You can search for the "Goddess Search Novels ( from Douluo" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The voice of the system suddenly made Ye Chen feel new hope.

In the land of inheritance, after Gu Yuena’s injury healed, the task of signing her was completed. Now the system language also indicates that Bo Saixi has become a god, and the final sign-in task has been completed. Doesn’t it mean that he can left.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen couldn't help but immediately said: "System, start the world shuttle, I want to go to the next plane immediately."

Ding!The host command has been accepted, the world shuttle opens, and the next world plane: Fights Break the Sky!

Ding!Reminder: If the host leaves the Douluo Continent, the cultivation speed will be reduced to the initial speed of automatic cultivation, please pay attention!

When the last sentence of the system was finished, Ye Chen found that his body was quickly turning into a white light spot, slowly dissipating in the air.

Looking at the Douluo Continent for the last time, Ye Chen thought that there were still many things left to be dealt with, and the five great god kings didn't seem to have completely died, but looking at them, it would be impossible to return to the gods.

As for the Heaven Dou Empire, Spirit Hall, and Star Luo Alliance, he didn't know what it would become in the future. If he had the opportunity, he would definitely return to the Douluo world and put everything to an end.


A sword sound suddenly sounded. Before Ye Chen's figure was about to disappear completely, the great sword that struck him suddenly turned into a stream of light, and suddenly disappeared under the high sky cave, and disappeared together with the abyss trench of the original Star Dou Forest. Overhead.

After the war, Poseidon, the god of the sea hiding far away, couldn't help flying in the air, but when he saw the corpses full of gods in the abyss and the five god kings floating in mid-air with broken cores, he couldn't bear it. I took a breath, and Ye Chen disappeared. Such a scene of losing both ends is really embarrassing!

If it hadn't been directed against Ye Chen, his heir, maybe everything would not end like this.


He sighed deeply. In the core area of ​​the Wanli core of the ruins of the Great Abyss, the divine power that was so powerful that it could not be approached was frantically swelling. If it was not dealt with, the entire Douluo Continent would be swept to death by the divine power.

Poseidon didn't say anything, just waved his hand to lay down a barrier to prevent the spread of divine power, and left a hill-like stone monument on the edge of it, with three deep words engraved on it, called: Tomb of the Gods!

After handling everything well, Poseidon, the sea god, did not stay any longer, and immediately returned to the upper realm.

Now that the dragons in the gods have no leader, he must discuss the new rules with the remaining gods, otherwise, if he reappears in this scene in the future, he is really shooting himself in the foot.

What Poseidon didn't know was that after he left, many human powers and senior soul beasts all rushed towards the ruins of the abyss of war.

There are five great god kings and many gods' tombs where the dead gods slander the core, which are destined to become the new pursuit of all the creatures in Douluo Continent!


"Where is this? Am I dead?"

Ye Chen opened his eyes and found that he was in a small wooden house with no other furniture besides some tables, chairs and benches, and he was lying on a small bamboo bed.

I recalled that when I left the Douluo Continent world, the Kaihua Moyuan Qingtian giant sword filled with monstrous power also left with him, but at the moment he didn't know where he was going.

But Ye Chen was certain that since he was not dead, it meant that the divine power had not entered his body, otherwise Ye Chen would have exploded and died.

[Ding, the world shuttle is complete, and the target world has been reached: Fighting Break the Sky!

The sound of the system reverberated. After Ye Chen heard it, he couldn't help but immediately said: "Open the system space, I'll order something."

Ye Chen's complexion was very bad, because when he first thought of getting up, he was astonishingly aware that his body was exhausted, and the companion twin spirits had disappeared completely, and the original titled Douluo realm had dropped to the Great Spirit Master realm.

Such drastic changes made Ye Chen a little unacceptable. He practiced hard for more than ten years, and finally ended up like this?

Ding!The host repair base is too low, and the system space cannot be opened temporarily.

[Space is a self-contained world, and it is created by the power of the divine core, so if you want to open it, you can only wait for the host's cultivation base to restore to the level of divine power.

Hearing that, Ye Chen couldn't help furrowing his brows. He wanted to drive his divine power without a martial spirit. This cultivation level condition was not easy.

Thinking about it, Ye Chen suddenly realized that his mental power to approach the gods was still there, and immediately couldn't help but try to condense the spiritual body, wanting to enter the system space world.

"Huh? It succeeded!"

Ye Chen's mental body came to the sky above a sandy beach, and at this time, Gu Yuena, Bibi Dong and other women stood together and talked, looking anxious.

Bo Saixi, who had become a god, didn't know if he helped Ye Chen, and he was still talking to Bibi Dong at this moment.

The mental body trembled and twisted slightly, and Ye Chen's energy in his body was already lacking, and his body could not withstand such a high-intensity mental energy consumption.

Right now he no longer hesitated, and after quickly falling to the ground, Gu Yuena instantly came to his side and hugged him, only because of her mental body that she could not succeed.

"You are finally back!"

Looking at Ye Chen's figure, even Gu Yuena, who was calm by nature, faintly shed tears in her eyes.Wanbar Novel Network

Soon, Bibi Dong, Qian Renxue, Rong Rong Zhuqing and others all gathered around and looked at Ye Chen nervously. They all discovered that Ye Chen was just a mental body, but they all waited for each other well. Even though he was worried, he didn't make the scene chaotic. The playful Ice Emperor didn't rush to question.

Upon seeing this, Ye Chen couldn't help but chuckle and said, "I'm here, just to hug you. By the way, there are some problems with my current cultivation level, so everyone has to live here for a while."

"How is the situation outside? What about those gods, have they all gone?"

Obviously, Gu Yuena and other women are not most concerned about herself, but Ye Chen's situation at the moment. In the face of the encirclement and suppression of the gods, who can be safe from heaven and earth?

"It's okay, it's all resolved, and where we are now is a new world."

Ye Chen smiled slightly, and then briefly said that he had the ability to travel through the world plane, and then his figure began to violently shake and blur.

"Time is running out. When my cultivation base becomes stronger, I will come to see you..."

Before he finished speaking, Ye Chen retreated from the system space. After that, he lay on the bed incomparably empty, panting for breath.

The cultivation base was too low, and the mental power was too strong, this extremely unbalanced state made Ye Chen a little overwhelmed.

However, at this moment, the mechanical sound of the system suddenly rang from his mind.

[Ding, detect that the host's energy is exhausted, whether to extract the armored martial arts, absorb and recover.

Kaihua Wuhun?

Hearing this term, Ye Chen suddenly said: "Absorb!"

Hearing that, a blood-colored small sword symbol suddenly appeared from Ye Chen's eyebrows, and immediately a familiar force burst out of it, which would restore him to his peak state in just a moment.

"My martial soul, is it still there?"

Touching the little sword between his eyebrows, Ye Chen couldn't help feeling a little happy. Isn't that familiar divine energy his own power?Although the Martial Spirit of the Fallen Angel was destroyed, but with the Demon Abyss Sword, wouldn't his cultivation still exist?

[Ding, the Wuhun after Kaihuan no longer belongs to Wuhun. It has become a weapon of the host, just like the Trident of the Seagod. It is also obtained by the Kaishi Kaihuan's own Wuhun, and it becomes permanent. Artifact.

The systematic answer made Ye Chen understand a lot. At the beginning, in order to defeat the five great gods, he did not hesitate to transform two kinds of martial arts, and then he defeated the opponent, the fallen angel was destroyed, and the remaining Seven Star Demon Abyss Sword, Has it become a real weapon?

Thinking, Ye Chen stretched out his hand, and the familiar Seven-Star Demon Abyss Sword suddenly appeared in his palm, but there were only six black stars on the sword at this moment, but the Sword Demon God’s core contained the energy that destroys the world. But when it just appeared, the whole wooden house was rippling and crumbling.

Ye Chen hurriedly put away Demon Abyss, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Although Wuhun turned into a divine weapon, but with the Demon Abyss sword, he didn't have to cultivate for so long, and everything was still worthwhile, at least his situation It's so much better than the five great kings.

"Boom, Ye Chen, come out quickly, it's our turn to watch the night tonight."

There was a knock on the door outside the house. After Ye Chen got up, he couldn't help but open the property page of the system introduction.

Name: Ye Chen

Age: 24 years old

World in: Fights Break the Sky

Cultivation: Great Soul Master-Six Star Fighters

Identity: Outer disciple of the Xiao clan???????

Looking at the light curtain information in front of him, Ye Chen couldn't help but wonder about the identity of the final system arrangement. Outer disciples could understand, but what did so many question marks make?Isn't this his true identity?

Shaking his head, after Ye Chen walked out of the hut, he saw a simple and honest man beckoning from him with a smile, and the two began to patrol the Xiao Clan at night.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ye Chen also began to observe the distribution of the Xiao Clan. Now his cultivation base is too weak, he still has to be careful, especially this identity full of question marks, which makes him have to be vigilant.


Suddenly, a door opening sound caught Ye Chen's attention. His mental power was so powerful that even if he didn't dare to use it all, he still keenly sensed something wrong in the inner courtyard.

"Hey, Brother Chen, why did you stop? Let's go quickly. After visiting the mansion, we can have a good sleep."

The honest man wanted to leave after speaking, and Ye Chen didn't want to cause trouble, but when the door sound rang again, he made him look again at a well-decorated house in the inner courtyard on the right.

Right now he said what he had heard, but the honest man shook his head in disdain and said, "Who dares to break into our Xiao Clan in the middle of the night? In this city of Utan, our Xiao Clan is this.

The honest man gave a thumbs up, smiled and left, and Ye Chen also thought: Yes, in the middle of the night, isn't it strange that these two abrupt door sounds?

Thinking of this, Ye Chen walked to the exquisite house and immediately frowned after unfolding his mental power.

Covered by powerful mental power, in the house late at night, a little girl with great looks and temperament is sleeping soundly. She can see the beauty of the city at a young age, but at this moment, she touches her bedside... ..

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