Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil

Chapter 494 No matter how fast the speed is, it's still in vain!

At this moment, the three stone people spoke again.

"We won't let Su Xuanji in, we just won't.

"We just have that right."

"Because we are the guardians of the ancient wilderness emperor's secret realm!"5

The words fall.

The three stone people instantly became complacent.

It seems to have finally regained a city, very happy.

When Su Xuanji and Qilin heard the words, they looked at the Heavenly Emperor in unison.

The Emperor of Heaven was aware of this matter, and he was very clear before he came.

He nodded lightly.

"indeed so.

As soon as this word comes out.

The three stone people were even more proud.

"It's good that you know."

"We're more than not allowing Su Xuanji in now."

"You, you, both of you are not allowed in."

The three stone people said one after another.

The last one to speak, but also domineeringly pointed to the Heavenly Emperor and Qilin.

The Heavenly Emperor's expression did not change, but Qilin was very annoyed.

"Do you know who we are?"

"Why don't you let us in?"

"I think you are really big lanterns in the kennel, courting death! 35

This old saying was repeated, and the three stone people were instantly annoyed.

They are noble stone people, not some kind of stone in a hut!

"who are you?

"What kind of big man can he be mixed with a little god?

"What are you pretending to be, a small dog has become the weather, and it can turn the sky upside down?"

The three stone people said one after another.

The smug tone seems to have a tail behind it, and it has already been raised to the sky.

"Little dog?"

Heavenly Emperor's eyelids jumped suddenly, and then he looked at the unicorn who was struck by lightning.

Su Xuanji laughed outright shamelessly.

"Pfft hahahaha...

"Little flower dog....hahahaha...

"Don't say it's quite similar! Pfft...

Su Xuanji couldn't straighten his waist when he laughed, and kept rubbing his stomach.

A pair of eyes could not stop looking at Qilin's body.

Although on closer inspection, it is definitely different from a dog.

But his too miniature figure, too naive temperament, plus the colorful fluff on his back, really looks like a dog.

It's no wonder that the three stone people looked away, he often had this illusion.

“Su Xuanji….”

Kirin said word by word.

The voice was so gnashing of teeth that I don't need to repeat it.

"Ha ha ha ha...."

"What's wrong with calling me? Little Flower Dog..."

Su Xuanji couldn't stop laughing.

The unicorn immediately leaped and rushed towards the unicorn fruit that Su Xuanji had always held in his hand.

Su Xuanji was already wary when he jumped on his shoulder and spoke for himself.

How could the unicorn rob the unicorn fruit in his hand?

Immediately backhand closed.

Rao is that no matter how fast the unicorn is, it will be empty.

"damn it!"

"I missed it again!"

Kirin said angrily.

"Abnormal is a monster.

"Do you think I'll let my guard down because you speak for me?"

"You're so naive, puppy. 99

Su Xuanji said with a wide smile.

Being called Xiaohuagou again, Qilin was instantly furious.

But he couldn't do anything about Su Xuanji, he could only turn his head to look at the three stone people.

"You three idiots.

"How dare you recognize this divine beast as a puppy! 35

"That's outrageous! You bastard!"

Kirin roared.

As soon as this word comes out.

In an instant, the three stone people were stunned.

The six pairs of eyes looked at the unicorn, as if looking at some rare treasure.

This made Qilin feel a little more comfortable.

"Hurry up and admit your mistake!""

Kirin said coldly.

The words fall.

The three stone people burst into laughter.

"Hahaha....Xiaohuagou actually said that he was a divine beast! 99

"This is the funniest joke I've ever heard in my life!

"`々 This little flower dog is really a big idiot like no other in the world! It's so rare!"


Kirin's face suddenly turned ugly again.

Before, he thought that the three stone people realized their mistakes.

It turned out to be looking at a fool!

Bah! He's not a fool!

He is like a fake beast unicorn!

Who dares to question this.

He will let whoever realize their mistakes.

And how outrageously wrong.

"Open your eyes wide."

"Check it out for me!"

Kirin said angrily.

The words fall.

His figure suddenly soared.

In the blink of an eye, in front of the three stone people, they turned into unicorns as tall as three people.

But he still stopped, and his figure continued to skyrocket.

He didn't stop until the place became narrower.

(Good King)

He looked down at the three stone people.

One of his eyes is even bigger than the tallest stone man among the three.

The whole body exudes indescribable majesty and momentum.

One stop there, like a sacred mountain.

Quote at this moment.

The three stone people have been stunned.

They didn't expect that this seemingly outrageous little flower dog was actually a unicorn!

"Oh my god."

"He is really a mythical beast unicorn!

"It didn't look like it before!

Looking at the shocked expressions of the three stone people, listening to their terrifying words.

Kirin finally felt a lot more comfortable.


"This unicorn is the divine beast of the Heavenly Palace.

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