Chapter 289 Carlo Pirates vs Roger Pirates

From this day on, Shiki the Golden Lion recognized two pirate groups.

The soon-to-be-one Piece Roger Pirates, and the mysterious Carlo Pirates, a young man with a lot of beautiful women.

Why is it mysterious, when the Golden Lion survived and summoned less than twenty percent of the remnants again.

Roger has already boarded Raftel to become the pirate king, and the mysterious Carlo pirates have never been seen since the Battle of Et Wall.

But he will always remember.

Under that super storm, under the continuous waves and tsunamis.

His indestructible Golden Lion fleet was destroyed, but that Carlo, who actually fought against the sea with terrifying strength, the scene of smashing eight huge waves while swinging, Shiki felt chills behind his back every time he thought of it.

Return to the Waters of Et Wall.

The mad “May 10” storm swept away all the broken pirate ships of the Golden Lion fleet.

After the storm that lasted for a full two hours, after the calm, it was so quiet again.

This is the magical Grand Line, also known as the Dead Sea by Art Wall, with the most extreme weather.

In the whole sea, except for some debris, there are still two ships.

On the Oro Jackson, most were vomiting, or on deck.

Two hours of hard work with the storm waves, almost exhausted leaning on the boat.

Buggy and the redhead threw up even more, not knowing how many times the waves rolled on the boat.

The stomach is overturned, and the standing is unstable.

“Hey hey hey, what kind of monster is that over there.” Jabba pushed up his little sunglasses.

“Hahaha, that’s amazing, how can such a terrifying storm and waves actually survive?” Rayleigh smiled wryly with his stomach covered.

Their pirate ship is made of the treasure tree Adam.

Carlo’s boat was made of ordinary wood.

Under normal circumstances, it would be difficult for a thousand ships to survive the waves just now.

“We actually survived…pi.” Lan said, spitting on the side of the boat.

On the boat, both Metheus and Darius were vomiting, and Kuina was covering her stomach and felt uncomfortable.

The bumps are horrible.

Mikasa didn’t feel anything, after all, he had been trained to spin around in the sky.

Tsunade gave Nakiri Erina and Nami a massage first, and they recovered immediately.

Altaïr and Medusa didn’t feel the slightest, and Carlo received the Poseidon’s spear.

If they didn’t have this magical weapon, they would have been able to withstand it, and the ship would have been shattered at least a hundred times.

Monet was the most shocked: “Is this the strength of the Four Emperors Carlo? The man who fought against the tsunami and torrential rain.”

“How do you feel? Do you need me to heal?” Tsunade pressed a circle, and everyone basically replied a lot.

“Thank you, no, I didn’t get any injuries from the elementalization just now.” Monet almost forgot that Tsunade was the ship doctor of the Carlo Pirates.

After all, her strength is strong. Seeing her terrifying power, Monet even suspected that Brother Ming might not be her opponent.

“Sail, let’s go.

Carlo stood on the deck and looked at the Roger Pirates in the distance.

“Understood, Captain!” Metheus and Mikasa set sail, and Darius returned to the helm.

The ship is heading for Roger’s ship.

Roger is looking over there too.

From the very beginning, I heard that this group of young people called the Carlo Pirates came to find themselves.

Roger stood at the bow, with Rayleigh and Jabba to the left and right, the rest of the crew behind, the Kozuki Odens, and Bullet all staring.

On Carlo’s side, stood Tsunade and Kuina to the left and right, Altaïr liked to float in the air, and Medusa sat on the lookout.

She felt the five tyrannical breaths, as expected of the fleet of the One Piece back then, indeed terrifying in strength.


Carlo said: “I didn’t expect to see a real person.”

Both Nami and Robin looked at Roger and the others, and it was like a zoo looking at animals.

“Carlo Pirates?” Roger looked at the pirate flag: “I really haven’t heard of it.

“Of course I haven’t heard of it, they fell from the sky.” Lan blurted out.

“Isn’t this Xiao Lan?”

As Rayleigh said, many people aboard Roger remembered this beautiful swordsman girl.

Fall from the sky? What does it mean?

“Roger”, my name is Carlo, the captain of this pirate group, our whole ship had an accident and fell into the swamp of time and space, we came from the Sea Circle Calendar 1521…

1521?” Redhead and Buggy counted, “Twenty-three years later?”

“Wow? Twenty-three years later?

“It’s so strange, it’s unbelievable.” Roger stood on the bow.

“When you have Kozuki on board, this kind of incident should be the easiest for you to believe.”

Altaïr snapped his fingers, the power of time spinning in his hand.

Kozuki’s eyes widened: “That’s the power of time.

Kozuki Oden protects his wife, no matter how he listens, the purpose is when he comes to Kozuki.

“Then you came to me? What’s the matter?”

“Find something!”


“How many days did you stay in Hualin Island?” Carlo touched Lan’s head.


“You took something from Hualin Island, which caused chaos in the time and space of Hualin Island. We want to return to the original time, so we come to get it.”

Roger laughed hahaha: “I did stay at Hualin Island, and when we left, we took some food for food, which was already used up.

Kozuki also said: “Are you guessing? The shattering of time and space is inherently difficult to control by manpower. Even if I have the ability to fruit, I would not dare to spy on the power of time.”

“It’s a guess, but it’s probably yours.” Altair added: “I have a very strong feeling.”

We “don’t think there’s anything in 5.8.”

Carlo smiled: “How about let’s do a search?”

Roger’s nose is furry: “How can people let people search casually for their own things?”

Carlo squeezed his fist: “Then only extreme measures can be used.”

“I like to be tough.” Altaïr was already spinning the long knife beside him.

Chakra has been released on Tsunade’s arms.

“Come the pirate way.” Jabba grinned, holding his axe.

Medusa stood up, and the tyrannical force was released, shocking the people of Roger’s regiment.

“What’s up with this woman?” Rayleigh was amazed at the power Medusa unleashed.

Carlo stood on the bow of the boat, his whole body glowed with silver light, the unicorn tail swayed left and right behind him, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

The swords are drawn and the battle between the two sides may break out at any time. .

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