As he said that, Ye Luo walked over like a gentleman and supported her.

Suddenly, she had skin contact with her brother, and Lin Cancan's blood pressure rose rapidly.

Her heartbeat also increased significantly...

Plop, plop, plop, plop...

It was beating faster and faster.

Lin Cancan was shocked by her own nervousness and panic.

"What's going on? He's just my brother. Why am I blushing and my heart is beating so fast~"

Lin Cancan blamed herself in her heart.

She felt that she was really disappointing. She couldn't even control her brother...

"Can... Sister Can..."

At this time, Lin Ye, who was standing aside, opened his eyes wide and was shocked and stuttered: "You... You have a nosebleed!"

Lin Ye had just finished speaking...

A few drops of blood slid from Lin Cancan's nostrils and dripped onto the ground.

A few drops of blood fell...

Before she looked up, a few more drops flowed along the bloodstain...

Lin Cancan was completely stunned!

She could actually bleed from her nose like this...

She only said twenty words to him when she was eighteen years old.

You have to know that when she met the Lord of the Temple of the God of War, he said more than five hundred words to hurt her even though she covered her eyes...

But now, she has seen all kinds of men and has matured completely. When she faced her younger brother Ye Luo, he only said one or two words, about twenty words, and he couldn't hold on...

Lin Cancan couldn't believe it...

Her nosebleed flowed faster.

Her body and the ground were all blood red.

This scared Ye Luo.

He knew that Lin Cancan was a fangirl and couldn't help bleeding from her nose when she saw him.

But she was wearing an eye patch and didn't even know what he was wearing. How could she bleed from her nose?

And it was so exaggerated, as if it was a spring.

"Quick, take me away!"

Lin Cancan also clearly felt that something was wrong with her, and immediately shouted loudly: "Quick, Lin Ye, why are you still in a daze!"

Lin Ye, who was distracted, immediately reacted, and then helped Lin Cancan walk outside.

"Sister Can, be careful, there is a threshold in front!"

Lin Cancan paid attention to her feet, jumped up, and stepped over the threshold.

The two were very fast.

In less than ten seconds, they got on the black business car on the side of the road outside...

After getting in the car...

Lin Cancan grabbed a handful of tissues and began to wipe the nosebleed frantically...

After a while...

There were a lot of blood-stained tissues in the car, and Lin Cancan was covered in blood all over her body.

Fortunately, fortunately...

The nosebleed was not so crazy anymore, and it could be stopped with tissues.

At this time, Lin Cancan and Lin Ye were sweating profusely, not because of tiredness, but because of fear...

Lin Ye wiped the sweat and said in shock: "It's terrible, sister Can's nosebleed can be so much. If it keeps bleeding like this for four or five minutes, sister Can, you will bleed to death!"

Lin Cancan herself also found it incredible.

Because this was the most serious time she had been suffering from the love disease for so many years...

Lin Ye said again: "Sister Can, who is that person? You haven't even seen him, but you have been hurt so much. If you come into contact with him, you will bleed directly!"

Lin Cancan held her forehead and said with shame: "It's really embarrassing! This girl is also the strongest top hacker in the world. In front of a man, I can't control myself..."

Lin Cancan was very angry about why she was so disappointing. If she didn't have the love disease, it would be great!

Lin Ye blinked and said, "Sister Can, do you mean that you just saw the mysterious boss who made your nose bleed?"

Lin Cancan pouted and said, "He is not a mysterious boss at all. He is just the stinky brother who just talked to me..."

The stinky brother just now...


The one who made Sister Can bleed from her nose was just a young man who looked a little handsome...

Lin Ye suddenly felt bad.

You know, the appearance and charm of the three hall masters can't hurt Sister Can when Sister Can is not looking at them...

However, the stinky brother that Sister Can mentioned actually did it...

What the hell is this rhythm?

Sister Can should not be a woman who only looks at the face...

As for that boy, why is he qualified?


Lin Ye asked: "Sister Can, aren't you obsessed with the strong? Why can that stinky brother of yours cause you such great harm?"

Lin Cancan sighed: "I also want to know the reason, but unfortunately no one can tell me the answer."

Lin Ye's eyes suddenly turned around...

Then he made a bold guess: "Sister Can, could it be that your brother is actually a hidden boss?? "

Hearing this, Lin Cancan's pupils immediately dilated and dilated...

Then she cheered up and said: "Yes! Why didn't I think of this!"

"If my brother is actually a hidden boss, and is more powerful than the Lord of the Temple of War God, then my nosebleed is not a loss!"

Lin Cancan was not depressed at all...

Facing a man who is more powerful than the Lord of the Temple of War God, she would not be able to control herself and become a fangirl with nosebleeds. This is a very normal thing.

So it's not that she is useless and incompetent and can't stand the test, but that her brother is too powerful...

At this time...

Fifth sister Wu Zehuang, seventh sister Su Rong, and ninth sister Yu Mi all came outside.

These sisters didn't know that Lin Cancan had a fangirl disease, so they were very worried about her when they saw her bleeding so much.

Wu Zehuang knocked on the car window and asked with concern: "Tenth sister, why is your nosebleed so crazy suddenly? Do you have any strange disease? "

Lin Cancan lowered the window quickly.

This was because she didn't see Ye Luo coming, so she was willing to lower it.

If Ye Luo had come, she would drive away without hesitation, and contact her sisters later to explain things clearly.

Su Rong also said with concern: "Canmei, tell me if you are sick. Jiumei is a doctor, and she can even treat cancer. If you are sick, she can definitely help you cure it."

No, this disease cannot be cured...

No matter how powerful the doctor is, they are all helpless...

Lin Cancan sighed secretly in her heart.

On the surface, she smiled calmly and responded: "Seventh sister, fifth sister, ninth sister, don't worry. I'm in good health, I don't have any disease."

"It's just that I've eaten too much barbecue and snacks recently, which caused me to get angry. That's why I had a nosebleed."

"As long as I control my diet in the future, my body will recover soon."

Wu Zehuang frowned and said: "I don't have to bleed so much if I get angry. I was almost scared to death just now."

Yu Mi took a step forward and said: "Anyway, let me check your body."

"If it's just a common fever, then I'll prescribe you a prescription to reduce the fever."

Lin Cancan naturally wouldn't refuse, since the examination wouldn't yield any results anyway.

She stretched out her snow-white right hand: "Sister is right, it's better to let Sister Nine check it."


Author has something to say:

Sister Ten is also quite cute

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