Yu Mi reached out her hand and touched Lin Cancan's pulse.

One minute later...

Yu Mi was still feeling the pulse.

Fifth sister said anxiously: "Ninth sister, are you still not well?"

Yu Mi then said: "Tenth sister's pulse is very stable, and her body should be fine. Looking at her face and tongue, she doesn't look like she has a fever."

"So the cause of the nosebleed should not be caused by a fever."

Wu Zehuang blinked and said: "What is the reason?"

Yu Mi: "Maybe the nasal membrane in the nasal cavity is too thin."

Lin Cancan hurriedly cooperated: "Yes, yes, yes, ninth sister is right, my nasal membrane is indeed very thin. It may be caused by my frequent nose picking."

"As long as I pay more attention in the future and hold back, it won't take long for the nasal membrane to recover as before."

Yu Mi insisted: "For safety reasons, let me check the whole body. In this way, whether she is sick or not can be found out."

Lin Cancan is not sick at all, so she is not afraid of the examination.

She was just afraid that Ye Luo would suddenly come over.

If she had another nosebleed in front of the sisters, they would misunderstand her as having a disease even if she was not sick.

Lin Cancan said, "Okay, then sister, help me check."

Blinking, she asked again, "Should we do it directly in the car, or find a suitable place?"

Yu Mi smiled, "Let's do it in the car. The process is not too complicated, just let me touch your whole body."

Touching the whole body...

This sister won't be a pervert...

But looking at her calm expression, it seems that she shouldn't be a lesbian who has feelings for women.


Lin Cancan opened the door and let Yu Mi get in the car.

Yu Mi put her hand into Lin Cancan's clothes, and the inspection began...

During the inspection...

Lin Cancan could always feel a warm current, from the ninth sister's hand, into her body.

This feeling made her feel particularly comfortable.

Her cheeks couldn't help but turn red, and she moaned from time to time...

This made Lin Cancan feel particularly ashamed.

But there was nothing she could do. She just couldn't help it, and she would moan unconsciously...

Fortunately, her brother Ye Luo wasn't around.

Five minutes later...

The examination was completed.

Yu Mi pulled her hand out of Lin Cancan's crotch and said, "She's still in good health, nothing wrong. But the Yin Qi in her body is a little thin, which may be related to your long-term sitting in front of the computer."

"But don't worry, I have already replenished the Yin Qi that is lacking in your body."

No wonder she was so comfortable just now, it turned out that Sister Nine was replenishing her Yin Qi...

Lin Cancan showed an innocent and cute smile: "Thank you, sister, your medical skills are simply amazing."

After saying that, she opened her hands and gave Sister Nine a big and intimate hug.

After they separated...

Lin Cancan apologized again: "Sisters, the tenth sister may have to leave. I have some urgent matters to deal with. We can only make an appointment next time."


Lin Cancan gave Lin Ye a look, and he quickly started the car.

Yu Mi could only get out of the car in a hurry and said: "Wait a little longer, Ye Luo and the eighth sister will come out soon after paying the bill. Let them also send you off."

Hearing the word Ye Luo, Lin Cancan's face suddenly turned pale, and she felt bad all over.

Quickly shook her head and waved her hands and said: "No, he is just a stinky brother, it doesn't matter whether he sends you off or not."


Pinched Lin Ye's thigh again and urged: "Drive quickly, what are you still standing there for."

Lin Ye only felt a huge pain in his thigh, but he resisted and didn't cry out.

Then she skillfully started the Wuling Hongguang, and the car started to drive, from slow to fast...

Lin Cancan waved goodbye to her three sisters: "Goodbye, sisters, remember to call often."

"And the eighth sister, please tell her. The tenth sister may need her help in the future. Let her be mentally prepared!"

As the three sisters watched...

The Wuling Hongguang became farther and farther away, and smaller and smaller.

After a while, it completely disappeared from their sight...

At this time, Ye Luo and Que'er also happened to come out of the restaurant.

Yu Mi immediately stepped forward and said: "Ye Luo, why don't you come out to see off the tenth sister? Do you know that the tenth sister came all the way from the Magic City!"

Ye Luo said calmly: "Calm down, ninth sister. This is not a life-and-death separation. Besides, I am not unwilling to see you off, I just can't spare the time and have to accompany Que'er."

Yu Mi frowned and said: "What happened to Que'er?"

Ye Luo said distressedly: "She walked too fast just now and twisted her foot. Even so, she insisted on going out. Then I naturally didn't allow it, and forced her to sit down and have a good rest."

Speaking of this, Ye Luo shrugged: "Then you see this. We wanted to come out to see her off, but the tenth sister had already left in a hurry."

Yu Mi turnedHe turned his attention to Kong Que and asked, "Did you really sprain your foot?"

Kong Que nodded like a chick pecking at rice.

Yu Mi squatted down and asked, "Which foot?"

Kong Que: "No need, ninth sister. Brother Ye Luo has already cured me, and Que'er is fine now."

Yu Mi's eyes showed surprise: "Ye Luo has a yang constitution, and yang energy can only treat male tendons and bones. Why does it work for women too?"

Yu Mi's clear and dark eyes couldn't help but enlarge and enlarge...

She raised her head and stared at Ye Luo, wanting to get a perfect explanation from him.

Ye Luo said calmly: "Don't look at me like that, I don't have any Yin in my body. I just used Yang to stimulate some Yin in Que'er's body, and then controlled it to cover the wound. After a while, the wound healed naturally."

"This method can only treat a small area of ​​the wound. If the injury is very serious, it will still be done by the ninth sister."

After hearing this, Yu Mi's surprise on her snow-white cheeks became even stronger...

Yes, it was indeed stronger...

She said with a trembling voice: "Why can't I do this. I have tried to stimulate the male body I tried to use the trace amount of Yang Qi in their bodies to treat them in this way. But the trace amount of Yang Qi in their bodies will not be controlled by me at all. Instead, it rejects my Yin Qi. "

Ye Luo hit him mercilessly: "That's because your skills are not up to par."

"If the Yin Qi in your body can be as thick as the Yang Qi in my body. There is absolutely no problem in stimulating a trace amount of Yang Qi."

"And if there is a problem, it naturally proves that you need to work harder in this regard."

I was actually taught a lesson by my younger brother...

This kid's medical skills were all taught by her!

If you say this to your master in ancient times, you will be abolished from your lifelong learning and then expelled from the master's school!

Although he was complaining, it was indeed an undeniable fact that Ye Luo's Yang Qi was thicker than his Yin Qi.


At the moment, Yu Mi could only be speechless and silent.

At the same time...

Yu Mi's desire to practice Qiankun Jue became more urgent.

After practicing Qiankun Jue, the Yin Qi in her body will become more concentrated. If she can then stimulate the trace Yang Qi in the male body, she believes that she will succeed...


Author has something to say:

The swimming plot begins below

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