Love Song Sister...

The one who posted a TikTok: The sixth day of missing my brother, the love song of the sixth sister who loves her brother?

Ye Luo's eyes widened after hearing this.

Then he asked seriously: "What's going on? Are you kidding? Or are you serious?"

Lin Cancan explained: "I just said it seems, not confirmed. She may still be in the Magic City."

Ye Luo: "Please explain it clearly. What's going on?"

Lin Cancan: "Sister, I'm not the world's top hacker. So except for the eldest sister, I have been secretly monitoring the other eight sisters, and Ye Luo. But the strange thing is that after getting up this morning, the sixth sister disappeared from my monitoring."

Speaking of this, Lin Cancan's voice became obviously higher: "I searched almost all the magic classrooms, cafeterias, playgrounds, girls' dormitories, as well as the apartment where she lives, and the places she often goes to, but I didn't find her figure."

"She seemed to have suddenly disappeared from the world "Ye Luo's analysis:" There are a lot of dead corners to monitor the dead ends. He said: "Today, she should have the vibrato of" I miss the eighth day of my brother ", but she didn't even send it. This is also strange! This should not be her style." I miss my brother's eighth day ... The phone can't be turned on, and the information is not available. It is really enough to prove what she may encounter. Then I called Liu Sister to see if it was really unreasonable. Then, he pressed the dial button...

Just when Ye Luo thought the call would not go through, it suddenly went through.


Chen Lian Ge's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Her voice was a little strange, and she was obviously a little excited: "Ye Luo, I knew you would take the initiative to contact me. You definitely haven't forgotten me."

This brother-sister complex is a bit too serious...

Ye Luo could strongly feel that Chen Lian Ge missed him very much.

So this sentence popped up in his mind.

On the surface, she said calmly: "Lian Ge, what are you talking about? You are my sixth sister, and as a younger brother, how can I forget you."

Chen Lian Ge was still a little excited and said: "Ye Luo, I just miss you too much, there is no other meaning."

Ye Luo asked: "Then why didn't you answer the call from the tenth sister? Why didn't you reply to the WeChat message you sent?"

Chen Lian Ge explained with a little grievance: "Actually, I just want to attract your attention, Ye Luo, and there is no other intention. As for the tenth sister, I will apologize to her later."

What do you mean by wanting to attract my attention...

Why does this sound so wrong!

Shouldn't this be a little game that lovers should play? How can a sister and brother reach this level...

So Ye Luo said solemnly: "Lian Ge, you can think of me. You can also get my attention. But don't do things that make us worry in the future, okay? Otherwise, it will be like the story of the boy who cried wolf, and we will all be hurt."

Chen Lian Ge turned obedient and said: "Yes, sister listens to Ye Luo. Whatever Ye Luo says is what it is."

Ye Luo: …………

Fortunately, she is a brother control. If it were the third sister Su Linglong and the eighth sister Xiao Yu It's strange that they would listen to someone with Mi's personality...

At this time...

Chen Lian Ge turned to act coquettishly again: "Ye Luo, I haven't seen you for eight days. Why don't you come to Shanghai to see me. I want to chat with you in person."

Ye Luo agreed directly and readily: "It's just a simple request. Ye Luo must satisfy Lian Ge."

If she didn't agree, who knows what this woman would do...

Chen Lian Ge immediately showed an excited and happy smile...

With this meeting appointment, Chen Lian Ge didn't show any reluctance when she hung up the phone.

She was more looking forward to the moment of meeting Ye Luo...


She immediately came to the dressing table and began to dress herself up beautifully.

"I must dress myself up so that at first glance, I will give people a very, very amazing feeling. Only in this way, my brother will be fascinated by my beauty when he sees me. In the future, he will definitely be more willing to take time to come and see me!"

Chen Lian Ge was thinking about his own little plan in his heart.

When she thought about her brother opening the door later and being stunned by her stunning beauty, she couldn't help but smile.Stupid smile...


Ye Luo's side.

He contacted his tenth sister Lin Cancan again and told her about Chen Lian Ge.

And explained why she didn't answer the phone.

After Lin Cancan found out, she was just a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, the reason why the sixth sister did this was to see Ye Luo.

But Ye Luo shouldn't be that difficult for her to see, right?


Ye Luo greeted Que'er and Xiao Yu Mi separately. He said that he was going to the Magic City to visit the sixth sister.

As Ye Luo expected, these two women were reluctant to leave him.

At this time, Que'er was hugging Ye Luo tightly, and said coquettishly: "Que'er wants to go with Ye Luo, so Ye Luo can take Que'er with him."

Ye Luo gently stroked her little head and said lovingly: "Silly Que'er, Ye Luo is not going to the Magic City to die. He just wants to see Sixth Sister. After seeing her, he will return tomorrow."

Que'er said willfully: "But Que'er still can't bear to leave Ye Luo, Que'er just wants to be with Ye Luo all the time. No matter where we go, we will never be separated."


Ye Luo could only use his trump card, which was to hold Que'er's cheek and start kissing her madly...

After kissing for nearly half an hour, Ye Luo finally subdued Que'er completely.

"Que'er will not be alone, as long as Que'er has Ye Luo in her heart. No matter where Que'er is, Ye Luo will always be with you."

After the kiss, Ye Luo said affectionately again.

The subdued Que'er nodded obediently this time: "Yes, Que'er will. No matter where Ye Luoge is, Que'er's place in his heart belongs to Ye Luoge."

After tidying up Que'er, Ye Luo asked Yu Mi to drive him to the airport.


Little Yu Mi expressed her reluctance in the car.

"If you don't come back until tomorrow, we won't be able to practice Qiankun Jue tonight. Have you considered this?"

Yu Mi said with a little anger.

She was only practicing Qiankun Jue for the third day, and she had to stop for a day. Of course, she would feel uncomfortable.

Ye Luo: "You said that you can temporarily stop during the practice. It's only one day, what impact can it have."

Yu Mi said loudly: "But this is not good after all."

Ye Luo was silent for a while, thinking.

Then he suddenly said: "Then let's practice first and find a suitable hotel. I'll go there after we finish practicing. That's fine."


Author has something to say:

Should I take down the love song?

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