Chapter 292 Kicks Kozuki Oden, Noki Gao vs Jabba

Destruction and collision in the sky – rumbling rumbling!

Everyone has to block their eyes with their hands, and the hurricane will shake the sky in all directions.

Carlo leaped to Nakiri Erina’s side and stepped on: “Guardian of the earth!”

Form a giant earth rock wall to prevent everyone’s lunch.

The sky shook and the explosion could be heard tens of thousands of meters away.

Nami and Nokigao were almost thrown out, but Altaïr caught them.

“Ah–” Except for Metheus, who was directly blown away by the hurricane, no one caught him and smashed into the sea.

The eldest brother, Darius, stuck the giant axe on the ground and was not thrown off: “Idiot, the reaction is too slow.”

On Roger’s side, little Shanks and Buggy were blown away and caught by Jabba, but some of the crew behind, several were thrown into the sea.

The terrifying explosion lasted for half a minute.

“Who won?” Kozuki never expected such a terrifying fight.

“Is it Oden?”

“Or the woman with the blindfold?”

The three-color clouds and waves in the sky did not disperse, and there was a kilometer-long crater in the middle of the island.

“How’s it going?”

“Did Sister R win?”

Everyone put their arms down and saw what happened.

“Hmph, she’s fine, this move is not bad that the guy named Kozuki Oden didn’t die.” Altair pouted, thinking that Medusa would lose.

In this way, she won 513 in her second appearance, and she can be proud for a while.

“Sister R won?”

“The one called Kozuki Oden hasn’t fallen yet.”

Carlo disperses the earthen wall and sees the sky.

Everyone looked up to see the sky, Medusa riding a Pegasus, she gasped and came out of the explosive neon mist.

You can see that Medusa’s waist and right arm have wounds bleeding.

Suffice it to say that Oden’s attack is strong.

However, the 1000-meter-long crater is new, and the one that is still smoking in it is Kozuki Oden.

“It hurts, hurts, hurts…

Kozuki Oden has thick skin and thick flesh, but it didn’t fall down.

But there are wounds all over.



“Oden actually lost?”

“That’s Oden’s Ten Fist of Taoyuan?”

The people on Roger’s side looked at Medusa, the real (cdfi) is strong.

[Medusa, magic burning, comprehensive combat evaluation: 132001

Carlo smiled: “Medusa didn’t kill her, I guess she didn’t expect the opponent to be so durable, she only used eight layers of strength.”

“Are you still fighting?” Medusa rode her Pegasus in the air.

It can be seen that Kozuki Oden’s injury is not light.

“Of course, I’m not down yet. Dark–

Kozuki Oden leaps out, just standing on the ground ready

Purple lightning.

Medusa is full of magic, and the speed is as fast as Ultimate.

Light Speed ​​Attack – Mouth!

Oden blocked it with both knives.

That two, three, four, fifty, one hundred.

Countless lights and shadows attacked Kozuki Oden.

As they approached Rayleigh and Bar could only see the slightest afterimage.

After Oden blocked the tenth attack, he couldn’t stop it. Medusa attacked in all directions, attacking 300 times in three seconds.

Bang dong dong dong, jumping, kicking wildly.

Oden is a sandbag, instant, all-round rolling speed, from head to toe.

The nose is blue and the face is swollen, and the crushing speed is completely unstoppable.

The last kick, thunder, took it out for three kilometers, and smashed directly into the sea.

The light and shadow disappeared, and the glamorous Medusa appeared, dispersing the Noble Phantasm: “Is it over now?”

The terrorist attack just now happened in just three seconds.

The people on both sides were silent.

Kozuki Oden fell to the sea, and the outcome was already decided.

“Go save Oden!!

Roger’s two murloc crew members immediately ran and jumped into the sea to save Oden.

“Oden!” Kozuki also ran over, worried about Oden’s accident.

Medusa walked back.

“Miss R is amazing.

“We were all dumbfounded.

“Sister R, you are amazing.”

Nami and the others went up immediately, and Nuoqigao checked her wounds, all of which were minor injuries.

Tsunade looked over while drinking, and seeing Noki shook her head high, she didn’t have to jump over to treat Medusa.

And she has the body of a goddess, and her resilience is amazing.

“Medusa, very beautiful.” Carlo said.

“Hmph, hum, hum.” Altair tilted her head with envy, she also wanted to be praised by Lord Carlo.

“Sister R has your favorite grape juice here.” Erina Nakiri waved.

She went over immediately, eating what Medusa was more interested in.

Roger’s shock returned to this side.

“Oden actually lost.”

Seeing that Kozuki Oden was rescued, he drank a lot of water, and the toad twitched there.

“Captain, there’s nothing wrong with people, it’s a lot of consumption, that woman is so powerful, she just kicked Oden out.

That’s called being at ease.

“Hahaha, I actually lost the first game, amazing, amazing.” Roger laughed.

Tsunade finished drinking and was eager to try: “I’m coming?”

“No, if Medusa wins the first game, Tsunade-san won’t need you.”

Not on Tsunade? Altaïr blinked and it was her turn.

“You are the fourth, and you will win the fourth game.”

Altaïr was elated, trusted by Carlo, filled with happiness, and patted his chest: “Lord Carlo, trust me, there is nothing wrong.”

If Tsunade is not on, who will?

“Noqigao, let’s go.”

Noochie going high?

Now Nuoqi Gao’s combat power is good, and it is already regarded as the middle of the Carlo Pirates’ combat power.

“Don’t blame me for losing.

Nuoqigao was not afraid, tossed her white coat and leaped out.

“Oh? It’s that phantom beast woman.

“Isn’t there a few masters around that kid?

Roger’s side also saw the hand that easily beat the Golden Lion’s boat into an accordion with a punch, and the girl in the black military uniform floating in the sky.

Seems to be very strong, but

“The other party used us to practice strength.” Rayleigh took two sips of wine and smiled.

Seeing Roger look over, Rayleigh shuddered, “I’m not going to get in, right?”

Roger glanced. “Jabba, you go.”

Alright”, I’ll go, I’ll go.

Jabba leaped out, facing Nokigao.

In terms of strength, it is not a grade at all.

Nuoqi grinned high, if it was someone else, it was really unfamiliar, but Jabba, Nuoqi smiled.

One who guided them was Jabba.

With a voice change, Nuo Qigao’s hands turned into wings, his feet turned into crooked feet, five tails, wings like a cloak behind him, a blue laurel crown appeared on his head, and auspicious clouds surrounded him.

Eudemons species Cang-bend half-beast form.

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