Chapter 288 The storm that should come will still come

Golden Lion and Roger collided and separated, each landing on his own boat.

Shiki was supported by a group of men, and Roger kicked the enemy when he landed to help Kozuki, and the entire Roger pirate group fell into a hard fight.

The opponent’s former tenth division captain came to hold back the core combat power of the Roger regiment.

Rayleigh, Jabba, Kozuki Oden, and Bullet.

These four people are absolutely tyrannical. The opponent’s first team captain Hoybill, third team captain Danny Rose, fourth team captain Reguilon, and fifth team captain Balmario resisted with all their strength, holding back the four D’s combat power for the time being. question.

The rest of the Roger regiment, facing many opponents, has already begun to be injured.

The Golden Lion’s ship was approaching, and they were about to be surrounded.

“Show me how long Rogers can last.” Shiki is very smart, there are more than 40 Rogers in the boat, and one death is less than one.

Suddenly, there was an explosion from behind.

Carlo stood on the ice and snow boat and shot hard at the half-dead captain of the 12th Division.

Ka-dong-dong-dong–runs through the four pirate ships, blood swirls horribly, and just hits Shiki’s ship.

Isn’t that, Vinicius?

Captain Vinicius!

This scene shocked people on both sides.

“What’s the matter? Vinicius!” Shiki just lit his cigar and was stunned.

The people in the Golden Lion convoy left and right, seeing the bloody Vinicius, actually only breathed a sigh of relief.

“Be careful, Shiki…that pirate group…it’s scary.”

After Vinicius said his last breath, he hung up.

At this time, Shiki turned to look over and saw Carlo and others on the shattered ice and snow boat.

The sea is full of broken pirate ships.

“Our people?

“Why, everything disappeared!”

“The sea is full of our bodies.”

Nine ships and nearly 5,000 people were basically destroyed.

“Didn’t I say, don’t get in my way?” Carlo crooked his neck and said in a devilish voice: “Is there any more? Who is next.”

By the way, he kicked Harry Guy with half of his body dead.

“Captain Harry Guy!”

“Lord Harry Guy!”

“Harry Guy is dead?”

“Killed by that Carlo?”

Harry Guy is Shiki’s right-hand man, and everyone knows his strength.

Actually.. was defeated.

“Hey hey hey, what’s up with these young people?” Jabba was stunned.

Shiki pointed at Carlo with Mu Ku: “Boy, did you kill my second division captain?”

“Yeah, he fell before I even tried.”

The nine pirate groups were all wiped out, and the sea area over there looked horrific.

And beside Carlo, there were several women standing.

What is the origin of this pirate group?

“Boy, you kill my second division captain, don’t even think about leaving this sea alive today.” Shiki was angry.

“Really? Then I can only remove you from this sea by the way.”

Shiki bit his cigar: “Left and right wing fleet, lean over to me and kill this kid.”

Ten pirate ships came around and wanted to surround Carlo again.

Medusa all stood up, and she was ready to move.

A dozen squad leaders looked at Carlo.

“Looks like it’s going to be a long fight and Carlo is trying to speak to Tsunade.

Suddenly look to the sky.

Nuoqigao and the others also saw it: “Why is there such a thick cloud layer all of a sudden.”

At this time, the sky was already covered with dark clouds, and the dark clouds seemed to be pressed down.

“It’s because there are too many strong people here. When they hit the sea, the updraft formed on the sea surface shot into the sky. When the air pressure was recovered, it sucked all the nearby dark clouds over, and it was about to scare the storm.”

A huge storm is coming, the huge waves colliding on the sea surface are already 100 meters high, and the tsunami sounded.

“The events of history are still going to happen,” Robin said.

Everyone knows that the Battle of Atwall was a violent storm.

“Sir Shiki, a super storm is coming!”

“Nani? Super storm?”

Carlo turned around: “Go back to our ship first.

Nuoqigao turned into the sky, and everyone grabbed her feet and went back to their ship first.

Idiot, “That boat can’t keep out the storm at all.”

For a time, the torrential rain poured down, no matter whose boat, the flat boat in this heavy rain shook violently.

lifted by the waves.

“Ah—left side” screamed, and saw the 300-meter huge waves crashing down.

Whoops, two pirate ships shattered.

“Come back! Hold the sails!” Roger yelled.

ask for flowers…

Rayleigh and Jabba they jumped back.

“Humans are too small in front of nature.

“The rain was pouring, Oden took someone to drain it.

The Golden Lion fleet screamed continuously, his super fleet, finished, finished, encountered such a terrifying stormy shipwreck.

The Golden Lion heard the screams of a boatload of people.

The 300-meter surf hit Roger’s side.

Roger pulls out all the stops.

“Profound Truth, God Avoidance!” Roger is super powerful.

Break the waves forcibly.

These big ships are going to smash, not to mention the smaller ones on Carlo’s side.

When I saw a huge wave of 400 meters, it was about to beat.

Lan and the others screamed in fright, their faces turning white.

At this terrifying time, as long as you get involved in the sea, you will basically die.


“I come.”

Carlo’s voice, took out the spear of Poseidon from behind, facing the waves in front: “Separate the sea!

Blue light slashed.

The huge waves were in front of them, splitting left and right.

Both Shiki and Roger looked silly.

Carlo spins the spear of Poseidon: “Poseidon · Position!”

Towards the hull of one kind, the waves are reversed on all sides, and all the huge waves that are about to be rushed are thrown away by Zhao.

This boat has a range of 300 meters and emits the blue light of the sea. Within this light, the waves on the sea surface plummeted tenfold.

The wind and waves were very small, and the surrounding waves did not dare to approach.

“That boy, what kind of means is this?”

Looking back, the flagship of the Golden Lion was also lifted up. Carlo’s side was level 5 waves, and their side was level 15.

Scream, it’s even more miserable for those who are strong in Shichibukai level, fall into the sea and be crushed by Uzumaki and rocks.

The Golden Lion is still struggling.

But it was his or his, and the broken cabin flew in and stuck in his head–

Even if history has changed, the shape of Golden Lion’s forehead has not been avoided.

Along with his flagship, it shattered in the roaring waves.

The mighty force came with nearly 20,000 people and forty-eight pirate ships, twenty of them were destroyed by Carlo and Roger, and the rest were swallowed up by the sea.

Even Shiki, the golden lion, smashed into the sea and was swept away by the waves.

In this battle, the Golden Lion fleet was beaten back to before liberation, and less than two people survived. Of

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