Chapter 281 Golden Lion ass, Carlo Pirates join the battle

We “go too!” Emilia wanted to go too.

“Do you think the Battle of Ed Wall is a family game?” Noki said solemnly.

Robin said solemnly: “It is rumored that the Battle of Art Wall is the largest naval battle in history. The Roger Pirates have only one ship, but the Golden Lion Shiki’s Pirates have a total of 48 ships, with an astonishing number of nearly 20,000 people. .”

Emma and Leah were stunned.

The officer directly expressed his inner thoughts: “In such a terrifying naval battle, aren’t you going to die on this ship?”

The villagers below also nodded. Shiki, the golden lion, has heard of it. It is rumored that it is an extremely vicious pirate. The other party has nearly 20,000 people and forty-eight pirate ships.

How terrifying it was on this sea.

Carlo’s current ship.

The three-sailed wooden boat doesn’t even have a gun port, after all, the cannons are all there with the unicorn.

This merchant ship goes to the naval battle?

“It doesn’t matter, we have many bombards.”

Tsunade squeezed his fist, Carlo smiled, and the two were living super cannons.

“I’ll go with you, Emaria, you guard the village.” Lan insisted: “I have to end this incident, otherwise the village will always be in danger.”

“Captain Carlo, please let me go!”

The situation of New World changed suddenly, and two or three days of events passed.

Naval Headquarters received news that the Golden Lion Pirates had all assembled and seemed to be heading towards a goal.

“Could it be to attack a nearby country?”

Naval Headquarters sent Admiral Sengoku and Vice Admiral Garp, leading five warships, in that direction.

But in time, it may be too late.

Shortly after going to sea, Sengoku received a new report.

Said near Dressrosa, Marine patrol ship, Stolo Berry Rear Admiral’s three warships were destroyed.

“What? Destroyed?”

“Yes, Stolo Berry Rear Admiral’s main ship ran away, but all three secondary warships were destroyed.”

Completely wiped out “? Who did you meet?”

“It was said to be a super-powerful merchant ship, and the whole ship was a monster. It destroyed all three subordinate warships in three minutes, and stole all the artillery shells on the warship.””

Another soldier took the phone bug to report.

“Sengoku Admiral, Crane Vice Admiral just called, the powerful merchant pirate who defeated Stolo Berry Rear Admiral, killed several pirate groups nearby, and attacked whoever encountered it. Moreover, the current direction of action is to go to Atwall Sea.”

“Could it be that Shiki’s pirate group?”


“The whole ship is going at full speed.

On Carlo’s side, he recently picked up Marine and robbed three more pirate groups.

Supplemented with food and drink supplies, as well as ten shells.

“Carlo, according to the interrogation of those pirates yesterday, the water was suddenly turbulent, and when you saw a brown-yellow reef, it was entering the Ait Wall sea area.”

Nami shouted from the second floor.

Everyone has felt that the current fluctuates greatly, and if you can see it in the distance, there are brown-yellow reefs everywhere.

Delairs’ rudder control ability is definitely a first-line.

Even if the Wings of the Wind is heaven-defying and capable of long-range autopilot, Carlo has always asked everyone to be able to control guns. Darius is even more specialized, and Metheus is also very good.

On the observation deck, Nuoqi shouted: “Carlo, found the Golden Lion fleet! God, their pirate ships are super large.

Seeing from a distance that the ship group has gone towards the center of the ocean: “They still want to chase the ship of the Roger Pirates.

The distance is too far, very small, and Nuoqigao is not sure.

The Oro Jackson is the Roger Pirates.

Carlo pointed to the distance: “Then, let’s rush over, and after Art Wall, our Carlo Pirates will also leave a history!”

“Nami directs the course!”

“Nami understands! Darius turn left!”

Darius steered to the left.

“Metheus, Mikasa, Monet controls the sails!”

Monet pointed to himself: “Do I also control the sails?

“You go to the fore sail.”

Nuoqigao and Dilumon are on the observation deck, and Dilumon assists the lookout.

“Baby-5 please, use our turbo program!”

Baby-5 was very excited to be asked: “Leave it to me, Captain!”

She is a Paramecia weapon fruit ability.

Because the power of this ship is far less than that of the Golden Lion and their big ship, Roger’s ship is also a ship, and it is made by the treasure tree Adam.

So baby-5 becomes a rocket and then combines with Kuina.

Kuina Armament Haki’s whole body, holding the baby-5 turned into a rocket with both hands upside down, this is it.

Human propulsion —

When Carlo came up with this design yesterday, the whole boat almost burst out laughing.

But under the experiment, the effect is really outstanding, comparable to the real rocket launcher.

“Follow me!” Kuina and baby-5 went to the stern.

“The whole ship is ready for battle, Erina and Conis go to the ship and push the ammunition out.”

Medusa and Altair, the three-D combat power of the whole ship is ready to fight at any time.

With baby-5 propulsion, the merchant ship tripled in speed.

“Dareus, continue to turn left, and we will follow up laterally from a distance.

Since it was confirmed that the thing was on the Roger Pirates, Carlo’s primary goal was the Golden Lion Pirates, destroy the Golden Lion first, and then deal with Roger.

The Golden Lion’s boat was fast, and mainly Roger’s boat didn’t want to run too much.

Roger is also fierce enough.

Seeing forty-eight ships, he dared to face it.

“Then Roger’s head is the same as Carlo’s, and it’s also an iron-headed monster!” Robin sauce had a venomous tongue.

Carlo gave her a pat on the butt: “I’m much better than him, he sees Marine still going to run.

Boom boom boom boom — The ships of the Golden Lion Pirates have surrounded Roger, firing from a distance.

However, in this rough sea, the hit rate of the gunner is very low.

“Fire!” Roger growled.

There were cannon blasts on both sides of his hull, fore and aft, and the water column shot into the sky, but Roger was still laughing.

The bow main gun opened fire.

Boom — A ship of the Golden Lion’s convoy was hit.

“What? This can be hit, doesn’t your helmsman know how to hide!” Did the Golden Lion hit.

“Wrap me around, fire hard, and sink Roger.”

The battle of Et Wall (Lee’s good) sounded, the sound of artillery fire shook the sky, and forty-eight pirate ships surrounded the Roger Pirates and opened fire.

Carlo’s boat also began to approach.

Baby-5 was sitting in the stern of the boat, sweating profusely. Now she doesn’t need to push her forward, she can approach with the sail.

“Carlo! Something is wrong!”

shouted Nami.

“What’s wrong, Sun?”

Nami pointed to the sky: “It is rumored that the Battle of Atwall was caused by a storm in the sky, destroying most of the ships of the Golden Lion’s large fleet, and Roger could win!”


Robin, Conis, Nami, Noqigao all knew it, and so did Carlo.

Altair also looked at the sky: “Could there be a storm in this sky?

Tilt his head, it is sunny now, it is impossible to rain.

We “come, and history has changed?”

Nami said: “In this weather, at least today it is impossible to rain.”

Carlo pointed to the front: “Then let’s kill it, straight to Golden Lion’s ass!”

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