Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil

Chapter 199 The breath of a terrifying exis10ce! Alarming all parties! 【Customize】

Thousands of miles away.

One after another, the ancient Taoist traditions seemed to be approaching each other, and they went to the place where an astonishing vision of heaven and earth broke out last night and led to the root of the entire Western Desert.

the whole sky.

all can be seen,

The colorful visions of heaven and earth appear in the world, exuding an unparalleled dazzling halo.

A monk came with his feet on the auspicious clouds, and the purple energy curled across three thousand miles.

There are also strong people who drive golden ancient chariots, like saints on patrol, showing their might in the sky, appearing extraordinarily stalwart and aloof, making it impossible to look directly at them.

There is even a strong person leading the disciples in the sect, surrounded by colorful rainbow lights, like an immortal descended from the world, spotless and otherworldly.


The sky exploded with a roar.

The temples of Western Desert Buddhism dispatched their staff to come here, bathing their whole body under the golden sacred Buddha light, showing the style of Buddhism, with an unparalleled mysterious Buddhist rhythm.

wherever you go,

All the ancient Taoist traditions have retreated.

In the Western Desert, Buddhism is the biggest ruler!

Any ancient Taoism should not offend and offend Western Desert Buddhism.

Otherwise, disaster will be imminent!

It will even implicate the sect family behind it and be punished by Western Desert Buddhism.


All the ancient forces in the Western Desert have a common understanding.

That is……

No one can provoke Buddhism in the Western Desert!

This makes the status of Buddhism in the Western Desert, in the endless and vast territory of the Western Desert, the status is extremely detached, as if the immortal Buddhist sect is above the secular.

The vulgar can not violate its majesty!

at this time.

Just when the ancient Taoists from all sides came to the sky and were about to go far to seek the treasure.



Accompanied by a loud roar.

The sky seemed to burst open.

Shake the earth!

Like thunder!

I see.

An incomparably dazzling golden Buddha light suddenly shot straight into the sky from thousands of miles away, and quickly illuminated the sky.




The divine breath descended from the sky above.

The golden halo completely covered the sky, forming a sky like a golden ocean, and even the scorching sun on the horizon was completely covered by this golden Buddha sea.

Thousands of miles around.

All beings look up to the sky.

They can all feel the boundless terrifying power from this vast golden Buddha sea.

at the same time.

The ancient Taoist traditions that have traveled far and wide can also deeply feel the extremely suppressed aura of power from this golden Buddha sea that reflects the sky.

"This, this is...

"King of Dao Slasher?!"

"The three kings of the immortals who are above the great power of the second immortal?"

"This kind of existence actually came?

"Oh my God!"

"This treasure has actually attracted the attention of ancient existences like Dao Slayer King?"

"If this is the case, then there is no room for me to interfere in this matter. For an ancient existence of the order of the king of slashing the Tao, destroying us is as simple as crushing a group of ants."5

"Compared to Immortal Second Great Master, Dao Slayer King is thousands of times stronger. This kind of existence has come, so it doesn't matter to us. 35

The ancient Taoist traditions from the Western Desert were deeply terrified.

Their forward footsteps came to an abrupt halt.

I was horrified by what I saw now.

When feeling the stalwart aura swept from the sky, even the cultivators of the first floor of Sendai felt unprecedented panic and fear.

They can be sure.

This breath must come from a Dao Slayer King!

And the ancient existence of the Dao Slashing King series, this is an ancient Taoist town sect powerhouse!

A Dao Slayer King can sit in an ancient Dao lineage for thousands of years, ensuring that these thousands of years will not be offended by other forces.

This is the strength of the Dao Slashing King.

Stand on the top of the Beidou!

The supreme existence that truly stands at the top of the Big Dipper!

"It's the Dao Slashing King from Buddhism! 39

"Such a sacred Buddha light..."

"This existence must be an ancient patriarch of Buddhism.

"Buddhist actually dispatched a king of the three immortals, which is really unimaginable."

"It seems that Buddhism's attitude towards that treasure is inevitable!

A variety of rhetoric abounds.

Pairs of eyes full of horror, shock, and fear all involuntarily gathered on the edge of the distant horizon, looking at the source of the Buddha's light that illuminates the sky.

The aura coercion from the Dao Slashing King forcibly restrained them from going forward to investigate, making them not dare to go to the destination of this trip with great fanfare.


The top powerhouses of the ancient Taoist lineages can only lead the disciples in the sect cautiously, and rush to the scene to investigate with great vigilance.

I am afraid that if the movement is a little bigger, it will cause the awareness of the ancient existence of the Dao Slayer King series.

at the same time.

When this Buddha's light is imprinted on thousands of miles in the sky.

Buddhist temples such as Ahan Temple and Xuankong Temple, which were also born in Western Desert Buddhism, also felt a little bit suspicious.

"'々What's going on?"

"How can there be a Buddhist patriarch who is the king of slashing?

"Which temple's patriarch?"

"The existence of such a series is not usually in a deep sleep on weekdays? Is it really worth it to invite a patriarch to teach for a treasure?"

"For some reason, I suddenly have an ominous premonition in my heart."

"I always feel like..."

"There seems to be a major change ahead!"

(to Zhao) Immediately.

Ahan Temple, Hanging Temple, King Kong Temple and other Buddhist temples in the Western Desert went to the front site at a very fast speed.

The golden Buddha light hangs in the sky.

The heavens and the earth are all covered by this dazzling Buddha light.

An incomparably stalwart figure, standing in the sky, stepping on the Buddha's light, and bathing in the golden Buddha's light all over his body, is particularly eye-catching and aloof.

Like an incarnated Buddha, it exudes an extremely powerful and terrifying aura of coercion.

A pair of sharp and angry eyes, through the golden Buddha light, looked down at Su Xuanji below.

Jialan was very angry.

He can feel it.

His younger brother, Kasyapa, is no longer alive.

That is to say.

Before he rushed to this place, his younger brother Kasyapa had already been killed and wiped out on the spot.

It has since vanished.

He disappeared from this world without leaving a trace.

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