard couldn’t actually see that far, but when he heard Akainu’s screams, the uninhabited island over there was when Super Carlo beat Akainu.

Maynard’s attention is drawn to the battle on the uninhabited island.

It should be said that a large number of Marines and soldiers were attracted.

But everyone in Carlo’s pirate group didn’t look at it because they all believed in Carlo.

Maynard was delayed for two seconds, then looked at Nakiri Erina.


Nakiri Eri (cdfi) has raised her right hand, palm up, and a sea of ​​fire is formed around her, and the flames are like a backflowing fountain water, rushing up to her palm.

The sea of ​​fire is spinning, and Nakiri Erina is now like the Queen of Fire.

“Profound meaning, the flame weapon, the hot pot exploded!”

More than 100 meters of flaming hot pot smashed.

It was too late for Maynard to dodge.


The screaming explosion, the 300-meter-high flame beam, then burned into a cauldron of flames, and exploded a second time.

Those who tried to rescue Maynard Marine were also bombed to powder.

Turn around directly, Miss Zhen, and never look back at the explosion.

“Maynard Vice Admiral!”

“Maynard Vice Admiral!”

“Maynard Vice Admiral is down (crying)!”

“Maynard Vice Admiral was killed by that flame pirate.”

Panic, panic, panic.

More than half of the original Marine and World government’s Shining Armor soldiers died, and the blood flowed into rivers.

Now the two Vice Admiral, the core has been killed.

The remaining thousand Marines and more than a thousand silver armored soldiers panicked when they heard this voice.

Looking at the battlefield again, Miss Nakiri Erina Haki sideways leaked, the flames unfolded, and her hands were crossed in front of her chest. In fact, it was the sweat that wet her clothes. To defeat Maynard, her strength could only be fruitful. esoteric move.

[Nakiri Erina, Comprehensive Combat Strength Assessment: 2871)

Otherwise the guy is stinky and hard and very durable.

On Kuina and Robin’s side, there were thousands of people lying around, including Vice Admiral Rear Admiral Commodore, all of whom were beheaded by Kuina.

Robin is dazzled, with eyes all over the place, super strong view of the big picture, assisting Kuina in battle.

The remaining dozens of Marines were too scared to go forward.

In front of Medusa, the arrogant Garfis knelt on the ground, blood spreading: Madam “Strong! It’s only natural for me to lose.

In the end, Garfis’s words were still arrogant.

The three just want to completely trap Medusa? There is no way!

In an instant, Medusa disappeared and went to Tsunade’s direction for support.

In the entire battlefield, except for Tashigi’s suppression of Mikasa, at all other points, Marine and the World government’s siege army collapsed.

The gasping Nami also killed nearly five hundred people.

There are corpses everywhere.

In less than half an hour, the 8,000-strong siege army was less than 2,000.

There are only five officers left, and Akainu Admiral is the only officer left except for Tashigi and the Marine officers.

But in an instant, the golden light exploded.

Everyone had to cover their ears with a huge roar.

A black shadow from a distant uninhabited island, smashing across a kilometer of land.

I don’t know what hit me.

The entire battlefield stopped for ten seconds, and the people on both sides looked at the things that flew down.

Lying in a pool of blood was Akainu Admiral, who was bleeding all over.

The facial paralysis that was beaten by Carlo, the limbs are folded and deformed, and the eyes have turned white.

“Sakazuki Admiral!!

“Sakazuki Admiral!

“Sakazuki Admiral!”

“Sakazuki Admiral!”

Akainu was beaten into a husky, the space was torn apart, and Carlo also jumped from the space on the uninhabited island, sweating profusely.

After the state of Super Carlo, I felt that my strength was drained, and now my whole body was sore. However, Vice Admiral could still do it in a few seconds.

“Sakazuki Admiral, defeated by Carlo!”

Marine and the silver armored soldiers of the World government are already trembling, let alone fighting.

With just one look from Carlo, they can scare them all go soft.

Tashigi leaps backwards.

She suppressed Mikasa, but Mikasa is really bloody, and her willpower is too tenacious.

Regardless of Tashigi’s various moves, the continuous Slash Wave, and the powerful blows, they were all resisted by Mikasa.

Mikasa was already trembling with pain in her hands and feet.

However, she still stood up straight, dropped the three-dimensional motorized device, tilted her head, and stared at Tashigi with cold eyes.

Mikasa is like a god of war.

Tashigi’s strength and speed can be said to be more than twice that of Mikasa.

However, Mikasa’s strong willpower and judgment surprised Tashigi.

Of course, there is another point. After the Fallen, Tashigi’s strength has skyrocketed, and now Vice Admiral may not be her opponent.

If she wanted to kill Mikasa, she could still do it within twenty minutes.

But half of Tashigi is a member of the Carlo Pirates, so she has no intention of killing.

Tashigi looked over and saw Akainu Admiral, who had been beaten into a Transformer.

“This… how is Carlo so strong?”

Mikasa looked at her: “You should do other things, next time we meet, I will pull it back!”


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