Chapter 287 Destroy the Nine Pirate Groups

The monstrous ice and snow python, roaring loudly, opened its fangs of ice and snow below.

Carlo’s hands were clasped together, and three flames swirled in his palms.

There are not many fire elements, but the skyfire that Carlo has brought in is enough.

“Element · Three Flames – Burning Sky Spear!”

The golden musket pierced the sky–penetrating through the roaring mouth of the ice and snow python,

From the head to the tail, the ice and snow python exploded in the air.

The Sky Burning Gun rushed towards Harry Guy.

Armament Haki took the blizzard and blocked Carlo’s attack at a distance of five meters.

“Damn it–” Harry roared.

The whole person was rushed higher, blocking Carlo’s attack, and his palms were full of blood.

The battle here can be seen from a distance.

“What kind of power does that young man have to drive Harry Guy into a rage?” Rayleigh was surprised.

“Hahahaha, and it’s interesting that he hasn’t used his full strength yet.” Jabba held the double axe.

Douglas Bullet dimly saw Carlo, another strong man he wanted to defeat.

“Haha, whether it is an enemy or a friend, defeat Shiki first.” Roger pointed to the front: “Now is a good opportunity! The Roger Pirates attack and charge forward!”

The Roger ship slashed towards the encirclement in one direction.

“Roger!” The golden lion Shiki roared, leaping over a distance of 300 meters, and the famous sword Sakura Tenyuki 510 in his hand shone brightly.

“Shiki!” Roger stomped and leaped out, Conqueror’s armed color wrapped around Ace in his hand.

The two met in midair.

Black and red light, under the impact of the powerful Haki, although the two swords did not touch, but the surging air waves caused the sky to change.

Golden Lion hasn’t eaten Lion Fruit yet, but moves like Moonwalk are fully drivable.

The crazy Golden Lion and Roger compete in midair.

And the Roger ship rushed to the area of ​​the third and fourth captains.

Rayleigh and Jabba charged at the same time, Golden Lion’s third division captain Danny Rose and fourth division captain Reguilon.

War is imminent.

When the hulls collided, the Golden Lion fleet in the distance would not be able to fire, otherwise it would be easier to bombard their own people.

“Support the past!”

“Roger Pirates, rush!” Kozuki Oden and Bullet rushed to the opposite boat with the two killing gods.

It was hot over there, and Carlo was not ambiguous here.

In the sky, Guy was annoyed and raised his hands to the sky, Devil Fruit awakened, as if the clouds had turned into snow and were gathering towards his hands.

Carlo still had time to watch the liveliness of Roger’s side, and looked at Ha Guyen: “Are you going to use the vitality bomb? It’s been ten seconds for you, and you haven’t assembled yet?

He completely ignored Ha Guyon’s ultimate move.

“You… you actually look down on me? I am, Guy, who runs the Grand Line and offers a reward of 1.05 billion Berry.”

Carlo squatted down slightly, the elements around the body began to turn purple, and the space slowly compressed: “It’s a good price, do you know how much I have?”

Harry Guy wants to scold, as much as you can, Laozi has never heard of it.

“how much you!”

“3.555 billion Berry, maybe more than your poodle captain.”

“I won’t believe it, ignorant young man, you should not give me the chance to condense the ultimate move!”

The ice and snow in the sky were like giant waves, Harry Guy danced, and the waves condensed into a giant three-headed ice and snow lion.

“Look in the sky!”

“Lord Harry Guy made a trick!”

“How can the battle over there amuse Harry Guy to make a trick?”

“Then why is the Carlo Pirates so strong?”

The people from the Golden Lion Pirates in the west could not see it, and now the sea was surging, and Carlo was fighting in the east.

Roger and Golden Lion’s duel is in the middle.

“Harry Guy turned into a body of snow, his body was shaking, and it took away all his strength.

Although Carlo is only a young man, he thinks it is necessary to kill this kid named Carlo.

To Carlo: “Profound Truth, Ice King Beast, Three Sky-devouring Lions!”

When crushed, this move is more than five times more powerful than the giant python just now.

The pirates on the left and right below screamed in horror.

This rush down, the kilometer range will be affected.

(Cdfi Lan and Monet were trembling, watching the three terrifying lions fall.

The pressure was so strong that Lan felt the difference.

That Harry Guy, is not something she can fight at all.

Carlo was still standing on the deck, the space compression had been condensed for three seconds just now, and the golden dragon sword was on the left waist, a top-notch movement.

With a low voice, Fujitora’s shadow appeared behind him.

“Element·Fujitora·Five-layer Space Gravity-Knife-Tiger!”

The space of heaven and earth was distorted, pierced and torn, and the three ice and snow lions that instantly oppressed and feared were penetrated and exploded by the light of color, pierced through the sky, and then penetrated through the clouds.

The thick clouds in the sky run through, and the power radiates 10,000 meters away in a straight line.

But everything that crosses the road will be crushed.

The ice flowers are falling all over the sky, and it is refreshing and icy.

Harry Guy’s strongest mystery is vulnerable under Carlo’s move.

“It turns out… it turns out that I am the ignorant person… – Ah.

Harry Guy’s lower body was gone, rubbed by the gravitational knife tiger, and crushed.

Spit blood fell from the sky.

Denglongjian turned a few times in his hand and returned to the scabbard.

On the right, Tsunade leaped over: “You’re still making such a big noise.”

Carlo looked to the right, the ship had thousands of pirates, all of them were beaten, and the hull was full of holes: “Sister Tsunade, your movement is no less than mine.”

The rest of the second division and twenty-ninth division were all dealt with by Tsunade.

“Hi… Luo, why are you so cold here?” Erina Nakiri and Nami leaped up, followed by baby-5.

“My eldest lady, come and give me a hug to warm up.

Erina blushed instantly: “No.”

Still hug Nami.

Nuoqigao changed back to human form and fell.

Nine pirate ships besieged Carlo’s side, and now all of them have been destroyed.

The rest of Darius, Kuina and the other side are still picking up the pieces.

Ga—Flying down, Altair threw the half-dead Vinicius on the deck: “Is this guy Carlo useful?”

Vinicius slumped to the ground and vomited blood.

Carlo stroked his chin and smiled evilly: “Of course, it works a bit.”

In the middle of the battlefield, Roger slashed Shiki, the golden lion, into the air.

Shiki smashed into his flagship, knocking back many people barely able to stop.

Rayleigh played against Danny Rose, captain of the third division, and Jabba played against the captain of the fourth division, Reguilon.

Kozuki Oden fights Hoybil.

“Roger of Damn it!

Roger landed on his own deck, and when he saw Kozuki and the little redhead they kicked the opponent away.

They were so few in number that they were completely besieged.

Shiki lit a cigar: “Besiege, siege the Roger Pirates for me, kill them all and see how long they can last!”

As soon as the voice fell, there was a loud noise behind him, alarming countless people.

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