Chapter 268 Pika’s trap, the exploited baby-5

Altaïr and Nochigo laughed when they saw Carlo.

Nuoqi looked at baby-5 high, this woman really looks good.

“Lord Carlo, I laughed when I saw the beauty.” Altair expanded his mouth.

“I couldn’t find the way yet, but now I’ve brought it to my door.”

baby-5 jumped down with a cigarette in his mouth: “Are you that Carlo?”

Buffalo had already hid behind and dared not speak, this was the Four Emperors-Carlo.

“Exactly, isn’t this the maid baby-5 by Doflamingo’s side?”

“You know me?” baby-5 is only famous in Dressrosa.

“Don’t you know me too? It’s normal to know beautiful women.”

Buffalo hid behind: “Carlo, you are not in town, why did you come to this mountain in the middle of the night?”

“Buffalo, then why are you here?”

Buffalo thought of an excuse: “Iron Island is a business partner with us, of course we have to patrol.”

“Commercial cooperation? I guess it’s good. Brother Ming’s weapons smuggling base is right here.”

“You… how do you know?”

Next to Altaïr and Noqigao are ready to start.

“The guide is really good.” Altair has sharpened his knife.

At Carlo’s side, with Altair, Nochigo, Unicorn, Kuina and Mikasa.

Medusa, Darius and Metheus returned to the Wings of the Wind.

Tsunade takes Robin, Conis, Nami, and Erina Nakiri at the entrance to the mountains.

Carlo is divided into three ways.

He stretched out his hand and stopped Altaïr who was about to do it: “No need to do it, I’ll do it.”

“baby-5, how about show us the way to the base?”

Norki Gao and Kuina are still thinking–

“The other party is the enemy, how can you say that the other party will obey?”

“You ask her to listen to you, unless it’s a fool?”

How do you know–

Baby-5 blushed instantly, shy and excited: “Really? Really please me?”

Carlo took out a bunch of roses from the system space, and the space Wanxiang went to baby-5: “Please, baby-5 beauty, I am very serious, please, take us to the ordnance base.”

baby-5 blushed: “No problem, I’ll show you the way!”

Nuoqi Gao:???



Altair blinked, and she felt that baby-5 was sincerely happy and promised to lead the way.

The mood swings in her body changed, and she felt it clearly.

“baby-5 can’t promise them.” Buffalo stopped her.

baby-5 said: “But he, he asked me.”

Buffalo looked at Carlo: “You…how do you know about baby-5’s character flaws.”

Carlo snapped his fingers, and a rocky arm on the ground restrained Buffalo.

“I know very well the character of baby-5, as long as she is asked, she cannot refuse.

And this kind of character? Nuoqigao and the others all laughed.

Buffalo found him completely unable to struggle.

[Buffalo, Comprehensive Combat Strength Assessment: 7441

Carlo and a few people walked up to baby-5, and Carlo said again: “I’m just too lazy to do it, otherwise with your strength, I’ll kill it in a blink of an eye.”

[baby-5, Comprehensive Combat Strength Assessment: 2901)

Hearing this, baby-5 actually felt bad, but as long as she was asked, she couldn’t refuse now.

Carlo continued: “However, the maid, baby-5, I still think it sounds good, but I sincerely ask for it. If it was someone else, I would have done it earlier.”

It turned out to be a sincere request, and baby-5 is more active in leading the way.

Over the iron mountain, is the other side of the island, here is the depression of the kilometer of the basin.

“baby-5 please tell me, how big is Mingge’s base?”

Baby-5 immediately replied: “This is the young master’s largest arms base. The affiliated islands to the north are all warehouses, with a quantity of over 200,000 pieces. The factory goes down the hill opposite the basin, and the raw materials are cheap here.”

Buffalo was held by Kuina with a rope, and he was dishonestly slashed with a knife.

It’s also a lead hostage.

Buffalo looked at baby-5, he just remembered now, they were trying to bring Carlo over, but where is the distance?

This basin is a good choice..

“Huh?” Altaïr pulled out the scar of the sky with his right hand: “There is an ambush!”

At this moment, the earth trembled, and countless iron stones and iron sands in the entire basin jumped, rolling like a giant wave.

Suddenly, the iron stone rose up, covering the entire kilometer-wide basin like “shaomai”.

Both Kuina and Mikasa drew their knives, and Nokigao took out a whip.

…for flowers…

In fact, Carlo had already sensed it, but he was just a daring artist.

It’s impossible for baby-5 to come with just two people. This place is rich in iron ore, and there are at most two or three islands away from Dressrosa.

There are bound to be many experts here.

“Hahahahaha.” Pika’s sharp laughter was clearly a strong man with a body of more than four meters, but the laughter was the voice of a sharp and mean woman.

In the sky, there are still countless huge stones floating.

“That’s a disgusting voice, are you Pika?”

Pika smiled and stood at the top of the iron rock wave, and besides him, there was Gladius.

Actually “Say my voice is disgusting? You damn Carlo fell into my trap, do you still want to struggle?”

Gladius sneered: “baby-5, you are good at attracting, and brought Carlo’s people here. Hahahaha, there are a lot of iron stones here, Pika’s stone fruit is invincible here, ten times stronger than usual. ”

Pika is a Paramecia and stone fruit person who controls the stone block, which can enhance the hardness of the rock.

This island is made of iron and stone, with extremely high hardness, plus his strengthening.

Comparable to a natural home.

Buffalo shouted: “Blue card, save us first!”

“Save you? What can you save?” Pika tilted her head: “You’re just a piece of shit, and it’s useless at all. As for baby-5, hahahaha, she’s just a tool to use casually. Everyone thinks she’s a trouble. There are also flaws in character.”

Gladius made up the knife: “Yeah, it’s annoying to carry, of course, it’s easy to use, just call her please, and she can do anything.

“Just taking advantage of the character of this idiot-like woman, let him attract people, as long as he is easily asked to do it.”

The two stood on the high and laughed wildly.

baby-5 stood there crying: “Impossible, I, I am so useless?”

Pika nodded: “Yes, you have no role at all.”

Gladius nodded: “Yes, it’s just a useless tool woman.”

baby-5 was crying and despairing.

She wants to be needed since she was a child, so as long as someone needs her, please, she will not refuse.

“Go to hell! People from the Carlo Pirates, baby-5 should be buried with them too.”

Pika activated the fruit ability, and the sky was covered with explosives of the Gladius fruit ability, and countless black iron stones fell from the sky. Of,

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