Signed to the goddess from Douluo

Chapter 168 Evil Eye Saint King? One sword is enough

You can search for the "Goddess Search Novels ( from Douluo" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The morning sun was splashing freely on the open space at the lower corner of Sea God Mountain. Ye Chen looked at Tang San and Dai Mubai opposite, with a trace of determination in his eyes.

There is still some time before the first test. At this moment, Ning Rongrong’s fourth daughter, Shrek and others, are quietly standing on the edge of the vast open space, surrounded by a large forest. Seahorse Douluo is standing on top of a giant tree, Hailong Douluo, Haixing Douluo and others who came after the news watched the battle that was about to usher in the open space together.

"A 78th-level soul sage and a 60th-level soul emperor will join forces to fight a 68th-level young man. This battle is a bit bullying."

Looking at the three people in the confrontation, a Starfish Douluo who looked like a teenager, and looking at the three people in the empty space with a little questioning, in the news he received, Ye Chen was similar to that of the Tang Dynasty, but Dai Mu Bai is five years older than the two.

If it is a duel, then it is really unfair to have more of this one.

"Hexing, don't underestimate the three brats below. Dai Mubai, who has the top martial arts white tiger, is the red-ranked eighth test, and the weaker Tang San is the inheritor of the Seagod's nineth test. Ye Chen, which you like, is only level 68, but do you think it would be easy for the person who inspired the Sacred Pillar Promise Ten Exam? Moreover, even His Royal Highness Bo Saixi has to personally forcibly teach. It's the most terrifying party."

Seahorse Douluo admired Ye Chen, but the strongest Sea Dragon Douluo not far away opened his eyes slightly and said, "No matter how talented it is, it is useless without practice. Just relying on level 68 spirit power. The cultivation base is against the two great geniuses, one of them is 10 levels higher than him, and the battle may not be as fierce as you think. After all, the difference in cultivation base cannot be small, and you must not forget the existence of Wuhun real body. "

Speaking of this, Hailong Douluo paused, and then stared at the Martial Spirit White Tiger with double pupils of different colors appearing behind Dai Mubai. He frowned and said, "I always feel that there is something in this child that I can't figure out. The power of this is so powerful that people cannot imagine."

"I also felt it. It seemed to be a mysterious aura stronger than His Royal Highness Posey."

The Starfish Douluo of the Control System muttered to himself, and then stared at Dai Mubai closely, as if he wanted to see it thoroughly.

I haven’t seen it for a while, an incomparable sword intent suddenly whistling tore through his mental power exploration, so that Haixing Douluo’s complexion changed slightly and turned his eyes to Ye Chen. In the middle, immediately revealed a shocked look.

"How is it possible, another breath stronger than Extreme Douluo has appeared."

As soon as Haixing Douluo's voice fell, a feeling of heart palpitations suddenly appeared in his heart, and immediately saw countless small sword intents spread all over Ye Chen's body, and immediately occupied the huge forest clearing.

Suddenly, that area was filled with terrifying dangers, as if as long as one stepped into it, it would be fatally attacked, which was shocking.

"Xeon Sword Domain, Ye Chen, can already threaten me."

In surprise, Haixing Douluo immediately made a different evaluation of Ye Chen, and the sacred pillar guarding Douluo beside him all looked at each other and secretly said in their hearts, how could this tester appear this time? evildoer.

On the open space, Dai Mubai and Tang San stood side by side, looking at Ye Chen slowly and said, "Go ahead, five years now, let me see how far you have grown, and whether I have caught up with you. "

Dai Mubai is considered modest, possessing a level 78 soul power cultivation base, which is 10 levels higher than Ye Chen, but he still believes that there must be some reason for the opponent’s soul power increase so slowly, true combat power. It must be an extremely strong group, otherwise, it would be impossible to make such a big disturbance in Clear Sky School.

But no matter what, his Dai Mubai was not in vain for so many years. After inheriting the power of the Evil Eye Saint King, he is no longer what he used to be.

Thinking, Dai Mubai roared wildly, "White Tiger True Body". After speaking, a huge Evil Eyed White Tiger appeared behind him. The dazzling divine light radiating from his body was clearly evolving towards the Evil Eye Holy King. Away.

In a short moment, his breath increased several times, and even the air became depressed, and his attack defense and strength were superimposed by a full 500%.

"Ye Chen, facing you, even if I inherited the Holy King's divine power, I wouldn't be the slightest despise."

The red and blue divine light on the surface of the body constantly resisted the suppression of the God's Sword Region. At this moment, Dai Mubai's combat power was completely beyond the ordinary title.

On the other side, a large number of dark red Blue Silver Grass Emperor drilled out of the grass under Tang San's feet and held it in the air. The fifth spirit ability Blue Silver Overlord Spear in his right hand exudes a little dazzling blue light.

Immediately, a stream of red killing domain and blue silver emperor domain suddenly surged out of his body, occupying an extremely small area in the resistance against Ye Chen's sword domain.

"Field assistance!"

Suddenly, Dai Mubai yelled, and the red and blue Saint King's divine light on his body immediately merged into Tang San's killing domain.

Immediately, Tang San's two domains were shrouded, and they immediately contended Ye Chen's God Sword Domain Chamber. Then, more than half of the vast open space was enveloped by it, forming a domain confrontation, but they were equally equal.

"Is this the divine light that the main god is still here? It really is extraordinary."

Seeing that his sword domain has been compressed for more than half, Ye Chen's eyes suddenly raised a vigilant look. His Master Lin Qi has fallen. Without the assistance of the light of the sword god and the god of the sword demon, Ye Chen is naturally at a disadvantage at this moment. in.Literature under the pen 2020

But it's not enough to want to beat it with just this ability.

Thinking about it, the blood marks on Ye Chen's eyebrows suddenly burst out of twisted blood, and then, in his eyes, there was also a raging scary blood, just a short time, Ye Chen entered a state of enchantment.

At the same time, blood filled the entire open space, and suddenly suppressed and reduced most of the two areas Tang San displayed.

This was not over yet, Ye Chen directly summoned the twelve-winged fallen angel martial soul, and immediately used his magical skills to resist, and a black fallen angel domain resurfaced, instantly suppressing the killing domain and the blue silver emperor domain that merged with the Holy King’s light It could only cover the small space of Tang San and Dai Mubai, almost disappearing.

"What a strong field, I feel that I will be bitten by resistance again before I start."

There was a smell of sweetness in his throat, and the Blue Silver Overlord's gun in Tang San's hand began to tremble sharply. Even within his own domain, the azure gun body was slowly cracking, and there were just too many cobweb-like gaps. Come.

At the same time, Ning Rongrong and others on the edge of the open space retreated 100 meters away, while the Starfish Douluo and Seahorse Douluo on the big tree also stepped back several tens of meters. Their vigilant gaze fully represented them. Unspeakable shock in my heart.

"With such a powerful domain blessing, I am afraid that even me will not be Ye Chen's opponent."

When Seahorse Douluo was frightened, the gaze that looked at Ye Chen became more and more admired. It is no wonder that even His Royal Highness Bo Saixi is eager to teach this boy. It turns out that this boy is already so strong. They are the guardians of the holy pillar. Luomen, I'm afraid that only Sea Dragon boss has the power to fight.

"We can't drag on, otherwise this field alone can drag us down."

Dai Mubai snorted sharply, only to see that the White Tiger Martial Spirit behind him had grown a bit more, and bursts of strong sense aura continuously emerged from his body, not like a mortal power.

Before Tang San could reply, Dai Mubai rushed to Ye Chen, and when he met, he shouted, "Holy King Meteor Fist!"

In an instant, the starlight mixed with divine power instantly appeared beside Dai Mubai who was jumping high. Then, the starlight turned into giant meteorites in the air, turning like real meteors, crazy Toward Ye Chen crashed away.

With the blessing of the Divine Power of the Evil Eye Holy King, those hundreds of meteorite meteors, carrying extremely distorted aura of destruction, have not yet fallen, the green grass on the earth has been evaporated by the powerful divine power, and the pieces are bare. The yellow earth also turned into scorched earth in a very short time.

Seeing this, Ye Chen didn't support it. Behind the Seven Star Demon Abyss, on the sword body, three black stars were also showing thick black light.

Immediately, the sword attacks blessed by the sword domain increased by 600%, and the Seven-Star Demon Abyss Sword in his hand immediately induced a trace of power to destroy the world.

And at the same time, the power of the 300% increase in the overall status of the Demon Realm not only improved his overall status, but also improved Ye Chen's soul power cultivation to an instantaneous level of 74 Soul Sage realm, and a large amount The majestic black energy crazily penetrated into the Demon Abyss Sword, and in a short moment, a roaring ferocious demon floated above the Demon Abyss sword.

At this moment, Ye Chen's aura had risen to the extreme. He hadn't seen any sword-swinging movements yet, but just glanced at the dense meteorite meteors coming over the sky.

Suddenly, the slash marks of the sword shadow appeared in the sky above the grass. Then, the instantaneous Demon Abyss Sword Array broke out countless sword shadows. When the sky burst continuously, the meteorite meteor light spot overwhelmed the sky. It was cut into powder by the violent sword marks all over the airspace, and the stars fluttered across the sky, as beautiful as raindrops of stars, but the meaning of killing in it was that the Seven Sacred Pillar Douluo on the treetop looked at each other.

"Isn't that majestic sword intent capable of instantaneous soul ability, is it the sword of the gods?"

Sea Dragon Douluo was shocked, and even expressed his own suspicion. Rumors say that only by reaching the realm of gods or comprehending the realm of gods can he instantly cast his spirit abilities, and Ye Chen's performance of spirit abilities has clearly exceeded the title fight. Luo has the level.

"This son is so horrible, he is considered modest by calling him a demon."

Seahorse Douluo swallowed nervously. Remembering that he had questioned Ye Chen before, he couldn't help but think to himself. Fortunately, the other party was open-minded, otherwise he was embarrassed by the title Douluo, who was only Level 92. It's a shame to be in front of others, fortunately, fortunately.

Seahorse was thinking, and there was a terrifying tiger roar from above the open space. When he looked around, he saw Dai Mubai whose spirit ability was broken with awe-inspiring expression. After he roared wildly, the huge evil eyed white tiger was behind him. , Sudden changes happened.

After the body swelled rapidly for a few minutes, the sides of the white tiger's body were suddenly twisted. Then, a pair of wide wings with white stripes stretched out from both sides of the twisted tiger's body, and the different-colored eyes of its martial soul, It is constantly flowing the amazing light of debut.

At this moment, Dai Mubai roared in a low voice, "Evil Eye Saint King, Rong!"

As he said, his back evolved into the martial spirit of the Evil Eyed Saint King, and the tiger's head suddenly grew and swallowed Dai Mubai with one mouthful. At the same time, the corners of the huge double-winged white tiger Saint King's mouth suddenly made a noise. Human-like voice: "Boy, do you know how serious the cost of calling me to show up is, are you sure you want me to take action?"

As soon as the divine voice fell, Dai Mubai's voice came from the Evil Eye Saint King Wuhun's mouth again: "There is the Sage King of Labor. Who can use this trick than me must be someone I cannot beat, please After that, Dai Mubai's breath disappeared completely.

And the huge Evil Eyes Saint King Double Winged White Tiger, staring into the red and blue eyes of the divine light, raised his eyes to Ye Chen and said: "A mere human, one claw is enough."

Hearing this, Ye Chen couldn't help but sneer: "To deal with your white'big bug', one sword is enough!"

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