Chapter 248 Join the Sun Pirates, Jinbei Fifth Division Captain

The captain of the Light Tone Pirates, Melis, has a reward of 332 million Berry.

Although Melis has a decent physique, her appearance is mediocre, and her personal strength is not that of Lieutenant Colonel Marine. Why is there such a high reward.

All because Carlo gave her the right to trust Melis.

Of course, to say it badly is called a hand-cuffing shopkeeper.

Melis does her best, and that’s what her pirate group is good at.

“Captain, that’s the cake ship, it should be from the BIGMO-M pirates.

Seeing “We came and went.

“There is no battle sound.”

Melis smiled: “Of course, now our boss Carlo has few people who dare to provoke him.”

Marine Admiral was defeated, and now looking at the world, the regiment is already at the top level.

“I still don’t admit that Lord Carlo is the Four Emperors, who dares to say nothing now?”

The people of Carlo’s big fleet are also very face-to-face.

On the boat of the Sun Pirates on the left, Jinbei was very ambitious, while the other dozen or so boats were all excited to see Lord Carlo.

Carlo walked this way, and Altaïr flew over.

Kuina and Mikasa continue to be mentored by Rayleigh.

“Boss Carlo!” Melis jumped down and reported immediately.

“Meeris, you have a lot of people here.”

On the left of Melis and the others, Jinbei, the former Shichibukai sea man, was behind the vice-captain, the merman Ardin, the fish-man pirates.

The large group of people on the left seems to have everyone, including fur bears, long-legged, long-legged, giants, and several cute little human races, almost all the snake-headed races.

There are no giants in all nations.

“Boss Carlo, you are famous now, and you have done a lot of things. Countless people admire you and want to join, but you don’t know that our Qingyin Pirates live on three islands, and every day you can see more than one pirate who wants to come. join us.”

“Thank you for your hard work.

“It’s not hard work, Boss Carlo, we’ve grown stronger now.”

Now the Carlo fleet is developing very well, and Carlo’s management style and the trust in his men make them very proud.

There is no large fleet of red hair, let alone say.

The aunt has to surrender her soul, and when she gets sick, her children are killed. It seems that the nations are in harmony, but anyone who offends the aunt will surely die.

Kaido’s side is full of monsters, who don’t care about his subordinates, but are sometimes cruel to ordinary subordinates.

“Boss Carlo, let’s talk about the Sun Pirates first.

Jinbei stepped on the clogs, and the whole group knelt down: “Boss Carlo, under Jinbei, know that Boss Carlo treats his subordinates with kindness and righteousness, and his work style is clear and clear, and many islands are sheltered by Boss Carlo, and many of you agree with him. .”

“Next, on behalf of the underwater palace, on behalf of the murlocs, I ask Boss Carlo for protection.”

Murlocs are discriminated against, played with by the world government, and regarded as monsters by ordinary people.

In the past, The fish men island was sheltered by the Whitebeard pirates, so they could live in peace, but when Whitebeard fell, the Whitebeard disbanded.

Many rampant pirates, robbers, and even CP people began to pay attention to mermaids.

Especially female mermaids, who are beautiful, will be hunted and sold.

So Jinbei, Carlo was the first thought.

“Jinbei, I still know your style of doing things very well.”

Jinbei opened his mouth and looked at Carlo hopefully.

On the way, Melis told Jinbei that a good attitude can improve the success rate a lot.

“But I have three requests.”

“Please speak!” Asylum is definitely required.

In fact, in many small towns and villages, they said that they had given Carlo the big boat group money or materials, but Carlo said that the squad leader or his own group only returned when they passed by. When the big boat group arrived, they were not eligible to receive things.

Whoever accepts it will be expelled. Of course, it is a pity to enjoy the VIP hospitality in the village kingdom.

“First, how much did The fish men island pay to Bai Tuan?”

Aldine replied: “Whitebeard used to have a good relationship with King Neptune and only received 60 million Berry a year.”

“Then I will charge 60 million, except for my squad leader and this regiment, the big fleet is not eligible to get it.

“Second, Jinbei, your Sun Pirates join me, Jinbei will be the captain of the fifth division.”

Jinbei nodded, all these should be, even the people of the Sun Pirates didn’t expect, Carlo they only need 60 million Berry every year.

ask for flowers…

The gold in the sky of the allied countries is a terrifying figure of more than ten or billions of Berry.

“Thirdly, in addition to promoting the image of our country and abiding by our country’s behavior, if I see anything that is uncomfortable or wrong, I will deal with it directly. Don’t reason with me at that time, understand?”

Jinbei nodded: “We promise at three o’clock.”

“Get up, Jinbei, from now on, you are the captain of the fifth division. Except for special events or tasks, you will basically not limit your work.”

Jinbei was excited, and everyone in the Sun Pirates was very excited.

“Thank you so much, Boss Carlo!”

Because The fish men island can hang the banner of the Four Emperors Carlo and receive shelter.

Ardin immediately took out the phone and told King Neptune.

At The fish men island, all sides were immediately erected, and a flag with a skull and crossbones that read Carlo was raised.

There are several pirate groups going to New World and are staying on The fish men island, including Luo of “Carlo Blow”.

“This, isn’t this the flag of the Carlo Pirates?”

At this time, the whole The fish men island heard King Neptune’s broadcast: “Everyone, everyone, tell everyone good news, the Four Emperors Carlo agreed to shelter The fish men island, and in the same model as the Whitebeard Pirates!”

Many murlocs cheered, but there were also a few murlocs who showed fierce looks.

Back to Carlo’s side.


“Under here.”

“I remind you, you The fish men island, it’s not very peaceful now, I advise you to go back and manage it well, for example, if there is a new fish man pirate group, if I don’t solve it when I come, I will do it myself, what will happen? Like, it’s hard to say.

Jinbei shuddered, this was Carlo’s warning to them.

“Understood, I will return to The fish men island and King Neptune immediately to rectify.”

The Sun Pirates leave.

“Boss Carlo, it’s their turn, these twelve ships, there are more than 1,500 people, divided into two waves, the one on the right has more than 800 people, the slaves you escaped from when you were in Mariejois, thank you, I want to join The four hundred people on the left were the ones who escaped from Impel down and wanted to join us.”

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