Chapter 280 Prepare to Participate in the Battle of Atwall

“The Roger Pirates.”

“Looking for One Piece? It’s exciting.” Nami was excited.

“He’s not the Pirate King at the moment.”

“But the New World is so big, how are we going to find the Roger Pirates?” Conis thought.

“Looking for a big city?”

Carlo stood up: “Do you often read newspapers in the village?”

“Of course I did.

“Have you heard about the sea battle of the Roger Pirates?”

All shook their heads.

Carlo smiled: “The timeline is almost the same now, it’s summer, maybe this week, it’s going to explode.


“break out?

“It’s about the Roger Pirates

Robin’s beautiful eyes found out: “I know, the biggest naval battle in history, the Battle of At Wall!

Summit War can only be considered a land war.

The biggest naval battle in history is also the super naval battle between the Roger Pirates and the Golden Lion Pirates, the second of the three legendary pirates in this era.

“Everyone, start building ships after lunch, and we’re going to participate in the Battle of Ed Wall!”

“Understand (congregation)!”

Compared with Carlo they are in the twenty-three-year timeline, ready to step in at 23 in the battle of Att Wall.

On the normal time line, there were huge waves.

Pirate Four Emperors Otardi Carlo, the entire ship of the group is missing, and some people even say that he has died in a shipwreck.

Various conspiracy theories spread.

Some people also ridiculed that it was a pity that he died in a super shipwreck shortly after entering New World.

However, some people said that there were news reports yesterday that the Wing of Lingfeng was still there, and it was not damaged. It was just that Carlo and the crew of the pirates had disappeared.

Of course, some people say that there are more people following the Carlo Pirates now.

This is him testing them.

In less than two days, the whole world is the topic of the disappearing Carlo Pirates.

However, during the discussion on the second day, many pirate groups discovered a problem when they discussed in the tavern.

It is the Carlo fleet, and there is no special change in the news.

Because — the phone bug on the Wing of Lingfeng can get through.

When the female beast disappeared that day, the unicorn was terrified.

Drilling into the hull core control room, the radar found small boats around.

The unicorn was a little scared, and immediately let the Wing of Lingfeng pretend that it didn’t break down, and was blown away by the sea breeze, first avoiding it to the distance.

Then the first thing that unicorn thought of was Momousagi.

In her core control room, there are not only everyone’s phone bugs, but also the Wantong order book.

The unicorn protects itself first and leaves Hualin Island.

If Carlo is okay, I can definitely contact her on the phone,

Although unicorns are afraid, their thoughts are very clear.

After all, she is an elf with little combat power.

“Hello? Who?”

Seeing that it was the phone of the Transit, not Carlo’s personal phone, Momousagi went to her captain’s room first, and she was cruising in the Queen City in the spring.

“Sister Black Rabbit, I’m a unicorn, something happened.” Listening to the voice of crying.

“What’s wrong? It’s alright, don’t panic, Sister Black Rabbit is here.”

Momousagi took out the phone bug next to her at the same time and answered Dina’s phone.

“Heinai.” Tina understood just two words, so she went back to her office first.

“It can be said.

“Unicorn, tell me, what’s the matter?”

The unicorn tells Momousagi the whole story, and Tina listens with a cigarette.

“It should be a trap designed by Doflamingo, we didn’t know there was such an island.”

“What to do, Sister Black Rabbit, I don’t know what to do.” Unicorn sat in the core control room.

“It doesn’t matter, they are together, there will always be a way to come back.

“I listened to Sister Black Rabbit.”

“First of all, the Wing of Lingfeng activates the protective color and heads to the Isle of Thunder!

“The Island of Thunder is an island with extreme weather. The second division captain, Enel, occupied the island. The Wings of the Wind is very strong, but it is still not good for Shichibukai-level powerhouses. I am afraid that Doflamingo will come to find a boat.

With Enel here, Brother Ming did not dare to be presumptuous on the Island of Thunder.

Even if Kaido came, he had to undergo electrotherapy.

And the phone worm contacted Enel and asked him to stare around the point now.

Although Enel’s brain is occasionally short-circuited, he still has a brain.

Let the unicorn park in the east of the quilt, and send your men to look for it near Hualin Island.

“With my god Enel, don’t worry!”

Momousagi continued: “Second contact the third division captain Empress, tell her, Carlo and the others have an accident, you say it is Carlo’s meaning, and let her go to guard near the Iron Island, otherwise the female lunatic will rush to that strange island.

Empress Hancock, as soon as she heard that Carlo had an accident, she didn’t care about anything, and she was ready to assemble the army.

Fortunately Momousagi knew her well enough.

“The concubine knows, and the concubine goes immediately.”

In this way, the two squad leaders of the Iron Island and the Thunder Island are there, and some people have bad intentions and need to weigh their abilities.

Third, “Use the Wantong order to inform all the captains of the Carlo large fleet that the group will disappear for a short time in case of special circumstances, and all the fleets should pay attention to safety.”


Before the news spread the next day, the nineteen pirates of Carlo’s large fleet, plus Carlo Kedal also knew, that something special happened in this group.

Under Momousagi’s arrangement, we responded immediately.

The next day, the news was overwhelming.

Brother Ming’s underground tactics immediately spread.

There are discussions everywhere.

Moreover, the Carlo Pirates, and even the squad leader did not stand up and say it was fake the next day.

That might be true.

Watching the fun is not too big of a deal, and it spreads all over the world.

Many pirates were overjoyed.

Especially the Blackbeard Pirates, even had a banquet.

“Thief hahahaha, something must have happened to the Carlo Pirates.”

Marine Ben 503, Sengoku walks with wind, happy, Carlo has an accident.

It’s best that all the people in his big fleet are poached.

However, on the third day, someone discovered it.

All the pirate groups in Carlo’s big fleet did not panic at all, and they all stayed in their respective areas without being restless.

And there are rumors that the Wing of Lingfeng arrived at the Isle of Thunder and was protected by the second captain Enel.

Empress Shichibukai, miraculously and inexplicably led the Nine Snake Pirates to the vicinity of the Iron Island, talking about business.

A wise man will find out that it is obvious to protect the Iron Island.

And, when the Carlo Pirates were discovered, the fourth division of the Black Rabbit Pirates set sail and did it on purpose.

The Four Emperors Carlo fleet had no influence.

“Where did that Carlo go?

And in the Sea Circle Calendar 1498, Hualin Island, Carlo they built a three-sail wooden boat with the wood on the island.

There are Kuina, Sanya, and Altair cutting, which can cut the wood block material in three minutes.

Although the unicorn is not there, Robin, Noqigao, and Metheus have all read books on shipbuilding, and they have some skills on paper.

In addition, the villagers in the village had a boat-building expert to guide, and it only took two hours to complete.

After all, the assembly is controlled by Carlo, and everyone sees that Dumu looks like a Transformer, and the assembly is complete.

“We’re ready to go!

Gang Feiyue boarded the boat: “I’ll go with you!”

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