Yu Mi's eyes lit up when she heard this...

Yes, this matter is obviously easy to solve, why didn't she think of such a simple solution at the first time?

Then she nodded and said, "This is indeed possible."

Then, she said cautiously, "But we have to find a hidden hotel. It's best if there is no surveillance camera. In this way, we can get rid of the Tenth Sister's Sky Eye."

Lin Cancan is indeed a big problem.

As long as there is a code, she can use the Internet to penetrate everywhere.

If she found out that Ye Luo and Yu Mi had spent two hours together in a hotel room, with her gossipy mouth, she would make sure that all the sisters knew about this matter...


Ye Luo thought of a solution immediately and said, "There is no need to deliberately find a hidden hotel. Just dress up a little, change clothes, put on a baseball cap, sunglasses, and a mask. She can't find us at all."

Yu Mi still had concerns: "But the hotel will register check-in information and scan faces with cameras. If these are discovered by Cancan, we will still not be able to escape her clutches."

Ye Luo was speechless...

She felt that little Yu Mi was a little too nervous.

She had to change her words: "If you think the hotel is really inconvenient, then we can drive to a deserted place and practice in the wild. There is no surveillance in the wild, so this is okay."

Hearing this answer, Yu Mi's face obviously became better.

Then he nodded and said, "Well, it's safer in the wild. That's it!"

Ye Luo naturally wouldn't refute it.

Half an hour later, the two of them arrived near the airport.

There was no one around here. At a glance, there were green trees and green weeds.

It was equivalent to the suburbs of Jiangcheng.

After observing the surroundings, Ye Luo said, "It's okay here. There is only an occasional car passing by. People shouldn't appear."

Yu Mi nodded, "This is indeed a good place."


She said very bluntly, "Hurry up and take off your clothes. Let's get in the car directly."

Ye Luo couldn't help but frowned, "The space in the car is too small, and it's not convenient to stretch your legs. How can I practice like this."

Yu Mi said, "Just take off all your clothes, and you don't need to care about the other details."

Ye Luo: …………

Okay, let's do it in the car.

Anyway, it's not the first time to do these unspeakable things in the car.


Ye Luo stripped off completely very quickly.

Then he went around to the back seat and lay down...

Yu Mi also climbed to the back seat, and then began to focus on inputting Yin Qi into the 369 acupuncture points on Ye Luo's body...

Two hours passed without knowing it.

At this time, both of them had put on their clothes.

Since it was the third time, they didn't feel embarrassed during this practice.

Both of them had already treated each other's bodies as their own and could touch them at will...

Of course, if you keep touching the same place for too long, it will still be inaccurate.

But the two of them didn't do anything to deliberately tease each other...

Ye Luo wiped the sweat on his forehead and said, "My body is so weak. Every time I finish practicing, I feel like I'm hollowed out."

Who knew that Yu Mi took out a bottle of Liuwei Dihuang Pills from her Hermes shoulder bag and handed it to Ye Luo: "This medicine is very effective in treating kidney deficiency. Do you want to try it?"

Ye Luo rolled his eyes: "I'm not suffering from kidney deficiency! I'm lacking yang energy. You've made me tired."

Yu Mi said calmly: "This medicine can also replenish yang energy."

Seeing Ye Luo looking at her with suspicion, Yu Mi explained: "I'm serious. I'm not lying to you. Don't forget that your eighth sister is a miracle doctor who can even cure advanced cancer."

Yes, this woman is a miracle doctor!

Treating the body is her best skill. Why would she deceive herself in this regard?


Ye Luo took the bottle of Liuwei Dihuang Pills from her hand.

"How many pills do you take at a time?"

Yu Mi: "With your physique, you should have no problem taking all 360 pills at once."

Ye Luo had already unscrewed the bottle cap and asked in confusion: "Will it not harm your kidneys due to excessive dosage if you take all of them?"

Yu Mi shook her head: "You won't. But ordinary people will. Because you are not an ordinary person, you are fully capable of taking a bottle at a time."

What a perfunctory explanation...

However, since he has a super strong physique and a strong yang constitution, Ye Luo really doesn't care about a bottle of Liuwei Dihuang Pills.


Ye Luo raised his head and opened his mouth wide.

Then, he stuffed the torn bottle mouth into his mouth.

300After pouring all sixty pills into his mouth, Ye Luo began to chew them one by one like eating snacks...

Liuwei Dihuang Pills are not bad, a little bitter and a little sweet.

Anyway, it is not difficult to swallow.

In less than a minute, Ye Luo ate all the Liuwei Dihuang Pills.

Yu Mi was curious about what changes Ye Luo would have, so she stared at him and couldn't move away...

Then she asked carefully: "How do you feel?"

Ye Luo touched his stomach: "Feeling... Maybe the drug hasn't taken effect yet, I don't feel anything now."

Yu Mi said confidently: "I should feel it in a minute."

A minute passed quickly...

At this time, a warm current suddenly surged out of Ye Luo's Dantian...

This warm current quickly spread to every corner of his body, instantly making him feel like he was getting a full-body massage, and he felt very comfortable.


A floating "Oh~" sounded out from Ye Luo's mouth uncontrollably.

This made Ye Luo shy instantly.

But he only took a bottle of Liuwei Dihuang Pills, but he could feel so comfortable that he felt like he was floating in the air...

This is too incredible.

Yu Mi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It seems that the medicine has taken effect. Liuwei Dihuang Pills are indeed useful. It can help you restore your Yang Qi."

Yu Mi had just finished speaking...

A floating "Oh~" sounded out from Ye Luo's mouth uncontrollably.

Hearing this sound, Yu Mi couldn't help but blush slightly.

Because this sound was too much like the sound made during sex.

Yu Mi was embarrassed to look at Ye Luo again, and turned her head to look out the car window.

Seeing this, Ye Luo was speechless and said, "Big sister, you are already old, why are you still shy? Let's drive quickly, I have an appointment with Lian Ge."

After saying that...

Another ecstatic "Oh~" came out of Ye Luo's mouth...

But Ye Luo immediately regained his serious face.

Ten minutes later...

Yu Mi played the radio in the car to cover up Ye Luo's ecstatic "Oh~", and then sent Ye Luo to the airport in a calm state.

When they separated, the two did not say much nonsense, and Yu Mi drove away in a very free and easy manner in the Jetta.

It was already three minutes after eleven in the morning.


Author has something to say:

There must be a suitable reason to promote Lian Ge, and it will not be promoted for no reason.

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