Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil

Chapter 200 The world changes with a single thought! The full blow of the Dao Slashing King! 【Custom

Kassapa's death naturally caused extreme anger in Jialan's heart.

As the strongest person in Alan Temple, Jialan has not heard of it for a long time.

Someone who dared to break into the Western Desert and provoke their Alan Temple, even within the territory ruled by the Western Desert, mercilessly executed the enlightened monks of their Alan Temple.

This move seriously offended Jialan.

Let the killing intent in his heart continue to rise uncontrollably, anger fills his heart, and it burns.

Even though he lived for thousands of years, when faced with the situation that his junior and junior brothers were killed, Jialan was still unable to contain the anger and killing intent in his heart, and stared at Su Xuanji below with murderous intent.

"Dare to be in the territory ruled by Buddhism in the Western Desert..."

"Provoke me to Buddhism!

"Simply sinless!"

"Lao Na, I will grant you to re-enter reincarnation today! 55

"No matter how holy you are, Lao Na will never forgive your evil deeds today. The devil, now Lao Na will take you down and send you into reincarnation with his own hands!"

Jia Lan's face was expressionless, and her voice was cold and sharp.

A strong aura slowly radiated from his body.


Boom one by one

The terrifying aura of the King of Immortal Three Slashing Dao instantly erupted from Jialan's body.

The main impact target of this momentum...

It's Su Xuanji below!

The imposing pressure from the full-scale outbreak of the Dao Slashing King, even if it is the second immortal, will inevitably be suppressed and unable to move, or even paralyzed to the ground.

027 But when this momentum enveloped Su Xuanji's body.

It's very weird...

All shattered!


It's just like……

Fire meets water!

All go out.

In just an instant, this unparalleled aura of the Dao Slasher was completely evaporated by the air around Su Xuanji, wiping it all away.

"Huh?! 35

Jia Lan's pupils shrank slightly, and her expression was a little suspicious.

to this.

He was completely unexpected.

The aura of the Dao Slayer King's oppression was actually cracked so easily?

what's going on?!

Not right!

this son...

Not an idle person!

The aura that could easily shock the Immortal Second Great Master was easily dispelled by a young hairy boy?

Who can believe it?

"However, so what?

Kalan snorted coldly.

As an ancient existence of the Immortal Three Slashing Dao King series, he once overwhelmed an era thousands of years ago, and powerfully shocked countless powerhouses of an era.


In the face of Su Xuanji, who seems to be a young talent in the world, Jialan naturally does not think that he will be unable to win the opponent with his strength.

This is absolutely impossible!

His dignified slasher, who is in the series of kings, will not be able to win a world's arrogance?

What a joke!

With Jialan's eyesight.

Of course it wasn't hard for him to tell.

The Su Xuanji in front of him will never be over a hundred years old.

He is a real genius of the world!

An amazing genius!

"No matter what means you have, today Lao Na will definitely send you into reincarnation.

Jialan eyebrows have a strong evil spirit.


Chilling gas, spontaneously.

An extremely terrifying murderous aura descended from above the sky.



This terrifying aura was squeezing the space around Jialan's body, and it was frantically producing traces of wriggling and twisting. The scene was very terrifying.

A pair of eyes full of anger, and with a high above, looking down at all beings like a Buddha, Jialan looked at Su Xuanji coldly, and the whole body burst out with the power of the king of slashing.

"The devil..."

"Lao Na will send you into Samsara with the strongest blow today.

"As the arrogance of the world, you died under the strongest power of Lao Na, you can rest your eyes."

Jialan shouted coldly.

The voice was loud and resounding through the sky.

like thunder,

Wandering echoed in all directions.

There seemed to be bursts of thunder in the entire sky.


The high-profile Su Xuanji, as always, maintained a very calm and indifferent demeanor.

from start to finish...

The expression did not change much.

"A full blow (adaf) of the Dao Slayer King?

"Things seem to be a little interesting.

Su Xuanji's eyes flashed.

Looked up,

With great interest, he looked at Jalan, who looked like a Buddha on the sky, with a strong sense of anticipation in his eyes.

How strong is the Dao Slashing King from Buddhism?

Really looking forward to it!


Right under Su Xuanji's gaze.

It is also in the eyes of the Ancient Sage Sect Master, the Sunset Sect Master, and his thousands of disciples.

Plus dozens of Buddhist elders, and thousands of Buddhist disciples who rejoice in misfortune.

clear and distinct.

Jialan started.

Show no mercy!

Strike decisively!

Jalan, standing in the sky, is surrounded by golden sacred Buddha lights, countless mysterious golden Buddhist texts, flying all over the sky, containing infinite power.


Jialan made a palm print with both hands.


Buddha light soared.

The Buddha's light here is even more brilliant.

Incredibly dazzling!

The aura that exudes becomes more and more terrifying.

When you think about it, the world changes color!

This is the power of the ancient existence of the Dao Slashing King series!

"The Seal of Ten Thousand Buddhas!"

Jialan attacked in anger.

Turn your hands over, with your right palm facing down.

Aim at Su Xuanji below and snap it.

Incredibly fast!



The palm evolved into a huge palm print, like a terrifying palm print that stretched for hundreds of miles.

Hundreds of miles of terrifying palm prints almost cover the sky, completely blocking the sky.

A series of mysterious golden Buddhist inscriptions gathered between the palms of the giant palms.

Endless mighty power erupted.

Even this space of heaven and earth is distorted by the forceful interference of this terrifying force, and it seems that the space may be crushed and collapsed by this force at any time.

This huge palm is like the palm of the Buddha's landing.


Great shore!

Vigorous breath!


The extremely powerful aura of Buddhist power erupted from this terrifying giant palm that stretched for hundreds of miles, and shot it swiftly at the sky below.

Show no mercy!

Without the slightest hesitation!

under this giant palm.

All creatures standing in the sky seem to be reduced to fragile and insignificant ants.

Boom one by one

The giant palm runs through the void.

Crack space!

The stalwart power suddenly descended,

In an instant, the giant palm reached directly above Su Xuanji's head.

With an aura of destruction...

How about wanting to destroy everything in the world!


Shake the universe!.

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