Chapter 290 Super strong battle, three wins in five rounds

Both Kozuki Oden and Bullet are fighting lunatics, already waiting to strike at any moment.

Little Buggy wiped his red nose and counted with his fingers. There were only a dozen people in front of him, hehe, much less than them!

Now stand up swagger, ready to join the fight.

The whole ship is basically beautiful girls!

There are only three men, Carlo, and the rest are all beautiful women.

With the sword drawn, Altaïr floated up, and took out the scar of the sky.

“The Supreme Sword, the Mark of the Sky?” Kozuki Oden tilted his neck: “Isn’t that something that has been lost for hundreds of years?”

Countless long knives revolved around Altaïr, and she prepared to fight with a wicked smile.

Medusa held the chain and summoned the Noble Phantasm to ride the reins of the British. The sky was bright and the horses chirped, and the divine beast Pegasus appeared, and she leaped up lightly.

The powerful breath is like a huge wave.

“Let that teenage young man come to me.” Dilumon evolved again, becoming a celestial beast, with eight wings spread out.

Tsunade burns Chakra.

Nuoqi jumped up high, and the beast form appeared in the sky.

“Eudemons? Rayleigh” widened his eyes.

Roger whispered: “The one named Carlo is also Eudemons 23, and he may still be the king of Eudemons.”

Roger looked at Carlo, as if in the blood-red world, he saw a huge unicorn lion, and he could see his unicorn tail: “It should be a phantom beast unicorn or something.”

Nami held the six soul bars, Nakiri Erina stretched out her right hand, and the flames burned, spinning around.

“How could that woman have a fruit similar to Daniros.

Nakiri Erina pinched the flame: “I am Mera-mera Fruit, the third person to have this fruit after that Danilos. The second person to have this fruit is your captain.

Robin covers Nakiri Erina’s mouth.

“Let’s not tell them more history.

“Sorry, I forgot.”

Darius held the great axe, and Metheus held the long sword.

The powerful aura of the Carlo pirate ship, Roger shocked the whole ship of the pirate group, what kind of monster are these young people.

Roger squeezed Ace: “Interesting, you may really have time to come.

“Roger, of course, I don’t want to say a lot to you, after all my baby said, it may change history.

“Baby” Altaïr pursed his face in an instant, with smoke rising from his red head.

Just at this time.

Kozuki ran out: “Please wait! Captain Roger, and that Captain Carlo, I have a proposal!”

Completely did not expect that the Carlo Pirate Ship has such a terrifying elite.

“What do you propose?”

Carlo crossed his arms across his chest: “Come on, I’m very polite to ladies.”

Kozuki said: “Everyone is Xiaolan’s friends. We have all fought against Shiki the golden lion, and we have also experienced a huge storm. The crew is now physically and mentally exhausted, so how about we come to a duel? Five games and three wins, we won, You retreat, we lose, let you ship.”

Kozuki was still smart.

On Roger’s side, Rayleigh, Jabba, Bullet, and her man Kozuki Oden are just five tyrannical forces.

No matter how you think about it, you won’t lose.

“As expected of Mrs. Shi, she is very smart and uses your advantages to the ultimate.”

Robin said next to Carlo: “Your boat can hit exactly five.

Kozuki didn’t expect the other party to be so familiar with them.


Roger laughed hahaha: “I can do it here, I haven’t played a good one-on-one game in a long time.”

Carlo smiled: “Yes, after all, I’m familiar with it a lot.”

Kozuki breathed a long sigh of relief, and when he really started fighting, that was incredible.

“Then how about we go to a distant island to fight.

The two sides agreed to go to the big uninhabited island in the distance,

Nami covered his mouth and whispered: “I knew I wouldn’t fight.

“The posture must be put out.” Nuo Qigao also whispered.

They are very aware of Carlo’s character, Roger’s group, many acquaintances, this is what Carlo said.

Save face for Rayleigh and Jabba, and don’t go to war.

In fact, Roger doesn’t really want to fight in an all-round way, and there is no contradiction at all, but he is still very interested in a good fight.

“Roger, can I not go? Exhausted.” Rayleigh squeezed his shoulders.

“That’s not good. You don’t see that several girls are staring at you. Did you do something bad, such as having a relationship with their parents?”

In twenty-three years, it is indeed very possible.

The two sides came to an uninhabited island, which is not a small island.

“Three wins in five rounds, you can’t intervene in the middle, fall into the sea, admit defeat, lose consciousness, etc. are all loses.” Kozuki also acted as a referee.

“Who’s coming for the first game!” Roger looked at the crowd.

You can’t lose the prestige in the first game, but they are the Roger Pirates.

“I’m coming! I can’t wait.”

Kozuki Oden leaped out: “Anyone of you will be my opponent.”

“He’s Kozuki Oden.

“General Wanokuni.”

“Died by Kaido.”

Carlo turned his head: “Speak history quietly.”

Kuina excitedly looked at the two knives he was holding: “The big quick sword Tian Yu Yu Zhan, and the big quick sword Yan Mo, are not treasure swords that mortals can drive.”

“The opponent may have to give up this game.”

Rayleigh said.

“Why?” Little Shanks asked.

“If they came from 510 after 23 years, and they seem to be familiar with us, it’s clear how strong Oden is.”

“Three wins in five games only requires three wins, and two games can be given up.

Who goes? Carlo has the final say.

Carlo thought for a while: “Medusa, you go, come on.”

Medusa disappeared behind him, and a purple light appeared opposite Kozuki Oden.

“Carlo, shouldn’t it be more tactical?” Monet asked in a low voice.

“No, Oden is very strong, but Medusa has not faced such a top powerhouse for a long time. The actual improvement is the best, and Medusa will not lose.”

Accidental”.” Rayleigh was embarrassed.

“That woman is strong?

Shanks and Buggy looked at Medusa, who was holding the chain with both hands. She was slender and beautiful. They knew how strong Oden was.

“Very strong, that woman may be the second strongest in the pirate group opposite.”

Strong dialogue.

“Interesting, what an interesting kid.” Roger looked at Carlo with a smile.

Carlo swayed again, forming a green wind, and there was a wind blanket under the feet of the whole crew, and they lifted it up and moved it back to a distance of 700 meters.

Pull the distance first, this is a super strong battle.

Let’s “sprinkle some later, this battle is not easy.” Roger also said.

Kozuki Oden vs Medusa, instant start.

Both at the same time — Conqueror’s Haki unfolds.

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