Chapter 297 Super vs Super, Carlo vs Roger

Both sides now have two wins and two losses.

This result was unexpected by more than half of the members of Roger’s regiment.

They didn’t believe that these young people had such a powerful strength, for example, Altaïr didn’t even look twenty years old.

In addition, they are very convinced of the strength of their ship’s top combat power.

Rayleigh, Jabba, Bullet, and Kozuki Oden are all the strongest on the battlefield.

Actually two wins and two losses.

Even if two of them were negative, it still felt like the other party was throwing water.

These people are now looking at Altaïr, thinking of what she said at the beginning of “the head of the Carlo Pirates’ three-D fighting force”.

Now that I really believe it, Bullet’s one move failed miserably, and he was beaten to an island in the distance that they couldn’t even see.

This is outrageous!

Captain Roger can’t do that either!

“Hahaha, is it my turn finally?” Roger came out with a smile.

Altair returned to Carlo: “I see how easy it is to win in the fourth game.” Said towards Medusa proudly.

Medusa doesn’t give her general knowledge. When Altaïr is serious, he is separated from the devil and the general. When he is angry and shows off, he wants to be a child.

“Performed well, leave the rest to me.”

Carlo walked out.

The battle of the two captains.

Kozuki Oden and the others stretched their necks, and the people on Roger’s 517 side were curious about what this young man, Carlo, was capable of.

To be able to summon so many young people, powerful people, if the captain has no special skills or strong strength.

It is impossible to convince the public.

Roger “–” Carlo looked at Roger, the strongest man Carlo saw at this moment.

One Piece Roger at his peak.

The assessment of the combat power of two thousand higher than him may be half of them in the level of navigational knowledge and other experience.

And on this tattered island, Carlo has confidence.

“The outcome is between us.

Carlo clenched his fists, and in terms of personality and experience, he didn’t like Roger very much.

Luffy’s character is very similar to Roger’s, neither is the reckless character that Carlo likes.

“Victory is mine.”

Seeing Roger holding the Ace, Carlo pulled out the Dragon Sword from his waist.


The air became quiet, the battle of the top powerhouses.

Roger kept that grinning D-expression, and his teeth were indeed very white.

And Carlo is very serious, after all, they still go back.

While the crew members were relaxing, as the captain, he was fully responsible for falling into this time and space.

So I have to bring everyone back.

The moment when the sea in the distance formed huge waves and slapped towards the island.

It’s the signal to start the fight.

Armed color and Conqueror’s package, Roger smiled and said again: “Enlightened!”

With a wave of his hand, a five-hundred-meter flying slash smashed through the ground.

How strong Roger is, everyone is actually prepared, but seeing it with your own eyes can still make people tremble.

Carlo held up the Denglong sword: “Break in two! Deng! Dragon! Sword!”

Golden Slashing Shockwave!

The two rays of light collided in the center.

Boom boom boom — the clouds in the sky are separated from left to right, and the first move hits each other, and the entire huge island splits from the middle.

The sea water came in and shook five meters away.

Two lightning bolts.

Carlo took the lead and slashed at Roger.

Carlo is not a great swordsman, but his strength is there, and he usually played against Kuina and Mikasa, and he is also a swordsman in terms of swordsmanship.

You want to talk about Dajianhao’s flying slash? He just waved his hand.

Heavy cut.

Roger crossed the knife to block.

Carlo’s left hand palm, the red palm of the sun.

Roger leaped hundreds of meters to dodge, and faced Carlo in the air with sixteen Six Paths flying slashes in an instant.

Carlo chased up to the sky, piercing the B-shaped lightning in the air.

Dodge them all and attack (cdfi) Roger in a row.

From the sky to the ground, the thunder was deafening.

The confrontation between Denglongjian and Ace, even though Roger is a great swordsman, the power of the sword is even stronger than that of Denglongjian.

“Hungry hissing–” As if Denglongjian had his own voice.

Forcibly shake Roger back.

Carlo smashed Roger with this sword.

Buzz buzz, fast to the speed of light, no matter what kind of swordsmanship.

And soon the power has wolves.

In fact, Carlo’s right hand doesn’t care whether he is holding a sword, a gun, or a chain. In this fight, no matter what, it’s all used as a hammer.

It’s almost eighty, eighty shouts!

Roger resisted left and right.

Mainly Carlo uses both hands and feet.

In his second move, he found that Carlo was not a great swordsman at all.

It’s just that this sword is extremely sharp, and it is only used as a weapon.

Others are in the sword slash, adding hands and feet to attack.

Carlo was slashing with swords in the hand and foot attack, no, he dug it up and smashed it himself.

Regardless of whether you understand it or not, if the speed and strength are fast to a certain extent, it is powerful.

Instant touch.

Kozuki Oden and Rayleigh stared blankly.

The first time anyone played with Roger the fastest, that was on par.

And that swordsmanship – very unique!

I even laughed at Medusa.

Altair also smiled: “Master Carlo, it’s really amazing.”

At the same time, Roger smiled and strengthened his strength. It was actually a conservative battle just now.

But now completely let go.

fist bump.

Melee 500 strokes with Carlo first.

The entire island is crumbling, and a vision is playing out in the sky.

It can be described as hearty.

Carlo’s fist slashed with blazing flames, with wind fighters, and he even felt kicked in Carlo’s leg and kicked on the steel plate.

“What kind of fruit is this kid?”

Roger’s mind kept thinking.

In an instant, Carlo appeared with a tail, in the form of a half-beast, and sprayed ten flames in front of Roger’s face, forcing him to retreat.

“Forgot that you are an Eudemons!”

Roger leaped and laughed: “It’s really comfortable, I haven’t had such a hearty fight in a long time.”

Suddenly rushed to Carlo: “Look at the move! God avoid!”

Roger’s signature slash.

Carlo also rushed up, the power of the red flame, plus the armed color and Conqueror’s surrounded the sword, like an extended arm, it was also a slash to Roger.


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