Chapter 293 Nuoqigao’s special abilities, Jabba mode

Nuoqigao and Jabba can be said to have a huge difference in strength.

And it’s still Jabba at his peak strength.

Nuoqigao also knew that Carlo wanted her to learn more by competing with the masters.

Originally, Feiba, even if he was half a master of Nuoqi Gao, had not received guidance for a long time, and he looked at how far he had progressed in recent years.

“Come on!” Nuoqi shouted Gao Jiao, ready to fight.

“Then I’m welcome, little girl, look at the tricks!” Because he was Jabba at his peak, he was more skilled in the control of strength, but was less dangerous.

The two started at the same time.

“Spin the axe!” Jabba started to move, and the two axes spun and flew out.

Nuo Qigao jumped at the first moment, and sprayed out ~ blue flames behind him diagonally.

What’s going on? Attack yourself behind you?

In the first half of a second, the expert on Roger’s side was still confused.

The second half–

Nuoqi jumped high to avoid Jabba’s start, and the spinning axe turned under her, which was a maneuver.

But the rotating flying axe happened to collide with Nuoqigao’s blue flame.

The two axes were unable to fly back and were blown away by the flames.

Noki rushed up to melee Jabba.

“Yeah, my sister took him and lied to him, he didn’t have an axe and his fighting power dropped by a third.” Nami was cheering for Nokigao.

Nuoqi high melee attack, the hands of the wings and the claws of the feet are used together.

Originally predicted Jabba’s attack, but also knew about Jabba’s habits.

The starting style is seen through.

Under melee combat, Jabba was even more shocked.

Without the double axe, it is true that the combat power is reduced by one-third, but it is obvious that the strength of this beautiful girl of the magical beast species is only the level of the squad leader.

Jabba is just fine with reason.

But the two faced each other and fought thirty consecutive moves.

Jabba’s counterattack after dodging was also highly anticipated by Nuoqi’s attack routine.

While dodging dexterously, he turned around and whipped his legs three times.

“Haha, Lei-style triple whip.” Roger smiled.

“Pfft!” Rayleigh spat.

Jabba pulled away and was almost reached by Noochie.

“Wow? The movements are very simple, little girl.” Jabba is still quite comfortable, but he is not familiar with Nuoqigao’s moves.

“Rayleigh, you still haven’t explained it? Jabba is playing Rayleigh’s joke.

“I know, isn’t it just a trick of mine?”

Jabba smiled and pressed his hands to the ground: “Clap!”

Nuoqi spread its wings and flew up: “Blue fireworks!”

The wings were fanned, and four groups of blue flames attacked down.

Jabba’s move hits the air, but the shock is enough that his axe can fly back.

Leap into the air.

“Here comes the trick, the air chopper!” Darius said.

Jabba’s body is too strong, smashing the flames of Nuoqigao, catching the axe with both hands in the air, facing the sky: “Chopping the air axe!”

Cross cut, two open sky scarlet rays of light.

The distance between the two hundred-meter rays of light is less than half a meter.

But Nuo Qigao turned his body and knew that he was going to use this move, perpendicular to the ground, to pass through the two slashes.

“I’m very familiar with Jabba’s moves, I know I can pass through the middle.”

I haven’t experienced it, so I wouldn’t dare.

Nuoqi turned his body high, forming a blue flame storm: “Cangluan hurricane!”

Jabba landed, just a single axe: “Look at the move! Five Dings open the mountain!”

This move is actually a two-handed axe, and Jabba is afraid of dying.

Just a one-handed slash.

Nuoqigao escaped from the flame and flew out in parallel.

Eat – I saw the hurricane flames split open.

The clouds in the sky were also split thousands of meters.

Noki swooped high, and Jabba turned to keep up with the sight time.

Nuoqigao, who flew over, was gone.

Cang Meng · Back Light!

The special abilities of Nuoqigao’s Eudemons Fruits, each Eudemons Fruit has special abilities.

And Nuoqigao’s ability is to return to the light, and can go back to the past.

The moment Jabba turned around, Nuoqigao returned to the position where he was separated from the flames.


“Is it time for a move?

Roger and Rayleigh widened their eyes, and Oden, who had just woken up, immediately ran to see the fight.

I can’t wait to get on my own.

Noki took a high foot, put it on Jabba’s back, and flew it out.


Nuoqi high blue flame blooms: “Profound Truth, Three Flames Destruction Shockwave!”

A hundred meters of rotating three-color flame shock waves.

Charge in the direction where Jabba fell to the ground.

After the impact of two kilometers, it was offset when it encountered sea water.

Nuoqi turned around and landed on the ground at a distance of several hundred meters.

“How? Did I succeed? Did I defeat Jabba?” Nokigao wiped his sweat.

ask for flowers

The two of them fought in close combat just now, but she did her best, and now she was dripping with sweat.

Moreover, she does not count the amount of returning light, and it takes a while to use it once.

“It’s pretty good already.” Carlo smiled.

“The same level has already been defeated.” Altaïr said.

Medusa also nodded.

this means.

Nuoqi looked back, and saw a figure in the flames holding a double axe.

Jabba’s whole body glowed red and walked out step by step.

“It’s over, forget he still has this trick, crazy mode!” Nami said.

“Isn’t this Pa Lao Ge’s mad demon form? What’s your name?” Darius said.

“I feel like crazy too.” Even Kuina made up for it.

After all, Jabba in this state, his eyes are shining, his whole body is red, and his neck is stretched forward, just like an idiot looking at a beautiful woman.

“Hahahaha!” Rayleigh grinned across his stomach.

“Hahahaha!” Kozuki Oden pointed at Jabba and laughed.

“Hey—” Even the ship doctor Crocus couldn’t help laughing.

“You call me the idiot mode?”

Lightning, Jabba has appeared behind Noki Gao.

Nuoqi shuddered, too fast, she didn’t react at all.

This state of Jabba is an alternative use of Haki. It is almost a terrifying state in which he is immune to pain in a short time, his defense is doubled, and his speed is doubled.

“I admit defeat!” Nuoqigao stopped playing.

Jabba raised his axe all the way, and finally gave her a light tap with his fist.

Noqigao grimaced.

Jabba disperses his strength: “Rayleigh, Roger, I won!”

Also very proud.

“Cut, just put water on the opposite side.” Rayleigh took a sip of wine.

Jabba looked at Nuoqigao and Carlo: “You know me well? You predicted my five moves and seven attacks.”

This is not ordinary familiarity.

“Of course, half of the people on our ship are familiar with you, as well as Pine, Elio, and Mullian.” Nokigao said.

After finishing speaking, she jumped back to Carlo dexterously: “Captain Roger, it’s time for you to get out first! Rayleigh get out!”

Roger’s smile: “Are you most familiar with Rayleigh?”

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