If he had not been delayed by the two women, Ye Luo would have arrived in the Magic City.

However, Ye Luo did not blame Que'er and Xiao Yu Mi. After all, one of them loved him deeply. The other was willing to help him practice the Qiankun Jue and enhance his Yang Qi...

At one o'clock in the afternoon...

The plane that Ye Luo took landed at the Magic City International Airport.

Chen Lian Ge came to the airport to pick her up. At this moment, she was standing at the pick-up gate waiting for Ye Luo to show up.

At this moment, she was very nervous...

This feeling was completely different from the feeling when she first met Ye Luo.

But what exactly it was, Chen Lian Ge could not tell for a moment.

One minute later...

Ye Luo finally showed up!

Before Ye Luo walked out of the pick-up gate, he saw the sixth sister Chen Lian Ge standing outside, waving shyly at him.

Yes, the sixth sister was indeed in a shy state at this time...

This made Ye Luo speechless.

It was just a reunion between a brother and sister, but the atmosphere was like a long-distance couple who had not seen each other for several months and then suddenly reunited...

Of course, Ye Luo could not have that feeling.

Chen Lian Ge was the only one who had that feeling.

After walking out of the airport entrance, Ye Luo went directly to the sixth sister and said in a brotherly manner: "Have you been studying acting well during this period?"

Chen Lian Ge nodded like a chicken pecking at rice and said obediently: "Well, I have been studying hard. Every day when I have time, I will seriously study how the seniors perform."

Ye Luo raised his hand and stroked her little head twice, and said with satisfaction: "That's good."

After being touched on the head, Chen Lian Ge's delicate cheeks turned red.

She didn't expect Ye Luo to make such an intimate gesture to her.

Generally, stroking a girl's head, which is obviously an ambiguous behavior, is something that only boyfriends do to their girlfriends...

And Ye Luo did it to her, does that mean...

Ye Luo actually likes me!

When she thought of this, Chen Lian Ge's cheeks suddenly became redder, and the whole person became very nervous, immersed in happiness...

Although Ye Luo didn't know what this woman was thinking, he could basically guess it.

So he said seriously: "Lian Ge, are you sick? Your face looks very strange, why don't you go to the hospital?"

I have to say that this sentence is really disappointing...

It interrupted Chen Lian Ge who was immersed in happiness.

She was immediately frozen...

Ye Luo treated her like this, could it be that he didn't have any interest in her at all?

So he had to smile awkwardly and explain: "Ye Luo, you misunderstood. I'm not looking weird. I just haven't seen you for a long time, and I'm a little too happy. That's why I lost my composure."

Ye Luo pretended to be enlightened: "So that's how it is. It seems that Lian Ge really misses me very much!"

Chen Lian Ge replied: "Yes. After all, she is a sister, how can she not miss her brother."

The two didn't chat too much at the airport, and took a taxi after coming out.

Then they came to a nearby high-end restaurant and prepared to eat.

Ye Luo didn't eat on the plane, so he was a little hungry at the moment.

After the two sat down, a beautiful waitress immediately handed over the menu politely.

Ye Luo casually ordered four dishes, each of which cost more than 1,000 RMB.

If you go to an ordinary restaurant, these dishes will cost at least 100 yuan each.

Ye Luo actually doesn't like the food in high-end restaurants very much, because it's for face, not because of its taste.

But there is no way, Chen Lian Ge has to drag him to this place.

Before the dishes were served, the beautiful waitress brought two glasses of lemonade with ice cubes to the two of them.

After politely putting down the lemonade, she showed her white and neat teeth and smiled: "You two, these two glasses of lemonade are free of charge. I hope they suit your taste."

Then she continued: "Please wait a moment. We will serve your ordered meals soon."

Ye Luo responded politely: "Yes, thank you."

The beautiful waitress bowed slightly: "You're welcome, sir."

After the beautiful waitress turned and left, Ye Luo immediately changed his opinion of this high-end restaurant.

I think it's worth a thousand yuan for a dish...

Because the service here is something you can never experience in ordinary restaurants.

Especially the healing smile of the beautiful waitress...

Chen Lian Ge took the initiative to open a topic and said: "Ye Luo, it is said that you and Eighth Sister are together. Is it true?"

In fact, she had learned about this matter from her fifth sister, the Phoenix King.

Ye Luo drank a sip of lemonade and nodded, "It's true. Que'er and I love each other very much, and we love each other very rationally. It's not an impulse.Loneliness is why we choose to be together. "

After hearing this, Chen Liange couldn't help but smile. That smile was mixed with many emotions, but it was obviously more bitter...

But Chen Liange immediately cheered up and generously blessed: "Then you and Eighth Sister, you must be happy and never separate in the future."

Ye Luo: "I will. I will definitely protect Que'er and stay with her for the rest of my life."

Seeing that Ye Luo has such a deep affection for Eighth Sister, Chen Liange is envious and jealous.

But still hopes from the bottom of his heart that both of them can be happy.

Then he smiled awkwardly and changed the subject: "These days, sister has posted a lot of Douyins about missing her brother. Don't misunderstand these, Ye Luo, sister is just recording life. There is no other meaning. Go back and explain it to Eighth Sister, so that she won't misunderstand and affect your relationship. "

Ye Luo said frankly: "Don't worry, Liange, Que'er still has this feeling. In fact, she has watched all the Douyins you posted. But she never took it to heart. "

Chen Lian Ge couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and said, "If that's the case, then I'm relieved."

Chen Lian Ge was not a green tea who would think of destroying the relationship between Ye Luo and Ba Mei and then snatching Ye Luo into her hands.

On the contrary, she was very upright and felt that interfering in other people's feelings was a very disgusting thing.


She had to treat Ye Luo as her brother again.

As they chatted, the four dishes ordered by Ye Luo were carefully pushed over by the beautiful waitress just now...

After arriving at the table, she smiled politely and said, "You two, the dishes you ordered are here."

Then, she very elegantly placed the four dishes one by one on the table.

Before leaving, she bowed slightly and said, "I hope you two enjoy your meal. If you need anything, you can always raise your hand and call me. "

After saying this, the waitress pushed the cart away gracefully...

The back view is beautiful, and the hips that twist with the waist are also very sexy...


Ye Luo smelled a hint of danger from this woman.

Seeing that Ye Luo couldn't take his eyes off the beautiful waitress, Chen Lian Ge deliberately coughed and pretended to be angry and said, "Ye Luo, can you eat well?"


Author has something to say:

No way, Lian Ge is a good woman

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