Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil

Chapter 495 The demeanor and t1 are extremely arrogant!

"You can't help but prevent me from entering the ancient wilderness emperor's secret realm."

"It's totally unreasonable to even prevent the Emperor of Heaven from entering the secret realm of the Ancient Desolate Emperor."

"Are you guarding the Ancient Desolate Emperor's Secret Realm or occupying the Ancient Desolate Emperor's Secret Realm?"

As soon as this word comes out.

The three stone people felt their heads even bigger.



It can't be that Su Xuanji.

But soon, they realized something.

They all looked to God.

Since that person appeared here, he has rarely spoken.

With an indifferent appearance, he is extravagant and refined, and at first glance, he is not an ordinary person.

If they came alone, they would certainly not despise them.

But with Su Xuanji, they subconsciously thought he wouldn't be a character.

Who knows that he is not only a person, but also a big person!


Cold sweat oozes out from the foreheads of the three stone people.

Su Xuanji was amazed.



"Stones can sweat too. 95

"Then will you cry? Cry and see.

As soon as this word comes out.

The three stone people who were instantly provoked glared at him fiercely.

from their perspective.

A unicorn is a unicorn.

God is God.

Su Xuanji is Damn it's enemy.

Even if they come together, they can't mix.

make them cry?

Go dream.


The unicorn shrank again and turned into the size of a dog that was previously regarded as a small flower.

But now, the three stone people will no longer despise anything.

Even because the Emperor of Heaven is here, he is even more cautious.

"I didn't recognize the emperor, it was us or not.

"It is also our fault to mistake the unicorn. In order to apologize to the two of you, you can enter the ancient secret realm.

"However, Su Xuanji is Su Xuanji. Although he is with you all the way, he cannot enter the secret realm of the ancient emperor."

(adaf) The three stone people said one after another.

When referring to Su Xuanji, the tone is very firm.

Heavenly Emperor looked towards the past and spoke to them for the first time.


"Just because he had some holidays with you?

He guessed it when he listened to Su Xuanji talking to the three stone people.

These three must have been encountered by Su Xuanji two days ago when he went to fetch Qilin Fruit.

And the origin of the grievance is the unicorn fruit.

This is unreasonable, obviously it is the stone people.

The stone people felt that they were unusually reasonable.

One by one, they spoke confidently.


"This person has an unrighteous mind and is not allowed to enter. 99

"As guardians, we do have this responsibility, and please don't be embarrassed by the emperor.

After the words fell, the tallest stone human race added two more sentences.

“Heavenly Emperor wants to speak for Su Xuanji?”

"Isn't it possible to oppress us as a god?

As soon as this word comes out.

Heavenly Emperor's face sank.

He never oppressed people with his identity, but once he opened his mouth, he couldn't get rid of this identity.

This is impossible.

But even so, he naturally had to speak for Su Xuanji.

He must bring Su Xuanji into the secret realm of the Ancient Desolate Emperor, even if he takes a shot, he will not hesitate.

As for what rumors came out afterwards, he couldn't control it, and he didn't care.

All he knew was that Su Xuanji had helped him many times.

Again, he took the initiative to invite Su Xuanji to come and explore the secret realm of the ancient emperor.

It was the unicorn who asked him to get the unicorn fruit, and then he met these three guys.

What if he doesn't stand up for Su Xuanji?

Who is up for him?

The Heavenly Emperor opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

Just then, Su Xuanji spoke first.

"I'm not from the Heavenly Palace."

"The Emperor of Heaven is just speaking out of righteousness."

"You don't have to make trivial matters big and purposely confuse them."

The smile on Su Xuanji's face faded.

The voice was also colder.

Obviously do not like that the stone people deliberately use the identity of the emperor to talk about things.

And this is obviously also said to the Emperor.

Remind him that he is not from the Heavenly Palace, and he does not have to speak for himself.

Tian Di looked at Su Xuanji and frowned.

At this time, Su Xuanji also looked over, with his own persistence in his eyes.

The two persisted for a while, and finally the Heavenly Emperor compromised.

"I believe that you can get in on your own."

Heavenly Emperor said helplessly.

This is not his blind expectation, but he really thinks so.

He was amazed at Su Xuanji's combat power, how could these three stone people be opponents?

It's just a dispute here, it's not beautiful in the end.

But as of now, there seems to be no other way.


Su Xuanji spoke again.

"Little stones."

"What if I have to go in?

"Can you stop me?

The stone people called Little Stones were even more annoyed.

But the three did not completely lose their minds.

They were embarrassed by Su Xuanji, and they knew exactly what they were doing.

If he is a little bit more sensible, there is nothing wrong with letting him in.

"It's not impossible if you have to go in."

"It's just that your heart is not right, you always have to show some sincerity."

"Yes, sincerity is not enough, still can't go in, do you know what to do?"

The three stone people said one after another.

The demeanor and tone were extremely arrogant.

Hearing this, Su Xuanji's eyes flashed with surprise.

But his expression became more and more confused, as if he couldn't understand what they were saying.


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