Chapter 296 Altair Defeated Bullet


Bullet’s body was still in the pounding motion, and his right arm exerted force, hitting the densely-arranged long knives completely unable to break through.

Bullet’s “strong punch was easily blocked?”

“Those ordinary long knives are not broken?”

Bullet roared and then attacked wildly, punching with a wind-shattering attack.

You—the fist hit the ground, splitting the ground in a five-hundred-meter area.

Boom boom.

Bullet has a roar like a ghost, and his terrifying power makes people feel that one punch can be beaten into meat sauce.

His speed kept accelerating, accelerating, so that Kuina and Dilumon, from being able to keep up, to attacking hundreds of moves, could only see a shadow.

Like black lightning, it shuttles in a roar, and it attacks violently in a roar.

However, facing the Bullet’s attack of more than 2,000 punches, Altaïr moved up and down, left and right, as light as a swallow, parallel displacement, and uncertain storms.

All dodged, Bullet’s terrifying chain of attacks, even her clothes Kakuzu didn’t touch.

“Is that all there is to it? Are these attack moves?

Altair didn’t forget to taunt Bullet.

Let you attack more than 2,000 moves, and the entire center of the island was blasted into a field by the Bullet, dented more than ten meters, and all shattered.

Bullet was sweating profusely, but it didn’t hurt Altaïr in the slightest.

“The silver-haired girl’s movement is also very good, right?”

Bullet “Did not hit a single move?”

“No way?”

“She’s not a floating fruit? She’s an evasive fruit?”

The people in Roger’s group are all guessing about the fruit of Altair, after all, she has been avoiding it, like using the fruit’s ability.

“You guessed a lot wrong, the girl’s physical skills are also very strong, I guessed well, her Observation Haki is very top. Rayleigh “It’s still Rayleigh, see the clue.

“Her knowledge can predict the future, and she has already surpassed the fourth paragraph. Hahahaha, are young people today so terrifying? All of Bullet’s attacks were predicted by her.” Roger said with a smile.

Anticipate what the future will see, and it’s top notch.

The most terrifying thing about seeing and hearing is that you are not stronger than the other party, and you can almost never think about having a great chance.

Unless very rare attack moves, or fruit ability.

And the current Bullet, the strength of Wanzhan is very strong.

The strength and speed are terrifying, but the speed is not as fast as Altaïr.

She can also foresee the future – and can foresee up to five seconds, and is very handy with the power of time and space.

To deal with Bullet, the “naan man”, he hasn’t even discussed danger with Tsunade.

After all, Tsunade’s ninjutsu is varied.

“Damn it dodges, do you dare not to dodge?” Bullet was furious, he couldn’t hit him.

Altair took out his submachine gun and smiled: “Then I won’t hide.

The corner of Bullet’s mouth twitched, and he charged towards Altaïr like a rocket launcher.

The marks of the sky were placed on the back of the gun and pulled gently.

A golden enchantment appeared around the body.

Ora Ora Ora Ora Bullet madly attacked the barrier like a devil, with a ghostly smile: “This thing can’t stop me!”

Dong dong dong dong… Every punch made a loud noise like thunder, and all of them hit the barrier, and the crazy attack could hit nearly a thousand punches in half a minute.

Fighting against Bullet, I realized how terrifying he is.


Medusa shook her head, she already knew the result, because she had not less to learn from Altair.

Bullet was still throwing heavy punches, and his physical strength was indeed shocking.

However, Altair smiled: “Are you tired? I’ll give it all back to you.

Altair pulled the submachine gun with the scar of the sky, and the sound of the movement sounded.

“The 15th Movement · Causal Rebound!”

Tsunade has a deep understanding of the power of the fifteenth movement, but after experiencing it once, it’s not too scary.

She will return all the attacks on her barrier or body within three minutes to the releaser.

The moment the melody sounded.

Time slows down a thousand times.

Before Bullet’s fist hit the barrier, the barrier suddenly disappeared and turned into the light of space.

Even Medusa has experienced it, and she can’t avoid this causal counterattack, which is ten times faster than her speed.

Carlo said that Altair is a bug, because her ability is too pervert, but fortunately it cannot be used frequently.

In an instant, Bullet’s half-minute attack turned into this golden light and hit Bullet’s body.

Boom — boom la la la —

The sound of the black laser bullet was already thousands of meters away, and it was still flying. The Bullet vomited blood and flew out tens of thousands of meters.

It hit directly from this uninhabited island, another uninhabited island 10,000 meters away.


In the 1,000-meter-long crater, Bullet pulled out all over, foaming at the mouth and lost consciousness.

All quiet.

The speed at which the Bullet flew backwards was terrifying.

Not even people of Rayleigh and Jabba’s level.

Others didn’t react at all.

“What happened again?”

Nami and Nuoqi Gao, as well as Xiao Shanks and others, asked the people around them.

Altaïr’s move, only three people on Carlo’s side knew about it.

Only the center of the broken island was seen, and the wind and waves of the shock wave spread.

Only Altaïr, who was playing the music, walked lightly out of the sand with his steps.

Bullet disappeared.

From start to finish, she fought back with one move, which was the last move.

At the end of the movement, Altair made a gesture of thanks to the “audience” here, and the performance ended.

Ba Bullet “What?”

“Where’s the Bullet?”

Bullet “No.”

Rayleigh opened his mouth.

“I don’t know what move the girl used and the Bullet flew out.”

“One kill.” Jabba swallowed.

Bullet’s physique is a ghost.

“He’s lucky, the people on the opposite island.” Altaïr smiled evilly: (Li Dezhao) “Don’t worry, I let the water out, so I shouldn’t die.”

Carlo also watched, and Roger didn’t even smile anymore. He looked into the distance, and with the highest level of knowledge, he could sense that Bullet fell to Shimaha there.

“Roger, is Bullet okay?”

“It should have been knocked out, it can’t die, Crocus, you guys go and pull the Bullet back.”

“Okay, Roger.

Bullet wasn’t likable on the boat, after all, this guy only served Roger and had a bad attitude towards the rest of the crew.

But it’s the crew after all.

Kozuki Oden opened his mouth wide: “What kind of move is it, is it a power-up move? Maybe so? It’s amazing.”

It is precisely because he does not speak out that it shows the horror of Altaïr.

When this barrier is deployed, if it does not attack, there will be no rebound damage, but if you don’t say it, who knows?

Altair took the weapons with both hands: “We won the fourth game, and the outcome depends on the last game.”

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