Chapter 247 Scare away the four generals, all the ships are coming

Unicorn reported that it would take ten days for the upgrade to complete.

Carlo’s system upgrade took a while, telling Nami and Erina Nakiri: “Ten days later, the Wing of the Wind will be upgraded and we will set off.

These are the days to prepare things.

They had the final say in the storage of supplies. Nakiri Erina had a bit of power when shopping for vegetables, but most of them called Darius and Metheus, and let them exercise when they returned several dozen pounds.

“Are you ready to go to New World?” Nuoqigao stretched out her beautiful body.

“It’s really exciting.” Conis sat on the second floor.

Mikasa and Kuina just returned.

Now Kuina has more people around her who are cultivating crazily with her.

Last night, when Mikasa came out wearing a sexy tube top.

I stared at Nakiri Erina and Nami.

Mikasa’s six-pack abs are so beautiful, although they can’t compare to Carlo’s, but this is a girl.

Kuina also pulled up and said, it’s normal.

He sprayed Tsunade with a laugh.

Mikasa currently has an excellent relationship with Kuina.

“Carlo, everyone, found a boat approaching us.”

Usually, when Nuoqigao is resting, 477 new lookouts are handed over to Dilumon.

After eating Nakiri Erina’s delicious food and resting comfortably for two days yesterday, Pupmon successfully evolved into Dilumon.

“What kind of ship?”

“Is it Melis and the others?”

Dilumon held the telescope: “The pink ones look like cakes.

Carlo tilted his head: “The ship of the BIGMOM Pirates?”

Although the ship of the Four Emperors was not part of the group, as long as it was a cake ship, it would naturally be unkind.

The Four Emperors will not come for nothing.

It was none other than the Minister of Fried Food, Charlotte Snag of the BIGMOM Pirates Dessert Four.

Run of the Beasts Pirates, hasn’t returned to the ghost island crying.

Here comes Snag.

Snug was still aggressive a few days ago and said on the boat that Carlo might be gone.

Who knows, I saw the newspaper yesterday.

Marine suffered a crushing defeat, and the World government sent special forces to destroy them all.

Fuck–Snager is a madman, but he is not a fool. When he encounters a soft persimmon worse than himself, he steps on the other person’s face and speaks.

But this Carlo, is as strong as Marine Admiral can beat.

After all disembarked, Snag was wearing a yellow robe and carrying a Naginata sword, so he didn’t dare to pull it out.

“Listen, you can’t pull out weapons, understand? Our BIGMOM Pirates are very talented.”

“Yes! Lord Snag!

The younger brothers still looked at Snug with admiration. The two ships on the left and right were all chess soldiers, and they completely obeyed the command team.

Snug walked in front, walking towards Carlo’s camp, he didn’t dare to go too fast, and he saw Carlo in white clothes from a distance.

It’s autumn, the temperature is cold, and Carlo is just wearing white short sleeves.

When he stood up, Nuoqigao immediately took out a black cloak and gave it to Carlo.

The scene made Snag swallow.

“Captain Carlo, I’m Snag from the BIGMOM Pirates, and the special representative of the BIGMOM Pirates invites you.”

Snag dared not pretend.

Originally I wanted to talk about being strong, but seeing Carlo standing there, copying Kabuto with both hands, Haki unfolding invisibly.

Snug can only speak normally now.

“Invitation?” Carlo tilted his head.

Auntie and Kaido are old friends, the red-haired master.

Carlo is now in conflict with the Hundred Beasts, killing Snag directly, which may lead to the alliance of the two emperors.

Moreover, Marine and the World government hated him to the core, making him an enemy from many sides, which is not suitable for the time being.

“Yes, Captain Carlo, mother wants to invite you to the tea party in three months’ time!

What is the tea party? Nami and the others don’t know, but Carlo knows.

“Not interested in.

(cdfi) “You Carlo, you don’t know how many words you haven’t said yet.

Huh? Carlo just snorted.

Snug’s neck was crooked: “You don’t, do you, do you want to think about it again? Mom’s tea party is only world-class, and those who can come are all big figures in this world.”

The big man “?” Carlo smiled: “How many Shichibukai did he invite?”

“This… Now that The fish men island hasn’t joined, naturally Jinbei hasn’t joined.

“Did he invite the Four Emperors? Does the red hair give her face?”

It’s nothing more than some CPO people and people in the dark world like Morgans, and there are not many supernovas.

“Just have a meal, why should I go?”

“This… Snag wants to say that no one dares to turn down Mom’s tea party.

However, seeing Carlo’s appearance, the confidants around him were shaking.

Look over at Carlo.

Carlo Haki is full, eyes jumping behind him, and Tsunade is looking sideways.

Medusa with a chain spinning in her hand, and a strange evil smile, as if to dissect him, Altaïr, known as the silver-haired female demon.

All! Staff! Evil! People!

Snug didn’t dare to say it, he couldn’t leave if he said it.

At this time, more than ten pirate ships approached on the sea.

At the front is the ship of the Light Sound Pirates, with the logo of Carlo’s large ship hanging on it.

“Boss Snug…that..that’s the arrival of the Carlo fleet!

Snug looked at it, a dozen or twenty ships?

Completely intimidated, he brought 500 people, and 400 chess soldiers.

Boss “Let’s get out first.

“Then Carlo doesn’t need mother’s face.”

Snug was also clear, pretending to be calm: “Captain Carlo, I have already notified me, and I have other heavyweights to notify, just leave it now!”

After speaking, he took big strides and slipped, one step or two, walking fast.

In a blink of an eye, he ran back to his pirate ship and kept looking back, afraid that Carlo would do something.

Behind Carlo, Nuoqigao and Nami couldn’t help it, and they all laughed out loud.

“That guy is the legendary general?” Altaïr fell down: “It doesn’t look strong at all, and it doesn’t look like Tsunade-san’s opponent.

In an instant, Tsunade punched Altaïr in the head.

It hurts “Sister Tsunade, I’m going to call back!” Altair shook his head.

“Wow? Little girl?” Tsunade folded his hands on his chest and leaned into her ear: “Don’t want to know how big it is?”

Altair hugs Tsunade: “Sister Tsunade! Sister!”

On the other side, Carlo and the others were all looking at the port, and there was no news of the gathering of a large fleet.

Such a large group of ships must be looking for something for Carlo.

Now the official channel, if you want to contact the Carlo Pirates, first find the Light Sound Pirates near Tuya Island.

Carlo saw a lot of unfamiliar shadows, as well as a flag of the Sun Pirates.

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