You can search for the "Goddess Search Novels ( from Douluo" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Ye Chen's tone was not mad, and he came down to the Holy Beast King in the posture of a mortal, and he did not lose the slightest bit.

But his words "Big Worm and One Sword" were enough, but he heard Sea Dragon Douluo and Seahorse Douluo and the seven people trembled. That was the arrival of the Holy King, the true god.

Even if only the Fusion Martial Spirit appeared, it could not play much, but it was no surprise that the god was the god, and it was not something mortals could resist.

The Sea Dragon Douluo, who has a level of 95 Super Douluo cultivation base, also feels that he has no chance of winning against the real body of the Evil Eye Saint King Martial Spirit. Perhaps even more so, he can't even handle a single move. , After all, that is God.

Just thinking about it, a fragrant wind whizzed out from the Seagod Temple on the top of the Seagod Mountain. After turning into a stream of light, it came to the guardian Douluo of the Seven Sacred Pillars and stood in the air.

The graceful and tall body is tightly wrapped in a red robe, and the exquisite and beautiful body is undoubtedly displayed.

"What happened?"

Seeing Ye Chen underneath, facing the real body of Saint King Martial Spirit exuding the aura of gods, Bo Saixi couldn't help but ask aloud when he felt something was wrong.

"His Royal Highness, this challenge was proposed by Ye Chen. We also want to stop it, but there is nothing we can do right now."

Seahorse Douluo answered, but Bo Saixi's face changed slightly when he heard it, "He asked, will you stop it in advance? Why didn't you tell me when the incident happened? Is this how you manage Seagod Island? Is it?"

"Sorry, your highness, it's all my fault."

Seeing that Sea Dragon Douluo wanted to argue about something, but before he could say anything, he was held back by Sea Horse Douluo, and immediately all seven of them apologized.

At the scene, only Seahorse Douluo knew how good His Royal Highness Posey's attitude toward Ye Chen's boy was.

"Huh, after this matter, you can take the punishment yourself." Bo Saixi tossed his sleeves, his face cautiously said: "Ye Chen is the person who has chosen the Promise Ten Exams personally by the Seagod, and is the most hopeful to inherit the Seagod's position The successor of, if he doesn’t have any accidents, you don’t need to stay on Seagod Island anymore.”

After saying this, the scepter in Bo Saixi's hand violently emits monstrous blue ripples, layer by layer continuously, and in a short moment, the entire Seagod Island is enveloped.

Next, Bo Saixi stared at the battle below and said: "Ye Chen, don't worry about fighting, I won't participate in your challenge, but I don't want to see you have an accident."

After displaying his domain, Bo Saixi is always ready to help Ye Chen. She is invincible under the Divine Realm on Seagod Island. Even the Evil Eye Saint King Martial Spirit's real body can handle it, as long as the true god is not coming. , Then everything will be under her control.

In the forest clearing, after hearing Ye Chen's words, the Evil Eye Saint King Martial Spirit Real Body, which was tens of meters large, blinked the divinely flowing double-colored tiger eyes, staring at him forever.

That kind of look, especially on Ye Chen's Fallen Angel Black Wing and Seven Star Demon Abyss Sword, stayed for a long time, as if he felt familiar and kept looking at it.

Not long afterwards, the Evil Eye Saint King suddenly said in surprise: "Boy, what is going on with your martial soul."

Between the words, a monstrous coercion directly hit Ye Chen in a form visible to the naked eye. As soon as he touched, there was a pressure heavier than Mount Tai, and Ye Chen's feet were pressed directly on the ground. Eight centimeters.

"You talk too much."

A trace of vigilance flashed in Ye Chen's eyes, and it was not a good thing to be recognized by a god of his martial soul.

Immediately, the Demon Abyss Sword with a layer of silver and white cold light attached to his hand was slightly lifted by Ye Chen, and a pair of exquisite platinum patterned dragon horns appeared on his head.

Soon, the Demon Abyss Sword in Ye Chen's hand trembled fiercely, and the black demon shadow on it continued to roar at the Evil Eye Saint King.

Immediately afterwards, the Devouring of Divine Skills was superimposed on the Demon Abyss Sword by Ye Chen, so that the first black star on it burst out with violent black light that matched each other, and the accompanying plundering ability seemed to have been activated. The true strength, before fighting, is already faintly plundering some of the soul power in the Evil Eye Saint King's body, constantly strengthening himself and Ye Chen.

"A mortal, how dare to be arrogant."

The Evil Eye Saint King looked at Ye Chen's two-color eyes trembling, and immediately a bloodthirsty murderous aura poured out from his eyes without reservation.

"You damn it."

With words, the Evil Eye Saint King Wuhun's true body stepped on all fours, and his figure suddenly became blurred. Its shadow was everywhere in all directions, and as the white wings behind it vibrated violently, the surrounding airspace , And even the afterimages are invisible. The speed is so fast that they have broken through the limit of mortals. Even the first person under the gods, Bo Saixi, can only see the afterimages.

For a moment, Tang San, who was just about to do it, couldn't help but stop, and the red long sword that had just been summoned by him was secretly taken away by him.The first Chinese website

In the face of such a fierce battle, he also wanted to do his best to get a chance of winning, and his hole card was the red long sword.


Suddenly a few sword sounds came from Tang San's waist. After the divine consciousness blended in, Tang San suddenly looked at the trembling Asura Divine Sword in surprise. It seemed that such an abnormal movement was caused by some powerful traction.

Before he could find out the situation of the divine sword, a gust of wind slapped Tang San's face, and then he saw the twelve black wings behind Ye Chen slowly fanning, and every time they fanned, they brought a huge black color. Ripple, the meaning of stocks and stocks is not clear, and it is extremely uncomfortable.

"I said, to you, a sword is enough!"

Ye Chen's body was suspended in the air, and the fallen angel Black Wing behind him suddenly flashed into the room, and the powerful sword demon's divine power suddenly merged into the twelve black wings.

The power of the companion spirit is not just that it can be used at the same time. The fusion mystery is also a existence that Ye Chen hasn't penetrated, but the simple sharing of divine power relationship does not have any grudges.

At this moment, Ye Chen's Fallen Angel Martial Spirit was constantly absorbing the vast sea of ​​divine power in the Sword Demon God. When it reached the limit that Ye Chen could accept, the black wings behind it suddenly turned blood red.

With a slight vibration, Ye Chen's figure suddenly disappeared on the grass. At the same time, a soft drink came out from nowhere: "Time and space flow, reverse!"

As soon as the voice fell, the space within Ye Chen's three domains suddenly wrinkled and twisted, and immediately became like a quagmire, causing the almost invisible Evil Eye Saint King to reveal its figure.

"Rely on this? Want to trap me too?"

On the Evil Eye Saint King, there was a masterpiece of two-color light, and the muddy time and space of the reversal immediately appeared large cracks, as if it might collapse at any time.

But at this moment, Ye Chen's voice came from somewhere: "I don't want to trap you, I just want you to roll back to the gods."

As he said, a terrifying bloody devilish gas suddenly filled the sky, and immediately, a huge crack distorted from the bloody sky. After a while, above the sky, the scary monstrous cracks became more and more dense and short. In a few seconds, it was like the sky was split apart.

"Damn mortal, break it for me!"

The Evil Eye Saint King seemed to perceive something wrong, and he didn't hide anything at the moment. The divine power in his body was surging and frantic. In an instant, the earth cracked continuously, and the deep trenches almost exploded the Seagod Island.


There was a loud noise, and the muddy transparent ripples in the sky shattered and disappeared in an instant. The Evil Eye Sage King immediately exerted force on his four legs, and his wings approached a two-color divine power phantom that was more than ten meters long. The air was scorched and boiled, and it was even more revealing that small pieces collapsed, extremely terrifying.

"Is this the power of God? It is so amazing, just feeling the aftermath of the breath makes me feel helpless and desperate."

Super Douluo Hailong's face was disintegrated, his expression of frustration and despair was mixed with an ant-like breath.

The other six Sacred Pillar Douluo, who were inferior to him, shivered between the cracked sky and the collapsed earth, and immediately they all shut up. The titled Douluo did not even have the courage to speak. .

But what is amazing is that Ye Chen, who has not been seen in the sky, can come to the beast god alone in the realm of Soul Sage. How powerful is that monstrous combat power, wouldn't he feel afraid?After all, facing a true god.

As the seven people thought about it, the cracks in the sky suddenly shrank and condensed, and then a bloody broken sword that was as large as a hundred meters, slowly fell from the sky, every minute, the surrounding space would crack and collapse, if it weren't for the mainland The space is relatively stable and is constantly being repaired. I am afraid that the sky will be broken into pieces long ago.

At the same time, on the cracked ground, the divine power of the Evil Eye Saint King’s wings has condensed a divine power phantom of about 30 meters, and the surging divine light on it has increased it to the range of 100 meters. Wherever it passed, all the trees that had come into contact with divine power or divine light turned into yellow powder and covered a thick layer of ground.

"The tiger roars the sky!"

The holy king of evil eyes roared wildly in his heart. After kicking his four feet fiercely, the ground under his feet instantly cracked into a huge pit with a diameter of about 100 meters. Then, the fluttering huge narrow wings were drawn out. Two bright dual-color lights, cut straight towards somewhere in the sky.

And at this moment, the bloody broken sword that was exchanged and dropped, was also stimulated by the speed of Ye Chen's time-space current, and slammed into the huge white tiger with two wings.

And with the rapid sweep of the Scarlet Broken Sword, above the sky, layers of fragmented voids appeared one after another. From top to bottom, it was like a thousand-layer cake, the layers were broken and shattered, and there was a large aftermath of the dark void. Thousands of void storms blew up, and they attacked the Seagod Island below.

"Is this, the sky is falling? It's still a god!"

On Poseidon Island, an islander raised his eyes to look at the broken sky and the various void storms. For a while, the tableware in his hands fell to pieces with a sudden crash, but he could not notice it, but looked at the giant tremor of Gao Tian's soul.

When other islanders saw this scene, after a brief period of dementia, they also reacted, and immediately ran around in circles, all ran out of Seagod Island, one by one, regardless of life and death, they jumped into the sea to find a way out. It seems that there is only a dead end, and I dare not stay for a moment.

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