Signed to the goddess from Douluo

Chapter 167'Private' Items, A Cruel Challenge

You can search for the "Goddess Search Novels ( from Douluo" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Time passed, but Posey, who was lying on the bed, always remembered everything he saw in Ye Chen's dream. Between the beating of his heart, the soft pretty face was even more complicated.

"Boom, Lord Posey, can I come in?"

Suddenly, there was a sound outside the house, and Posey, tossing and turning, hesitated for a long time before returning to her voice: "What's wrong, it's late at night, go to sleep."

"Sleep? Lord Posey, you haven't taught me tonight."

Outside the door, Ye Chen smiled at the corner of his mouth, waiting for the other person to open the door.

At this moment, he has broken through to level 68. After four years of accumulation in Jianzhong, his cultivation base can be described as rapid, and it has only been a few days since he has broken through two levels.

Seeing that she is about to reach level 70, and she is an important spirit ring that chooses Martial Spirit to show her real body, Ye Chen still wants to hear the opinion of Xtreme Douluo Bo Saixi. She is strong enough and knowledgeable enough, and she should be able to choose him. A most suitable spirit ring.

"Teach again tomorrow, anyway, you are only level 67, don't worry at this moment."

There was a reply in the room, but Ye Chen said with a sad face: "That... I'm already 68, Master Bo Saixi."

Such a rapid promotion, I am afraid that it will not stop until at least level 75. According to past experience, Ye Chen does not have much time, and he has to accept the Ten Promise Test and find the inheritance of the Fallen Angel. Time is very limited. Yeah.

"Level 68?"

With a squeak, the door opened from the inside, and then Posey's beautiful figure emerged.

"It's really level 68? It's less than a few hours, how can it be so fast."

A blue blue light emerged from Posey's deep blue eyes, and after hitting Ye Chen's body, he could see his cultivation thoroughly.

Immediately afterwards, Bo Saixi walked out of the house and walked towards the back garden of the Sea God Temple: "Follow me."

After not walking behind her for long, Ye Chen came to a beautiful garden made up of a dazzling array of shells and conch, as well as various exotic corals and marine flowers, full of exotic style.

"sit down!"

Bo Saixi sat alone on the polished coral bench in the garden, and then looked at Ye Chen with a slightly dodging look: "The choice of the seventh spirit ring of the 70th soul sage is very important. This is related to the true spirit of your martial arts. Whether your body is strong or not, if you pass the test to get a god bestowed spirit ring, it's not bad, but it's the best spirit ring for your martial spirit body. Can you understand what I mean?"

After finishing speaking, Posesi immediately turned aside his gaze and looked away, with an uncertain expression on his face, thinking to himself; this son's gaze was so hot, and the enthusiasm that he wanted to exhale was undisguised, what he wanted to do.

Po Saixi was feeling uneasy in her heart, and immediately decided that if Ye Chen had to express her love, then she would immediately refuse and cut off the other side's thoughts.

Although Ye Chen is very young and handsome and has great potential, she also has someone she likes, but that person has been missing for how long, and compared with Ye Chen, who has been favored and approved by the sea god, the latter is expected to become a god and is extremely handsome. In contrast, it seems... there is nothing to compare, because except for the temporary cultivation base, Ye Chen is a complete victory no matter what.

"Master Posey, Master Posey, what are you thinking about, Master Posey..."

A call came from beside him, and Bo Saixi recovered his senses, and suddenly saw Ye Chen lying beside her ear, whispering her name.

Reflexively, after Bo Saixi quickly opened the distance from Ye Chen, his tone was uncertain: "What...what's wrong?"

Seeing that Bo Saixi was a little strange, Ye Chen couldn't help but scratch his head and smiled: "I'm asking, what should I do with my seventh spirit ring? Will you take me to hunt the sea spirit beast? Or, the god bestowed spirit ring, you can There are different options."

"Well, it depends on the situation. I haven't encountered such a situation in the Tenth Test of Promise, but if God bestows the spirit ring, maybe only you are possible."

Bo Saixi made a prevarication casually, and then continued: "If the god bestowed spirit ring is not suitable for you, then I will take you to hunt a one hundred thousand year old sea spirit beast. I will talk about this and other issues tonight. I will teach it slowly in the future." 127 novel

After that, Bo Saixi's figure swayed slightly, and the person had disappeared in the garden behind the palace, walking so hurriedly that she did not notice an object falling on the ground.

"this is..."

Ye Chen picked up the object on the ground, his face suddenly a little ugly and said: "No, no, no, no, dignified Seagod Douluo, even use this kind of object?"

Holding the short column crystal in his hand, Ye Chen must have thought too much in secret, otherwise an Extreme Douluo might use this kind of thing.

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but shiver. Immediately, Ye Chen hurriedly went back to the room to sleep, and the private items were taken in by him, waiting for some time to return to Posey.

He slept until the dawn, approaching noon, Ye Chen came out of the Sea God Temple lazily, and then walked down the mountain.

Just halfway through, Ye Chen's eyebrows suddenly jumped, and immediately a message came into his mind.

"Tiandou and Xingluo have already fought, hope that the master will return quickly after finding the inheritance!"

This was a message from Qiu Bin, who was controlled by his mind. He is now a Level 76 soul sage elder, and he is also the backbone of a small-scale battle in Wuhun Hall.

Qiu Bin's words will not be false, but what Ye Chen didn't expect was that the battle came so fast that he was a little unexpected.

A golden light flashed in his eyes, Ye Chen raised his eyes and looked at the foot of the mountain, Tang San, who was about to accept the first test, hesitated in his golden eyes.

If you remember correctly, Tang San will become a god within a few years after accepting the Sea God's Nine Tests, and once he becomes a god, it will be a threat.

Now the timeline seems to have accelerated a lot because of Ye Chen's blending. In this way, Tang San's path to becoming a god may also be faster. In that case, why not...

A killing thought flashed in his heart, but it was quickly rejected by Ye Chen. For now, he and Tang San are still brothers, but even if they don’t kill, they can’t let them threaten his woman. Even if he wants to be sorry, that Ye Chen will definitely choose Bibi Dong.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen couldn't help but quickly swept to the foot of the mountain and walked straight towards Tang San.

"Ye Chen, if you have anything to say later, I will soon accept the test of Seagod's Light."

Dai Mubai said aloud, but Ye Chen didn't step back until Tang San followed and said, "Tang San, I thought for a long time. The problem between us really needs to be solved."

Hearing this, Tang San's eyes suddenly warned: "You want to kill me? I'm your brother."

"No, I just want to challenge you."

There was a fierceness in Ye Chen's eyes, he wouldn't be able to kill a brother, but if he was a waste person, he would be completely honest.

"Challenge? Xiao San is only level 60, Ye Chen, aren't you bullying people?" Dai Mubai stood in front of Tang San and stared at Ye Chen immediately: "Since you are confident, then the challenger, add How about me?"

"and also..."

"Wait, Oscar Ma Hongjun, don't participate, Ye Chen's strength is not what you can imagine."

Dai Mubai stopped Oscar’s help with Ma Hongjun. He also heard about the affairs of the Clear Sky School. How could it be that only two people of the 60th level can match, but he has the evil eye sage. The king's supernatural power can only fight Ye Chen.

"Well, you want to join. Welcome anytime."

Ye Chen, who had been struggling with this contradiction for some time, finally made up his mind when the battle started, that he would not allow anyone to threaten his woman.

Tang San turned against Xiao Wu, so don't blame Ye Chen for being cruel for Bibi Dong.

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