Chapter 243 Brave and Fearless Tashigi, Still Being Seconded

Tashigi nodded and immediately leaped towards the core area of ​​the battlefield.

A strong landing, the pink justice coat is particularly conspicuous.

After all, the members of the “oneself” Carlo Pirates did not attack Tashigi for the first time, giving people the illusion that she was intimidating the Carlo Pirates.

And, others shuddered at Carlo’s Haki.

But Tashigi can move freely, which is amazing.

In fact, it was Carlo’s Haki who was in control, bypassing Tashigi directly.

She landed and rushed towards Akainu Admiral, who was covered in blood, and then kicked her legs, yes, Tashigi kicked the half-dead Akainu.

Kick it out and drop it towards Marine’s position.

“Get out!” Tashigi yelled.

The so-called elite Marine soldiers woke up.

“Tashigi Rear Admiral!”

“Tashigi Rear Admiral!”

Tashigi stood in the middle of the two sides: “Now listen to me, retreat! Bring Sakazuki Admiral back for treatment-healing, retreat!”

She held her knives, and her whole body burst into a powerful arrogance: “Listen to my order, Marine retreat! I will resist the Carlo Pirates!

After Tashigi came to the temple, the others retreated.

Hearing this sentence, Marine burst into tears instantly, and those colonel soldiers were immediately moved to tears.

“Tashigi Rear Admiral!

“Tashigi Rear Admiral!”

The rest of Marine almost fell to his knees.

Near the warship, several lieutenants lifted the deformed Akainu and ran aboard.

“What are you still doing, retreat! Retreat as much as you can! Go!”

After speaking, Tashigi yelled and rushed towards Carlo.

“Carlo die!”

She leaped into the air and used the strongest move: “Profound Truth, Scorching Sun Inspection and Flame Slash!”


Carlo pulled out the Denglong sword and resisted it like this.


The island shook, and the ground exploded, showing that Tashigi’s move was powerful.

This move was sent by Carlo, and the move was even mentioned by Carlo. The difference in strength between the two was huge, and Carlo Hengjian could easily resist it.

“Retreat! We retreat!

“Can’t live up to Tashigi Rear Admiral!”

“Retreat, run as much as you can.

There were more than 800 Marines on the scene, including the major and the lieutenant, who immediately retreated.

Escape without armor.

On Tsunade’s side, when they saw Medusa appearing, the two of them looked at each other, knowing what the other meant and understood.

She was one-on-one with Beamon, and Medusa dashed towards Pampas with a purple light.

“Sister Tsunade, do you need any help?”

In the sky, Altaïr also floated up.

“I don’t need it, what about you? Is the Wing of Lingfeng all right?”

On the side of the Wing of Lingfeng, three circles of people died, the scene was very bloody, and the unicorn had been scared into the hull.

Attack Melody Warrior!

A golden light appeared on Tsunade’s body, a green luan flew over his head, and Conis gave Tsunade a thumbs up gesture.

give it to me.

Between the Thunder, Tsunade charged at Beamon.

The latter’s sledgehammer grabbed it.

Tsunade punched, Pong, smashed with a sledgehammer, and punched Mur in the face with a roaring fist.

Altaïr turned his head to the side, grinding his teeth and muttering to himself: “Can’t make Tsunade angry, this fist ball turned into a bowl.”

Marine retreated, the commander of the World government had long been killed by Kuina, and now more than a thousand silver armored soldiers were like headless flies.

“Sisters, kill them, don’t let these guys run away!”

Nuoqigao shouted in the air.

Metheus was already tired of killing, but Darius charged at the silver armored soldiers again.

“Run!” shouted one of the Shining Armor soldiers.

Immediately everyone threw away their armor and fled.

“Sister Robin, I’ll go on.” After Kuina finished speaking, she leaped out and smashed into the center of the opponent.

Robin was already exhausted, sweating, and aching all over.

“Don’t even think about running!” Nami and Erina Nakiri also caught up, beating the underdogs of the World government.

“I told you to chase me just now, and I told you to chase me!” Nami caught up with a wild kick, the six soul bars recovered, and then released the wind blade fireball.

Nakiri Erina can elementalize the body: “Flaming Fire Eagle Roaring!”

A flying eagle that releases burning flames from mid-air.

The Carlo Pirates deliberately encircled and suppressed the Shining Armor soldiers of the World Government, and everyone was exhausted from the battle and approaching the end.

Carlo didn’t signal it, but Nuoqi knew what he meant, and let the rest of Marine go. They also needed these people to promote the suppression of the battle and give Tashigi an identity.

But this World government soldier doesn’t even want to run away.

“Moon Heart Black Mandala!”

Kuina Xiang jumped up and slashed with all his might, severing the two battleships.

…for flowers…

Cut off the possibility of those silver armored soldiers escaping.

“Don’t come, don’t come!”

Seeing Kuina approaching, those soldiers shivered.

With two blood-red sword lights, the ten people headed directly to the branch house, and behind them stood Mikasa holding two swords.

The two looked at each other and rushed in the other direction at the same time.

The Marines all fled aboard a warship, sailed away, and those who were alive cried from the stern, Tashigi Rear Admiral.

Tashigi missed a move and jumped back 100 meters.

Put a knife on the ground and hold the orange flame in both hands: “I will definitely defeat you Carlo!”

“Turn all the power in your body into power!”

“The fastest limit speed beyond your potential!”

On fire, Tashigi on fire.

“You man!

“I Tashigi willing to give it my all!”

“Put what you’ve learned in your life!”

She stepped on the ground, ran like lightning, and leaped towards Carlo, as if several Tashigi figures appeared in the air: “Profound Truth: Rain Magic Storm Slash!”

buzzing — buzzing —

Tashigi attacked wildly, slashing at Carlo.

However, all her moves were blocked, and it was Carlo who blocked it with his sword.

The Marines cried and watched.

Hear Tashigi’s voice and see Tashigi Rear Admiral’s mad attack.

When–the metal collided, the two separated again.

Tashigi stood firm: “Carlo, this is worth beating you!

She yelled, “You’re going to be defeated by me!”

“All power, destroy everything you have along with the space you can dodge.

The Marine warship that went away, the island can only see the big sesame seeds, and these Marines managed to escape.

But they all heard Tashigi’s will.

“Come on! Tashigi Rear Admiral (eight hundred people)!”

At this moment, among the eight people, there is only one goddess in their hearts, a superior who absolutely obeys, and that is Tashigi.

Tashigi rushed up to Carlo, holding up the orange flame in his hand.

But, Lightning, Carlo has appeared in front of her.


Unpredictable, unseen speed.

All at once, a shock of air penetrated Tashigi’s back.

Tashigi was sluggish for a moment, fell to his knees and looked at Carlo: “Mrs.”

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