Chapter 269 Virgo Monet Arrives, Four on Four Begins

Countless iron bodies, Iron Body, fell from the sky like a shower.

Smashed towards Carlo and a few people below.

Kuina threw Buffalo, pulled out Dong Shi and swung it, with a small slash with a small slash, smashing the iron stones that fell around her body.

Mikasa’s hands were red and bloody and his heart was stained with cold light, and he also waved at high speed to resist.

Even the inorganic bomb with Gladius in the middle would not hurt Mikasa under the rumble of the explosion.

The current Mikasa has improved very quickly, and can easily swing a small slash.

Countless long knives spun around Altaïr’s body, standing there very easily.

Baby-5 couldn’t dodge such a dense impact of iron and stone, was hit continuously and vomited blood, and fell back to the ground.

She put her right hand in front of her, and when she saw Gladius’ fruit power explode in front of her, she really thought she was dead.

However, under the continuous explosion of “Nine Three”, there was no pain in the body.

Look up.

Those iron stones and explosives were completely isolated from her ten meters away.

There is a smell of red that completely isolates it.

“This, what is this?”

“The top-level sight, coupled with the defensive barrier that Conqueror’s can form.”

Baby-5 looks back and it’s Carlo who is talking.

Next to Nuoqigao and Unicorn are also under protection, nothing at all.

“Good…it’s amazing.” Baby-5 vomited blood and stood up: “Why do you want to save me, I’m a woman no one needs, just a tool person.

“Who says no one wants it? I need you badly.”

Instantly baby-5 looked at Carlo: “You need me?”

“Of course, I need you more than anyone, and we are sincere, unlike the people around Ming Ge, who actually hate you very much.”

After a burst of indiscriminate bombing.

Pika looked down from a high place, even if thousands of troops were attacked by them in the previous round, there would be no bones left in this trap basin.

“How can it be!”

Pika and Gladius’ eyes widened, they prepared for a long time, and they took advantage of the geographical advantage of the natural environment to create a trap.

Kuina and Mikasa cut off all the iron stones and explosives that fell on them.

As for the 50 meters near Carlo, there is no trace of the explosion.

“That’s it?” Carlo smiled: “As expected of Brother Ming’s subordinate, he is a heavy blow to his teammates.”

Baby-5 was protected by Carlo after being injured, but Buffalo has died horribly.

“Hmph, Buffalo is useless at all.” Pika’s sharp voice: “Go to hell! Covered by rocks!”

Pika roared, and the rock formations on all sides seemed to be covered by a huge wave.

Carlo drew the Poseidon spear from behind and slashed in all directions.


The blue light covers thousands of meters.

The bombing cattle smashed into the sky yesterday, smashed into ash and disappeared.

Pika and Gladius screamed and fell from the heights.

“That’s the case.” Pika activated all the fruit abilities, and all the iron rocks gathered towards him.

100 meters, 200 meters, 300 meters of iron and stone super giants appeared.

It was pitch black and huge, as if to obscure the starry sky.

It’s majestic and scary.

Of course, that’s just for ordinary people.

Coming out of the Iron Town, thousands of people were holding various weapons, preparing to rush in the direction of Carlo.

This is the subordinate of Ming Ge mixed in the whole town, or the person who cooperated with Ming Ge.

But they rushed to the entrance of the mountain and looked at the four beauties standing there.

Our “dish is finally here?” Tsunade Haki stood in the center, majestic, the dark green windbreaker fluttered behind him, and the blue light of Chakra covered his hands.

“That’s all? Nami spins the six-soul bar.

“Nami, don’t be careless, there are some top-notch guys in here.” Conis played the piano, the fruit ability has been activated.

Three rays of light entered the bodies of the other three and converged on the pupils.

Serenade · Nighteye, under the night sky, even in a dark environment, you can see clearly.


Nakiri Erina stretched out her hand, and the flame in her hand burned a three-meter fire pillar: “Is there only so many people? It seems that most of the people in the town are still good people.”

The battle at the mouth of the mountain is about to start, and in the port, the location of the Wing of Lingfeng.

Bellamy brought many people from Ming Ge’s underground arsenal to grab the historical text.

But here.

Medusa was sitting on the watchtower, Darius came out from behind them carrying the great axe, and Metheus stood on the battery.

“Since you’re here, don’t even think about leaving…

“I will fight to the death!

“The people of the Guy ship Carlo Pirates are all our enemies.”

This side, this side is worse than Tsunade’s side.

Look back at Carlo again.

“I’ll take care of this big rock, Mikasa, you can deal with that explosive head.” Carlo smiled.

“I don’t have a chance to do it?” Nuoqigao originally wanted to try her new fruit ability.

Carlo looked to the left on the hillside.

Pika and the others also took advantage of the situation to look over.

I saw that the rocky hillside, covered with snow and wind, turned into a vast expanse of white.

I saw a man, a woman, and two shadow figures appear.

“Vergo! Monet!”

Pika’s unhappy voice.

Vergo did not wear Marine’s justice coat, known as Ghost Bamboo Vergo, wearing a plaid coat and sunglasses, with lightning-shaped dining corners on both sides of his face, and a bamboo weapon he held at hand. A powerful guy with a weapon color that may reach the special level, he feels that his strength is stronger than that of the elite five Vice Admiral.

Next to her is a green-haired beauty with golden pupils, her left eye covered by bangs from time to time, tall and tall, wearing a green camisole and dark green shorts. Logia Snow-snow Fruit ability.

The snow and ice on the hillside is her masterpiece.

“Pika, Gladius! What the young master meant, but when we come, let’s do it together.” Monet said in a low voice.

Obviously, Pika wanted to express herself, and there was no order to stop Ming on 5.8.

“Aren’t you here now?” Gladius tilted his head.

Pika is the group of spades, Vergo and Monet are the group of hearts.

Virgo carried the bamboo sword: “The other party is the Four Emperors, so we will destroy the other party first.

The four looked at Carlo’s side.

Carlo yawned: “Are you ready? It’s been a long time. It’s more convenient to deal with it together.”

“What do you mean, Carlo!” Pika shrilled.

“I’m still waiting for Brother Ming to appear. It turns out that he just asked you to come. It’s boring.”

“You! You! You! Carlo is in my territory, and you will not be my opponent!” Pika rushed towards Carlo, and a huge steel fist of fifty meters slammed down.

Just ten meters from the ground, there was a loud bang.

The fist stops.

Carlo stretched out his left hand and blocked Pika’s attack from a distance.

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