Chapter 295 The Devil’s Descendant Bullet, Altaïr Appears

Clap la la – the rocks on the ground are suspended due to the air waves.

Kuina’s whole body was glowing with dark blue light, her long hair fluttered, her air was turbulent, her eyes were blue, and her mouth was spitting hot air.

The muscles tightened the clothes, and the big place was almost cracked.

The whole person became stronger.

“Come on, come on, Kuina!” Mikasa shouted.

Both of them have cultivated the state of berserk, and according to Darius’ blood rage, they have also seen Jabba’s state of madness before.

They cultivated their own runaway state.

Mikasa’s eyes glowed red – slaying the gods.

The blue ray of Kuina – the goddess.

“Wow? Isn’t this similar to Brother Jabba’s madman?”

“It feels a lot stronger.”

“That female swordsman is very powerful.”

“How come there are so many masters in that young pirate group? The feeling of hiding a dragon and a crouching tiger.”

Roger was exclaiming.

[Kuina, Valkyrie status, comprehensive combat evaluation: 7555]

Rayleigh looked at Kuina, who was burning with power, and smiled: “Come on!”

Kuina now has Shichibukai-level combat power, and her combat strength is even higher than the index.

Even Tsunade, seeing Guy23na in her current state, has no guarantee of defeating her.

Lightning, Kuina charged Rayleigh three times as fast.

With blue petals in the sky, Kuina wields a hundred swords.

eat, eat, eat–

Kuina’s 100-meter air waves, continuous furious attacks, and the momentum are astonishing.

Forcing Rayleigh to take it seriously.

Three hundred rounds of battle.

Kuina used all of her top ten moves.

The center of the island is full of cracks made by the two men.

Others are also excited to watch.

However, Carlo and the others still saw that Rayleigh was able to handle it with ease.

“As expected of Rayleigh in his prime.

“Otherwise, what’s the name of Pluton.

“Great, what a crazy attack, how long has Kuina lasted? Conis and the others are a little worried.

Under the unfolding force, the body consumes three times as much as normal, gaining nearly three times the strength and speed.

Mikasa’s God and Kuina’s Valkyrie are the same in nature.

All of them make the blood flow, and the strength temporarily skyrockets.

“It’s been the longest time just now.” Mikasa was the most familiar.

“Aoyi Luo Blue Enchantress!”

Kuina made her strongest move so far.

“Pluton·Ling Zhan!” Rayleigh also used his signature move.


The two people’s moves collided, the sound was loud and ear-piercing, purple lightning flashed with blue lights.

Kuina flew out backwards, breaking through the ground several hundred meters before stopping.

He fell into the big pit, his runaway state had disappeared, and his body was too tired to move.

Rayleigh opened the air, exhaled long, and had three slashed stab wounds on his arm.

This was the only wound Kuina inflicted on him.

“Kuina.” Mikasa leaped over and helped her up.

“I still can’t beat it.” Kuina was a little unsteady, no injuries, but the strength was exhausted.

Rayleigh is already out of the water.

“As expected of Rayleigh, you also won this game.” Carlo said loudly: “It’s better for you to come out first.”

Looking at Kuina who Mikasa helped over.

Kuina “has done a great job.

“I will get stronger.” As long as Carlo encourages her, she is full of energy.

Tsunade also came over to give her a massage, and then went to Erina to eat something to recover.

Rayleigh has already walked back with a smile: “I’m so tired, I’m in a hard fight, the young people today are really terrible.”

Roger looked at Carlo with a smile: “It seems that you are very confident in the fourth game? Shouldn’t you be playing it yourself?”

“It’s not.” Carlo drank his juice.

Roger looked at Bullet who couldn’t wait.

“Okay, there you go, Bullet.

Douglas Bullet jumped out like a cannonball: “Hahaha, hahaha, it’s finally my turn.”

“This guy’s strength is not easy.” Tsunade looked at the Bullet, and even the strong could see that his body exuded a black-red ghostly aura.

Powerful and frightening, it looks like a monster of destruction.

After all, the strength of ten thousand battles.

Let’s go”, Altaïr, that guy is a beast, be careful.

Altaïr walked out slowly and bowed to Carlo: “Thank you for your concern, Lord Carlo, feel free to leave it to me.”

Altair jumped out, landed, and stopped ten centimeters above the ground, as if his body was cushioned.

“Is my opponent you? It doesn’t look very strong.” Bullet was unhappy.

“Oh? Don’t blame me if you’re going to be beaten and cry by me.

The corners of Altair’s mouth smiled evilly, and there was a grim smile in her cold beauty, which did not look like her twenties.

It’s more like a witch: “I am the Carlo Pirates, the leader of the three-D battle force, Altaïr.

The leader of combat?

Stronger than that blindfold beauty Medusa?

Roger’s side was still amazed, and Medusa broke down in an instant.

“Are you self-proclaimed?”

Altair shouted: “Carlo put me in the fourth game, just to trust my strength, doesn’t that explain?”

“Hmph, I won’t give you the general knowledge of a narcissist.

“You cold popsicle.

Bullet grinned. Bullet, who was less than sixteen years old, looked a little anxious and looked like he was in his twenties.

“Then I’ll do it!”

Staring, the Bullet’s tyrannical Conqueror’s is flamboyant and wild, like a thousand angry bulls attacking each other.


Conqueror’s Haki separated about ten meters in front of Al 517 Tell.

“Oh? Would you also Conqueror’s Haki? Not bad.” Altaïr praised the others.

She also unfolds the Conqueror’s, forming a ten-meter cone, which bounces the Bullet’s Conqueror’s away.

As far as this collision is concerned, Conqueror’s is not at the same level, and they praise each other for their goodness.

Altaïr snaps his fingers – alone!

Conqueror’s Haki rushed towards the Bullet like a shockwave of sharp swords.

“Hahaha, not bad!” Bullet jumped up and dodged.

Altaïr held the scar of the sky with the supremely sharp knife, facing the air: “Go!”

Thousands of long knives broke through the air.

Bullet clenched his fists and slapped wildly in a whirlwind in the air, no matter which angle the long knife came up, he was all thrown into the air.

Strength and speed, super invincible reckless.

“These little tricks can’t hurt me!”

Falling from the sky, Bullet roared: “Eat me a punch!”

The armed color shone brightly, and one punch could easily smash the fist of the mountain, facing Altaïr.


The air wave rushed away, and the distant sea surface was set off by a hundred meters of waves by the might of the fist.

The whole island shook violently.

However, what was astounding was that Bullet’s fist hit the combined long knife and slammed it five meters away from Altaïr.

The powerful punch was blocked.

“The strength is good, but it’s not enough!”

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